The 2017 Home Organization 101 Challenge and Companion Book

Dec 30

It’s a New Year! Are you ready to organize your home into a simple, functional, happy environment that enables every family member to thrive? I’d love to be there in person to help each of you get organized. But the next best thing is joining my friend Toni’s Home Organization 101 Challenge starting January 7th. I’m thrilled to share Toni’s Challenge based on her incredible book, The Complete Book of Home Organization. It includes all 14 weeks of the Challenge (plus a bonus week). The 2017 Home Organization 101 Challenge and Companion Book is going to be a game-changer for you!

Do you remember last year when Toni’s book was released and I shared it here with you guys? She VERY KINDLY included me and a garage project I organized in the book…

tips about getting your garage organized

Featured in The Complete Home Organization Book

The beauty in this book is that it’s a challenge already organized in one place. You can revisit each and every New Year! What I personally love about her book is that it’s broken down by zones. When I have a client who needs their entire house re-organized, we operate in a similar fashion – going space by space, zone by zone. It’s not all tackled at one time because not only is that exhausting, it’s not sustainable. Sure, I could come in with a crew to help me and get it done in a week. But how will we learn about maintenance? By working in each and every space, little by little, you’ll get the work done, feel successful and stay motivated to keep going!

The 2017 Home Organization 101 Challenge and Companion Book

The 2017 Challenge will begin January 7, 2017. Over the next 14+ weeks, Toni will challenge joiners to get their homes in order. Together, she will guide organizers to weed through everything! The paper piles and mountains of clothing and bins of toys, while donating and recycling as much as possible to effectively organize their homes.

Here’s a couple tips for getting started on the Challenge:

  1. BE PREPARED by printing out the free schedules and checklists on the A Bowl Full of Lemons blog. Make sure you have enough trash bags, bins and boxes. Get lots of rest and be ready to focus!
  2. GET THE COMPANION BOOK, “The Complete Book of Home Organization.” It isn’t very often that I can wholeheartedly recommend a book on home organization because, well, I’m picky. If you’re looking for an easy, simple, straightforward book on home organization, though, there isn’t a book I would recommend over this one.
  3. GET AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER. Don’t try to do this Challenge alone. Ask a friend or family member to join you or at least give you support. Make it a fun event!
  4. JOIN THE 2017 HOME ORGANIZATION CHALLENGE FACEBOOK GROUP for helpful tips, photo-sharing and inspiration.

Toni’s book offers storage solutions, cleaning tips, space-saving methods and expert strategies. This wonderful book is packed with tips and shortcuts you need to finally make sense of the clutter. Gain control of your environment and life!

Be In The Know

Whether you live in a small apartment or a large, messy home, this book – and the 14+ week Challenge – covers it all. If you’re ready to de-clutter your living space, organize your storage areas and keep your home – and life – in tip-top shape, then this is the Challenge for you!

The Complete Book of Home Organization covers all 30 main areas of your home, including:

  • living room
  • dining areas
  • bedrooms
  • bathrooms
  • guest areas
  • baby and kids’ rooms
  • utility spaces
  • garages
  • entryways
  • offices
  • patios
  • decks
  • closets
  • pantry
  • pet areas
  • holiday and keepsake storage
  • and even a sewing and/or craft area

Toni knows that organization includes life systems that help us manage our everyday tasks, such as weekly menu planning and schedules. I have a lot of respect for Toni and love her attention to detail. She gives step-by-step instructions, detailed illustrations and handy checklists that will help you say good-bye to a messy, cluttered life and wasted storage space!

I hope you will take the time to consider if this is YOUR time to finally become the master of your universe. Join Toni in her 2017 Home Organization 101 Challenge! Yes, it will take time and effort on your part, but following her system will make it SO much simpler! You will have the added enjoyment of gorgeous pictures and helpful tips and checklists to make the process as easy as possible. The final result will be a place that you and your family love to spend time together and that makes your whole life simpler. And that, my friends, is PRICELESS!

2017 Home Organization 101 Challenge

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