I’m Sam, a Certified Professional Organizer® from the Bay Area, California and I’m so glad you’re here! This blog is the heart of what I do. I absolutely love combining beauty with function to create homes that are simply organized, and I want to teach you how. Discover home organization tips for real life and learn how to declutter, design and create an inviting space.
It’s go time!
Happy Monday! It’s a new week and a great day to finally introduce you to my brand new website / blog! I can’t even believe this! I am head over heels in love with this new online home of mine. Have you seen the colors?? And my new logos?? Yes, I actually have a logo […]
Hello everyone! Have I lost you with the white noise over here? Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted and have tremendously missed blogging. Truthfully, what’s kept me from posting is that I’ve been spread a bit thin lately. Between client bookings, a speech I was preparing for (which was delivered yesterday – phew, that was stressful for […]
Hey everyone! Welcome to Simply Organized on WordPress! Wow, what a week! And why was I so emotional saying goodbye to my old blog? It was like I sent a child away to college or something. I found myself moping around the house on Monday when the process began…searching around like a lost soul. I was […]
Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great weekend! Not going to lie, life has been a bit on the insane-crazy-drama-happy-exhausting-draining side over the last few weeks. I got away this weekend for the wedding of a very close family friend and it’s just what I needed. Seeing my framily (yes, that’s a word), letting go, […]
While attending the Haven Conference in Atlanta a few weeks ago, I sat in on a branding workshop…which by the way was hugely popular. Forget about standing room only, there were folks standing and sitting on the floor in the back of the room. It was an incredibly informative session with 3 of the sweetest […]
…and you’re coming along, every step of the way! No, *I’m* not moving. The Simply Organized blog / site is finally moving from Blogger to WordPress! I’m having a mix of emotions about the move, but my excitement trumps everything. Here’s a few feeling bullet-points… ** I’m comfortable with Blogger and it’s easy-to-use format / […]