Life Lately: May Happenings

May 22

May is always a busy month in our home, but this year it’s even busier. It’s a good type of busy! A highlight yet to occur this month is my daughter’s 8th grade graduation. She’s been at the same school since Kindergarten – it’s going to be SO strange driving away for the last time next week. *tears*

Between now and graduation day there’s all sorts of events. And I’ve been invited to do a lot this month. You guys know I don’t often shop but May is definitely a month of the year I find myself looking for things to wear. There’s always a lot happening, the weather is improving and you know how it goes…you “never have anything to wear!”. ha! (I’m sharing a few recent clothing additions this month throughout the post today)

Other happenings this month besides our graduate include the digital course launch, Mother’s Day, my birthday (a big one!), concerts, Giants games, a visit from my sister, dinners, walks with friends, lunches, and more. Oh, and Nova’s first haircut. LOL!!

So, what’s been happening…so far??…

I kicked off the month on May 1st with the launch of my digital course. The course was available to purchase for about two weeks. It took SO MUCH out of me, but I learned a ton throughout the entire process. I’m marking it as a win for creating it, launching it, going live as much as I did…and overall simply getting through / surviving my first course creation and launch experience.

To celebrate the launch, a few friends took me to dinner and a concert. Lots of cocktails that night…even if it was a Wednesday – lol!…

The band was NeedToBreathe. Had never heard their music, but it was a great show and super fun night with friends I hadn’t seen while living under a rock for 4 months creating that course…haha!…

The weather was absolutely perfect. I wore this SUPER comfortable dress with a jean jacket and sandals (not shown in the photo)…

( dress | jacket | sandals )

The dress is very soft and comfortable.


If the Giants are in town on Mother’s Day or my birthday, it’s a tradition that we go. This year they were in town…

If you’ve never been to our ballpark, it’s a must-see!…

This was one of my gifts from the kids…

( giants sign )

And a gift for Nova too…

Three days later, we returned to the ballpark because the Dodgers were in town. IYKYK.

While we may have lost the series, we DID win the game I attended so…at least I had that…

You may be wondering the same thing. … yes, a Dodgers fan does live with me…


I’ve been listening to Luke Combs since 2016. His music has gotten me through MANY gym sessions over the years. Couldn’t believe he had enough fans to sell out Levi…but also not hard to believe. When I heard he was coming to the Bay Area I joined a wait list to buy tickets. I purchased them back in August on the day I was driving my oldest to college. It was the perfect birthday gift to myself because the concert landed on my birthday weekend.

Was SOOOOO excited to finally see him! He performed Friday and Saturday night. Lucky us, we went Saturday and below you will see his two special guests…couldn’t believe!…

( tank | jeans | similar boots | jacket | bag )

With two of my longest and best…don’t want to say “oldest” 😉 …

Such a great concert!! And especially when these two hit the stage at the end of a song…


Really can’t believe I’m 50. I’m not just saying that to say it. I definitely DO NOT feel like I’m 50. And I wasn’t emotional or anything heading into this number. Instead, I’m feeling hopeful and looking forward to this new chapter and decade. Putting a lot behind me and only focusing on my life ahead.

I was completely spoiled by my kids and their dad – dinners on both Sunday and Monday nights, amazing gifts, thoughtful notes (my kids did a top 50 mom favorites list – I cried!), my favorite chocolate cake…. Really really special celebrations I will not forget…

On the morning of my birthday, I gathered a few friends for a walk to kick off the day…

And my sister spent the night. Grateful for a sister!

The morning walk wasn’t enough for me, so before my birthday dinner I knocked out my first ride on the Peloton in my 50s…they didn’t skip a beat in updating my age range…lol!…

Still more to come this month but wanted to share a few highlights…and thank you for letting me do so. I like logging memories here on the blog.


Finally, I had to share this Nova update…

Hers is the best kitty! And needs a post all her own. Still haven’t shared the story of finding her and surprising the kids on Christmas Eve 2022.

Nova’s a ragdoll and recently her hair has been coming out in chunks. She’s not losing it, this is all normal stuff. She’s still a full, fluffy girl. But it was definitely time for a grooming session. In the last few months she’s been struggling to groom herself and this resulted in lots of big matts / knots of fur in spots around her coat. I found a great groomer and this was the result of her first haircut…I thought it was hysterical when the groomer kept her hair and asked if I wanted to keep it as a memory of her first cut. I was like, girl….there’s hair all over my house! I don’t need more of it – lol! And especially NOT this pile…

Can you even?

We are in love with this girl…

Hope you’re having a great Spring guys! Back soon with another post!



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