Home Update: Outdoor Patio Demo and Progress

Jun 18

Nearly one month ago, I shared a list of home improvement projects I was working on or hoping to tackle this summer. Am excited to share some big updates! The more this particular space progresses, the more excited I get. Can’t wait to finally have an outdoor patio space large enough for lounge chairs, an outdoor table, pretty lighting and more. And you can guess I can’t wait to have this large area of dirt finally finished off as well.

In my previous post, I shared this space with you…

With only weekends available to work on this, it’s moving slower than I’d like. Especially because it’s summer and the kids are out of school. But what can you do? Progress is progress. Over one weekend and a few random weekdays, the brick was being pulled up and we started leveling the dirt…

New Outdoor Patio

The extra dirt has been scattered around the beds along the back fence line. That area was in need of dirt anyway. With everything leveled it was time for some framing and creation of paths…

How To Demo Brick Patio

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

Because this area was flooded for most of the winter (we had a big rainy season this year), we tapped into one of the french drains and will have new drainage on the patio to keep it from happening again. Yay!…

Empty Dirt Turned Into An Outdoor Patio

Prepping for Concrete Patio

It was starting to take shape a couple weekends ago. And you can see the trim around the beautiful redwood trees…

Brick Outdoor Patio

Trimming Around Base of Trees

Outdoor Patio Build

This past weekend progress was really made – even in 100 degree temps!…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

My concrete contractor is amazing! He has great ideas and is so patient when I add my additional ideas. For example, the previous step out from the living room french doors was brick. The brick was blazing hot in the summer…and it was all set in sand so I was going to be resetting it anyway. But I had the idea of making it all concrete, instead of just rebuilding the brick. He was on board 100% and even thought about additional concrete trim to tie everything together. This picture explains it pretty well…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

The big boxed in area will be a new step out from the house…and we’re going to bull nose the concrete to give it a nice soft edge.

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

It’s no wonder the previous brick was so uneven. It had been sitting in sand for years…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

The path you see on the right will be brick and larger space on the left will be concrete…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

Going to be so beautiful!…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

Just me or do you also find these lines heavenly?…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

Am sure it’s just me – ha!

Progress has been made in the soon-to-be garden area of the yard too!…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

Looking forward to a much less dirt-filled yard, but am grateful for the chance to update and improve this little house. It’s certainly come a long way in 4 years…

How To Build An Outdoor Patio

The ideas for outdoor dining and lounge furniture are flowing and as usual, wasn’t really feeling pressured to pull the trigger on anything. Like with anything home related, I love to take my time, research all the options, read all the reviews, etc. Outdoor furniture can take a real beating so I want to invest wisely. However, I was at my local Pottery Barn a few weeks ago and was stunned to find this beautiful outdoor table on sale for 40% off! I was able to use my designer discount to treat myself to even more savings on top of the sale price (did you know I can do that for you too!?)…

Unfortunately, the armchairs weren’t available but I did purchase 8 regular chairs that will do just fine…

I have a feeling these are popular enough that one day those armchairs will be in stock again. In the meantime, these will do the trick for entertaining.

The store was having a great sale, so I also purchased a couple new chairs for the front porch. The old set had seen better days. I purchased them on sale from Target while living in Arkansas so between that extreme weather, a move across the country, and 4 years of weather in this house, it was time to move on. I grabbed 2 of these which will be delivered soon with the table…

Ahhhh, so looking forward to a comfortable chair to relax in while watching the kids play in the front yard!

Finally (and I’ll share more detail about this soon) the screened-in patio screens were replaced a couple weeks ago. Looks amazing and love the new door…you know, the one that isn’t hanging off the hinges anymore – ha!…

The concrete should pour this coming weekend – Yay! Expect a post about that too! The concrete truck can’t drive up the front driveway due to its weight, so we had to rent an extra long pump to pump the concrete to this back corner from the street. Omg, this will be a site and definitely something I’ll photograph.

So, there’s my update! A whole lot of progress since just one month ago. Going to take a few more weeks to wrap it all up and the concrete needs to set before the table can be delivered. But I don’t even care because you guys know I enjoy the process. I may overthink every last detail and make changes during along the way, but that’s the fun part of home improvement, right?

Oh, I have an idea for a super easy outdoor lighting DIY project that I’ll be sharing too! Can’t wait to see if this is something I can actually tackle on my own. Dying to pull out some serious power tools over here!

Hope you’re enjoying a relaxing weekend!

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  1. Tiffany says:

    Exciting progress! I love all your posts, but the ones of projects at your home are always my favorite!

  2. Amanda says:

    Awesome!! I am adding you as one of my must follow blogs!!! I love all the home and organization stuff ????????????

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