Organized Girly Toys…Barbie Included!

Jun 30

Hope you had a great weekend and are gearing up for a fun, relaxing 4th of July celebration! I’m on vacation all week, but before I left town I tackled a few areas in the house that were driving me nuts. Nothing drives me more insane than those teeny tiny toys. Especially Legos and girly dolls / accessories. We needed a containment system in Natalie’s room for her variety of dolls and their accessories, but it had to be simple because she’s 4 and still learning how to pick up.
I’ve been working on the little details in her room, slowly adding wall hangings, window coverings and new bedding. As I worked in her room I discovered newly available real estate in her closet and 2 bottom dresser drawers. She and I spent one morning together going through all of her girly toys and Barbie’s. We sorted and purged together. Then we put it all away. In her closet…

Yup, everything is up high meaning she needs to ask for a bin. Why, you wonder? Well, these pieces are so small that one or two bins is more than enough to play with at any one time. Should she get ahold of the entire inventory….I shudder to think of the mess. We’d be back to square one.

Anyway, I found these pretty bins at Target…

We filled these with her small dolls…

Their accessories…


And horses…

I also discovered these smaller bins at Target…


These work well for containing clothing…

And her newly budding Strawberry Shortcake collection. We don’t have a lot of these yet…

In 2 larger bins I put away her Calico Critter doll house furniture, animals and their clothing. She hasn’t been playing with these nearly as often so I contained them all together in 2 bins…

Then, I used my favorite compartment organizers to organize the teeny tiny doll house items…


Now you can see why I keep these up out of reach. My vaccuum loves me now!
With the smaller doll items organized and put away in the closet, we used the 2 bottom dresser drawers for her Barbie doll collection…

And I used a few Ikea drawer organizers to sort Barbie clothing, accessories, horses and shoes…


She is obsessed with Barbie these days and this appears to be much easier to pick up at the end of the day. That’s why I left these within reach. She loves opening the bottom drawers to play on her bedroom floor.There is nothing more challenging to organize than small items like this…and a variety of them, too…but this appears to be working well so far! Be sure to share your doll organization ideas with all of us in the comment section!

Have a great day!!

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comments +

  1. I LOVE this. It looks great. I love how you separated the barbie clothes with Ikea bins. That's such a great idea!

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