15 or less: kids linen closet

Dec 6

i’m finding i have less and less time this month to accomplish any *real* organization projects. am sure it has something to do with the fact i haven’t finished our Christmas shopping…let alone even thought about getting to the post office to ship gifts to family and friends.

hummmmm, guess i should wrap those gifts before sending them, too. ha!

and then there is our Christmas cards sitting here waiting to be addressed.

the list never ends! it will all get done. my daily motto this month has been “one day at a time”.
anyone with me?
this morning instead of spending my morning doing laundry, cleaning the playroom, tearing apart a closet….i spent time catching up with a friend i had not seen in a few months. what a nice break from my usual routine! we had coffee, chatted about everything we’ve missed in each others lives, and laughed. it felt so good to laugh!
since i didn’t have a whole lot of time left over after coffee and before carpool, after feeding the kids lunch i decided a small 15 or less project would at least make me feel like i accomplished something. no matter how small, every little bit counts!
during yesterday’s part 1 of project winterize, i found myself with a large stack of baby/small blankets. after sorting through what i was going to donate, here is the stack i decided were keep-worthy…
these blankets didn’t have a home, which is why they were living on the top shelves in each of the boys closets. figured it would be a good idea to find them a new home….maybe in the boys linen closet. seems like a better space, right?
their linen closet is inside their jack-and-jill bathroom. the top cabinet is for towels and other bathroom supplies….

the bottom cabinet is for sheets, blankets, and pillow cases….

it’s a wonder those blankets were living somewhere else! would be a good idea for me to quickly go through the closet and purge anything the needed to go. actually, i wasn’t sure if i had anything to part with, but i did!

*we recently bought the boys a new set of warm flannel sheets (on sale at Target for $16!). that meant i was able to set aside the old set for donation.

*i found the duvet cover for our old guest bed tucked way in the back. that one went into our garage sale pile.

*i found a sheet for the pack-and-play. that was never used. tossed that into the donation pile.

*and then i made some tough choices about pillow cases. i kept the cases that had a matching sheet set, but the rest of them = into the garage sale pile. generally when i change their sheets, i am grabbing the pillow cases that match the sheets. so why was i keeping the other random pillow cases? time for them to go.

once everything was out and sorted, i put everything we were keeping back into the cabinet. muuuuuuch better!!!…

it was a small one, but it did make me smile to see that final result. and it only took me 15 minutes to accomplish!

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