Simply Done: Unpacked & Organized

Oct 8

Now creeping into one of our top requested services = unpacking and organizing families.

And I L O V E it!

We all love it actually. Me, the entire team AND the families who hire us.

Helping busy families unpack, clearing the cardboard and packing material (in an environmentally friendly way), and setting them up to be organized from the start – it makes a huge impact on the lives of busy, exhausted families. I know – I just moved myself. And I’m obsessed with making sure everything is space planned to maximize space BEFORE they even consider adding closet systems or cabinet / drawer organizers. No organizing items are allowed to be purchased until it’s all unpacked and there are obvious gaping holes or issues where something is necessary.

Last month we helped the most adorable family of 6 unpack their new home. This family has 4 little girls under the age of 6 … so… they busy. Very busy! And I can not begin to explain how precious these little girls are. I already suggested that if 1 of them went missing they would know where to find her. But really…will they miss 1 little girl? They have 3 others!!

I’m kidding, of course.

But fell head over heels for this family – and mom specifically. She’s incredible!


white and marble kitchen

On day 1 we spent about 6 hours alone just unpacking and space planning the kitchen. Turned out beautifully!


On day 2, me and a team of 7 additional organizers (!!) came in and literally took over the house. It’s the first time ever I’ve managed 7 organizers under my direction. It was an exciting but stressful day, as you can guess. Not many photos were taken as our main objective was focused on unpacking and getting them settled….and getting out of their hair so they could chill out / live in their new spaces / have a nice family meal.

I broke up everyone into teams and we unpacked all of the bedrooms, closets, bathrooms and more. Only space we didn’t touch was the playroom and garage – playroom was pretty well set up and the garage…let’s say I’ll be back for that space soon! In general the garage is the last space you want to organize after a move. It’s a bit of a catchall until you’re a bit more settled.

While my team was busy in their spaces, I was sequestered to the master closet. It was a big challenge and took me all of our 6-7 hours to get it done…but it turned out beautifully. So pretty in fact that she cried when she saw it. It melted me completely!


Here’s the closet before…


Using a few key solutions, I was able to make the most of this space and get them completely organized. I also repurposed a few of their own items from their previous home. Maybe down the road they can plan out a new master closet. Until then, they can rest assured no extra money needs to be spent right now…and there’s a space for everything!

( hanging organizers )

They have 2 bedroom dressers on order. But until they arrive, her husband needed a space for all of his folded items. These hanging organizers are awesome as a permanent or temporary option. AND you can always repurpose them in a coat closet, playroom, laundry room or children’s closet.

His shoes had previously been organized in these drop front boxes. She liked them stored this way because of his habit of simply kicking them off on the floor. We added just a few more to make it all symmetrical. And I will always keep organizing in line with current habits…

Meanwhile, her shoes and purses found space on the floor and up high. I added vertical space with these great stacking shelves

Amazing transformation for a small investment!…Once again, the before and after…

And when all was said and done – even the moving boxes found a good home = they will be useful for someone else in their move…


If you saw a product you loved or think will be useful in your own space, here’s the full list…

Hanging Organizers

Stacking Shelf


Shoe Organizers

Hope you’re having a great start to your week! We’re already in our first round of parent-teacher conferences with half days all week. How are we already into October? I know, I keep saying it but the clock needs to slow down!

Back soon guys!



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comments +

  1. Maggie says:

    You did a great job! Getting everything out of those boxes asap is so important.
    I helped a lot of family members unpack these past few years and I loved that work. If I ever need a career change, I know what kind of business I’d like to start 😉

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