pantry – progress update

Feb 15

our snow day on monday and tuesday’s make-up valentine classroom parties has thrown my weekly plan into a bit of a tailspin. i’m playing catch up and it’s only wednesday! but you won’t find me with a sad face – although small ones, i still managed to have some organization success this week.
i located some great deals for my pantry organization project this month. i have been spending any free moment (not many of those!) i have searching high and low for the perfect pantry baskets. it’s safe to say i have seen every basket known to man. baskets come not only in a wide range of sizes, but also prices. and wow, can they get expensive!
after all of my internet research, it turns out i was able to find great pantry baskets at our local hobby lobby – and for 50% off this week!…

there are 8 baskets in this photo – 3 are nested inside a few. excuse the *flashy* photo, but i wanted to share the basket color and texture. i love these!…

i love that they have handles on the sides and a low-profile, in case i choose not to create labels. and again – 50% off this week! i spent less than $50 on EIGHT great sized baskets! most of the baskets i was drooling over online were around $20+ for ONE.

additionally, i found a great wall stencil for the pantry. originally, i thought about purchasing a cutting edge stencil, but then i happened upon this pretty design at hobby lobby. it’s $16.99 and, because it wasn’t on sale, was able to use a 40% off coupon! yay!…

a better look at the actual stencil…

i’ll be using paint we have on hand to complete this project. so, the paint is free.

i’m trying my best to keep this project under budget. in addition to the items above and items i purchased a few weeks ago, the only thing left is to locate bins for containing flour, sugar, bisquick, crackers, etc. i’ve seen many of those and think i have a good idea of the brand i will purchase (lock & lock), but if you have bin recommendations/opinions to share, i would love to hear about it! again, these are one of those household items you could spend a lot of money on. but i know in the end the containers will be worth it and will last a long time. so i don’t really mind spending a bit more.

the wall stencil will (hopefully!) go up this weekend. it’s a 3-day weekend and we don’t have too much on the calendar. no reason why i don’t see a little paint in my future. 😉

happy wednesday!


(i linked up with org junkie)

comments +

  1. CC says:

    I never thought to check Hobby Lobby for organizing supplies like baskets! I don't know why, since I love that place. Thanks for the great ideas. Can't wait to see the pantry when it is done.

    • hi CC! thank you for the nice comment! i know!…i love to spend time in hobby lobby. i could spend as much time in there as i do inside target. haha! however, the other day i went along without children. that was pretty dangerous – BUT i was able to see how much more they had to offer. i love that stencil – and with the coupon it was such a great deal! can't wait to get the pantry whipped into shape and share it with you!

  2. I don't know if I have the patience for a stencil project. My sister just bought one similar to yours at Micheal's for more money. She had her bathroom done in no time, so I might need to enlist her help if I find a space to stencil. I wish I had a pantry!

    • Hi! Yes, the stencil definitely takes patience. I finished the pantry wall last night, but there is now a whole evening of touch ups and filling in the details. But I will say, I am so glad I did it. It looks amazing!!!!! I may need to see what michaels has to offer next time. If there is a next time! Haha! Sounds like your sisters stencil job was easier than mine 🙂

  3. I have never heard of cutting edge stencil, but what you got looks really pretty.I may have to go and check out Hobby Lobby. Cannot wait to see your progress, I am working on my kids playroom and loving this challenge. Good Luck

    • Hi! Thank for for coming by from the challenge! I am anxious to see your playroom. I love a good playroom transformation! And the challenge is great, you're right. It's definitely motivated me to get my behind in gear and get this pantry organized! The stencil is up and looks amazing. But was not without many frustrations – corners and small spaces! But I do love it! Thanks again!!

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