Free Printable: Weekly School & Activity Planner

Aug 19

The truth is, as kids get older, their schedules become more complex. Long gone are the days when everyone was on one schedule and life was easy breezy. This year I have children heading into middle school, 4th grade and 1st grade. My 4th grader is at a different school, on a different schedule. I’m not the mom that over-schedules my kids, so we don’t cram in a lot of activities at once. But they do have after school commitments they must be a part of, like therapy and tutoring. With everything to keep track of, I’ve given some serious thought as to what I need in a planner for the kid’s schedule. One they can see and one that works overtime for me in my efforts to keep it all together.

I’ve played around with a design and settled on a version that’s been working very well. Like, really well! And I know it will work for you too! 

Meet my Weekly School & Activity Planner…

simply organized weekly kids printable

While at first glance it appears basic, it’s totally rocking my World.


Here’s how!

Since my children are on a different school schedule (more on this in another post), I needed a spot for “school hours”…


Their school schedule is enough to make me lose my mind. My 6th and 1st graders are on the same schedule; they go to school from 7:50 – 2:50 and have early release on Monday – my 4th grader goes to school from 8:30 to 3 and has early release on Wednesday. Since they attend 2 schools, teacher work days, minimum days, conference weeks and holidays vary greatly. That’s why the “school hours” were important for me to track. If you have any combination of grades in your home, you can relate! Especially with pre-school and kinder generally having minimum days or early / late start times compared to older elementary grades.

With school hours listed, I left the rest of the daily box open to add those after school activities. Here’s a real life example of this week for us…


My middle guy headed back to school this week. They were released at 12 on Monday, 2 on Wednesday and 3 the rest of the week. He also has therapy after school. My oldest, while not in school until next week, had tutoring most days. My youngest didn’t have anything…lucky her, she zig-zagged all over town with me in the car.

But here’s a glance at next week…


#notscared #justsorta

With everything going on, this printable totally simplifies it. It also helps me see when and where I may need a sitter / driver / friend to help me out. Not shown here is MY schedule, which is in my planner.

To make client scheduling easier, I did add the kids school schedule to the very top of my weekly calendar spreads. That way I’m not booking someone on a day a child isn’t in school or making a full day appointment when they have a minimum school day.

Other calendar tips:

* I am posting it on the side of my fridge for the kids to see.

* I’ve sometimes made a photo copy to keep in the back of my planner.

* I’ve snapped a photo of the calendar with my cell phone to view it quickly while out and about. This has been helpful at back-to-school nights and volunteer meetings.

* You can print many copies, 3-hole punch and create a binder planner for you or your children. Or you can pin many weeks to the side of the fridge or in your command center / mudroom.

* As I do in my planner, I add sticky notes to the printable for important things details. For example, my daughter is starting her very first season of soccer next week. Her coach e-mailed a list of items required for practice. I jotted it down on a post-it and stuck it to the side of next week’s schedule…


If this printable is speaking to you, good news – it’s yours for free! I’m offering this printable when you sign up for my weekly newsletter…

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If you’re already a subscriber, just e-mail me and I’ll send it your way!

Look forward to hearing how you’re using it and if it’s working for you too!

simply organized weekly kids printable

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