project winterize: mommy’s closet

Dec 8

welcome to part 2 of….

project winterize!

remember in part 1 when i said while tackling a big job i like to knock out the toughest part first? hummm, when i was halfway into my closet, i was thinking i should have started here….instead of in the boys’ closets. ha!
wow! i had created quite the disaster to deal with.
noooooow, i’m not going to be too tough on myself. in my defense (read = excuses), my daughter has a cold so there hasn’t been a whole lot of “free mommy time” this week to put away my clothes – let alone shower! also, this weekend my husband and i went on a quick overnight trip with friends…and the suitcases were still in the closet…unpacked.
*sigh* it’s always something.
point is – my closet is looking pretty awesome today after this much needed clean-up/re-org! so i’m going to share these before shots and then quickly put the visual of the before OUT of my head. 😉
ready for some before shots? here is the view in before…

my side of the closet before…

i know, i know. there are no words.

and here was the floor…

just for fun, because i love him so much – here is my husband’s side of the closet = always perfect!…

i’m not jealous or anything.



i was SO ready to get to work in there. i grabbed a ladder and our shepherd’s hook…

i found this hook at The Container Store when we moved into this house…

it was a must have item because of this 3rd rod on the top of each side of the closet…

first thing i did was empty the suitcases and pull them out of the closet…

second, i put my summer shoes into shoe boxes and placed them up higher in the closet.

just for fun – here is my favorite shoe purchase from the summer….

on any given day you can find me wearing either flip flops or Ugg boots. i am not a big high heel person, although i do own my fair share of heels. this summer while on vacation i found this beautiful pair of wedge sandals. i thought they were the perfect mix of flip flop and a *little* heel. and they are SO pretty on!

bye bye pretty wedge! gave them a kiss and tucked them until next summer.

after sorting and boxing up shoes, i quickly went through my entire hanging wardrobe to find anything for  donations. then i did the same thing with the clothing on the open shelving. and finally, i did the same thing with all of my drawers on the right side. getting those donations out of the closet first allowed me to see what i was keeping and help me decide how to put everything back together.

here i was after sorting – about halfway through the job…

was looking much better already!

next up was the cabinet above my drawers…

inside the cabinets i keep sweaters that i don’t want hanging or exposed to dust. and there is a shelf with my jewelry and small handbags…

sorted through the sweaters and placed them back inside…

the final job was going through this shelf….

i don’t recommend storing your jewelry that way! no wonder i never wear jewelry = i can’t find it!

spent quite a bit of time sorting through all of my jewelry, with some help from a certain 1 year old girl. there were quite a few pieces i never wear anymore or don’t see myself wearing again – those went into the donation/garage sale bag.

after i was done sorting, here was my newly organized shelf!…

amazing improvement!

and where exactly is all of that jewelry?

i have owned this jewelry organizer for about 10 years. what i love about this organizer is that it hangs with the rest of your clothing and, more importantly, allows you to SEE what you own. which means you’ll wear it more often and can coordinate it easily with your outfits….

(by the way, this wouldn’t be great for only jewelry, this item can be used for hair clips or crafting. the possibilities are endless!)

this was tucked back in the closet for a while. i knew it was there and intended on making better use of it. just needed to make the time to do that. and yesterday i did…and i’m so glad. here it is now….this side has the jewelry i wear most often…

nope, i don’t own a ton of jewelry (or clothing, in case you didn’t notice that too – haha!), but at least now i can see my jewelry. and maybe i’ll wear it more often! there it is, hanging front and center …

as if i needed more positive results – the fact my closet looks so amazing is a huge positive result – i located several items for return, which equates to more money in our bank account…

trash, recycling and a new bin for re-purposing…

and look at this bag of garage sale items!…

i’m super happy today! not only is my closet organized, but i will be making money with those returns AND i’ve thinned out my closet and removed several things. enough to fill a large trash bag.

love that!

and here is the final result…

*ack* – you can see the floor!…

am so happy with the end result! it felt so great walking into the closet this morning. i could see everything and the items i wanted to grab were within reach. all of my summer clothing is away and warm, winter clothing is easily accessible.

back tomorrow with the 3rd and final installment of project winterize – our daughter’s closet!


(i linked up with Thrifty Decor Chick)

comments +

  1. Nadia says:

    Wow ou have a lot of Tiffany Jewelery!! <3

  2. Nadia – i have some Tiffany pieces…many items are just secured in their great little soft bags. i love those bags for keeping items safe and clean! 😉

  3. Tracy says:

    I love your closet.

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