Simply Done: Organized Primary Closet

Aug 2

Organizing any space in your home does not require a big spend on bins or containment. Your first step is always decluttering and then assessing your overall space to see how we can create zones and order with what you have. This closet is a perfect example of just that!


This sweet and busy full-time working mom of two contacted me for help with her cluttered closet. A few years ago when they moved in, The Neat Method helped her organize this closet so we already had a couple bin options to work with.

All she needed was a little decluttering and space planning by way of creating zones.


One of the first things I did was to zone all of her coats and jackets in the hanging sections behind the door. The door swings in and that corner isn’t the easiest to access since you have to step into the closet and close the door to get to anything back there. The jackets before were taking up two entire rods of hanging space in the first section to the left. We organized this closet at the beginning of summer. NO ONE is looking for their puffy winter vests right now!

We zoned pants on the lower left with casual tops above, followed by her long hanging items in the next section over. On the right side of the closet she has her jackets as well as dressier tops.

We organized all of the shoes along the back wall and left corner. Hats up above and then re-purposed her existing bins to space plan what she grabs most often vs what needed to be placed inside the drawers.

The drawers are excessively deep – 12″ deep to be exact. Socks, underwear and bras didn’t make much sense in drawers that deep but we worked with what we had and it all came together beautifully!

( canvas bin )

I’m not a huge fan of the tapered bins as these waste quite a bit of space, but they came in useful and we zoned / labeled them all right here. If you like these bins you can find them here.

In about 5 hours the closet was totally transformed and she can now see and find it all! And easily put everything away.

Organizing starts with decluttering and just using your space better. Don’t worry about running out to buy bins or containment. And especially not until you know the amount of space you have and what you’re containing.

Have any plans to organize around the house this weekend? It’s officially August! Back to school season is here and am sure many of you have decluttering, organizing and new systems / routines on the mind!

Back soon with more guys!



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