Simple Blog Organizer/Notebook – with Martha Stewart

Aug 21

Along with getting my home office organized and the kids ready for back to school, I’m focusing in on all things blog organization. And not only the blog….But my future organization business plans as well. When the kids are back in school, I’ll have some (much needed) precious alone time to work without a bajillion interruptions.

Mom’s out there – can you relate?

I’ve shared my blogger’s binder in here previously and it has worked hard for this old lady…

It’s worked so well that I’ll be keeping the binder as a blog reference/storage tool. in the meantime, an upgrade was overdue. Enter Martha Stewart’s discbound customizable notebook…

sooooo much prettier than that blogger’s binder, right?

I’ve never tried a discbound notebook, but must admit….I’m loving this option. I’m currently using the small discs…

However, should the notebook get snug (kinda like my waistband. hey, it’s all this stress eating!), you can grab some larger discs to expand…


The notebook comes with a helpful 4-year reference calendar…


Now that you’ve seen the notebook, let’s talk deets!

To organize the sections of my blog organizer/notebook, I used Martha’s discbound planner pockets and discbound plastic dividers. I can’t share the inside of every section because of personal information, financial info and highly confidential future blog topics, but I’ll share the inner details of a few.

My first section is a blog calendar. I couldn’t locate a discbound calendar for the 2013 – 2014 year, so I improvised with a free printable calendar…

i found these pretty calendar sheets right here. all i did was print out a couple months and pop them into the clear planner pockets…


This calendar will help keep my weekly posts organized, so I know what i’m doing on what day. I’m hoping this calendar keeps me motivated to talk about bigger organization topics I’ve been wanting to share. I find if I put something down in ink…on paper…and see it in front of me, I’m more apt to dig into the project. I’ve been wanting to share all about my first house in orange county…Yup, I’ve been mentioning it for the last 2 years! Well, it’s on this calendar now. šŸ™‚

The next section is topics…

The contents are top secret (not really), but I do have to keep some surprises in here. Just know the list is very very long. I used the same process in my old blogger binder, but I work off of that main topic list. Once I pick a project from the “topics” section to narrow in on, I start to detail it on paper in the “current projects” section directly behind it.

For example, this week of Martha Stewart back to routine is detailed out like this…

Am I the only one that doesn’t want to write project details on paper? Just me? Ok, you just confirmed IĀ am certifiably insane. I can handle that title.

Sometimes (read = all the time) when I’m writing out the hopes, dreams and details of a project, plans change. So I cross it out or erase it a zillion times, causing the paper to look so awful I have to start from scratch again. Looking at a messy, wrinkled, scratched out project list gives me hives. Told you – crazy girl over here (pointing at myself). Instead of mussing up a beautiful sheet of paper, I use post-it notes, as seen above. It works well! trust me!

iIm sure, if you’re even still here, that you’re shaking your head saying, “suuuuuure, trust the coo-coo girl…”. While nodding your head and rolling your eyes. Right?

Moving on…

For the current project section, Martha offers these awesome discbound task pads…

just pop one in…

and you have a built-in shopping list…Or whatever kind of list your heart desires…

The task paper sticks up a bit so you can quickly access it…


Wondering how I have the remaining sections organized?….


Want more details?….

* the deadline section holds details about projects with just that – a deadline. these tend to be projects like giveaways, where the vendor has asked me to write about their product by a certain date and have the giveaway end by a certain date.

* the design section holds my hopes and dreams for a future blog design look. yes, I’ll be leaving the google platform at some point (cringe). in the meantime, this is where I keep notes about and photos of blog looks I love.

* the maintenance section holds details about cleaning up the blog sidebar…And anything i’d like to change up, remove or add to the blog as it currently is on the google platform.

* my business section is where I’m keeping hopes, dreams and plans for my future organization business here in the Bay Area. excited!

That’s my new simple blog organizer/notebook! do you like? I love!!!

With my newly organized desktop, I love sitting here and digging in to work…




Happy girl today…

Happy girl in love with her new organized blog notebook!…Did I already say I was in love?


This discbound notebook isn’t just for blogger’s…the ideas are endless! If you organize a notebook of your own, you better come back to share it with me – I’d love to feature your project! xoxo

Off to work on tomorrow’s post! Have a great day, friends!

comments +

  1. Okay, I'm in love too!!! This binder is AMAZING! I love post-it notes too, I use them allllll the time at work and around the house.


  2. Melissa says:

    Ahh I love office supplies!

    I love the idea of a discbound notebook- I have never heard of such a thing! I've only used Martha Stewarts regular notebooks but I love the colors and designs she uses!

    I need to start a blog organization notebook, I am finally starting to have information I need to keep in one place! Thanks for helping to get me started!

  3. And I thought I was the queen of organizing! You have me beet.

    Love the binder!


  4. Sara and Dan says:

    I totally, 100% get the post-it notes on paper to keep things neat. šŸ™‚ I am right there with you! These are such great products, aren't they?? I use a large discbound notebook for house projects and the small version with the calendar insert as a planner/baby book – my kids are 2 and 4, but I like to keep notes of cute things they say, stuff we do, challenges, etc.

  5. AWorkingMom says:

    I really like this. Can you see the disk bound getting annoying? I like the flexibility of being able to have it grow as needed. Another question- Are expanded calendar pages an option in this format? Do you know?

  6. paigeshannon says:

    I love using the post it notes! I also have a martha stewart disc binder – in both sizes! I love her stuff and I hope to win your giveaway. Love your blog!

  7. Pippi21 says:

    I want some of thos MS task pads but it appears they are only made for discbound planners? I love those pads..Might have to buy me a pack and see if I can't duplicate them for a 3 ring binder. I'd like to look at the discbound binders in the store. Have been looking at YouTube videos on these and they look like they would be easy to use, so I'm still on the fence about which to choose until I see them in person in the store.

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