25 Days of Elf On The Shelf: Days 10 – 16

Dec 17

Back with my second installment of 25 days of elf on the shelf. The kids have enjoyed waking up each morning to see where Freddie landed after his flight to/from the North Pole. He continues to make them smile each day.

On day 10 we had a sick elf to nurse back to health. My 8 year old came down with a bug that seems to have taken over our school – high fever, followed by a tummy ache and cold-like symptoms. Then made its way through the entire house – ending with mommy!


Someone’s been naughty!

Have to admit, pretty good decorating job with toilet paper!


Freddie felt badly about his toilet paper mess, so on day 12 he brought each of the kids a new ornament to hang on the tree. As a tradition, each year we give the kids a new ornament…typically something they are interested in. For example, my 8 year old’s ornament is a football player, my 6 year old received a scooby-doo ornament and my 2 year old received a ballerina ornament. This idea worked out well…Freddie did the shopping for me!

He even left an apology note…


With all my gift wrapping and party supplies set up in the office, Freddie found some fun construction/birthday zone streamers and used it to rope off the bedroom where the boys sleep…

Was surprised they didn’t tear it down upon waking up the next morning. Instead, they left it up all day and night, crawling in and out of the room via the small opening close to the floor…

Freddie sat nearby trying to camouflage himself…

No such luck, dude! We seeeeeee you!!

The kids were curious to know why the construction zone tape said “birthday zone”. They found out on day 14….
Freddie has a December birthday! So fun to celebrate with him…thanks for cuing us in, Freddie!


Everyone gathered around with party blowers and delicious cookies…



Still not sure how old he is, but was fun to celebrate after dinner that night…

This weekend Freddie not only shared his great coloring skills, but brought a few coloring books for the kids as well…





The kids made a gingerbread house…out of real gingerbread. Smells amazing! But that scent was too enticing to keep a sugar addict away…


Caught in the act!…


Hope you enjoyed – will share the final installment next week!

comments +

  1. Nadia says:

    Sam, of course how can you not address the situation, any mother would understand your need to.. Also, your child is an angel, I'm sure it was very difficult for you to have to defend and protect your child like that. I feel there was no need to… don't worry too much and enjoy every second with your children!

  2. Colleen says:

    These are such great ideas!! My favorite has to be the sick Elf! so cute. where did you find the coloring books? I also cannot wait to hear about the caddies. I must have!!!!

  3. Chloe West says:

    So cute! I love all of your elf on a shelf ideas!

  4. Amanda says:

    Hehe, such a short guy did a great job tp-ing the tree!!

    Hugs to you. My sister has schizophrenia, and you just want to yell, They're people just like you and me. They're not monsters! It shouldn't even be us and them so to speak, we're all people, we all have different issues and different struggles. We don't know why some people have mental illness and some don't, but we have to trust there's a greater purpose and plan we don't understand. Not trying to start a debate so I'll just end it with that. 🙂

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