Through my turnkey process and customized plans, I deliver beautiful and sustainable organization solutions that add order and calm to your busy life. 

recent decluttering and organization projects

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If you have an under stairs closet, I’m going to step out on a limb to assume you are intimately familiar with this situation. You know, that angled wall / ceiling with no shelving to be found. AND therefore you have a huge pile of items sitting on the floor. Yes?… These are the spaces […]

Closet Organization

Add Storage In An Under Stairs Closet


This husband and father of two daughters has never had a closet of his own. Until now. And man, is this closet worth the wait! They moved out of their home for a whole house renovation, which took just about a year. When the interior framing was set, they had me swing by to see […]

Closet Organization

A Closet for Him


In case we haven’t met, my name is Sam and I’m most often contacted for help with challenging organizing scenarios. And this garage included one of my biggest puzzles to solve in a while. One of the three walls I designed had many wall obstructions, including conduit that sticks out about 1″ from the wall. […]

Garage Organization

How To Install Shelving Around Garage Wall Obstructions


Honest answer: Are you sick of seeing Elfa installs or edits around here? Hopefully not too ill because not only do I have these two from last week, I also have several new designs installing in the coming weeks. Promise you, when it comes to organizing, I am way more than just an Elfa girl…and […]

Closet Organization

Yet Even More Elfa Edits



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Bay Area, California