bathroom drawers

Feb 8

besides the playroom and kitchen, the next most lived-in space in our home is the master suite. our bedroom includes the office, our bedroom, bathroom and closet. here is a view of the entire length while standing in the office…

our bedroom…

and then into the bathroom….


{this master suite is a total luxury – we know. we are beyond grateful. this is a great house in an area of the country we never thought we would live. not in a million years. since we are living here, we are thoroughly enjoying the space – as long as it lasts, that is.}

the cabinets in the bathroom are wonderful and create the space needed to house all of my personal items, with room to spare. but as with the rest of the house, having more space means more opportunity for things to get out of control and disorganized….

just how disorganized? have a look at what was the state of my bathroom drawers…

i told you – it was pretty bad! why had the drawers reached this awful state? number one, i’m a busy mom and when i do actually spend time getting ready, i work as quickly as possible. most mom’s out there reading this are likely nodding in agreement with that statement. most of the time, all 3 kids (or some variation) are in the bathroom with me. secondly, our 2 year old loves to tear the drawers apart. mainly the make-up drawer because she loves make-up brushes.

besides the disorder, the other goal of tackling this mess was because we spend so much time as a family in this area of the house. there were a few unsafe items tucked away in the back of the drawers that needed a new home. preferably somewhere high and out of reach.

the situation was bad and it was time to focus my attention on this area!

what did i need for the re-organization process – clorox clean-up, some old rags, drawer liner, and several inexpensive plastic drawer organizers. how inexpensive? i purchased all 7 of these white plastic organizers for less than $4. thank you, walmart!…

i also needed one of my household cleaning BFF’s – our oreck handheld vacuum…

and finally, a trash bag for what i hoped would be a successful purge!

first, i vacuumed the drawers…

then, i gave each drawer a good spray of clorox clean-up. i let the clorox sit in each drawer for about 1-2 minutes to help loosen anything sticky…

this liner was the perfect width for the drawers…i didn’t even plan on that happening!

next, i cut the liner to fit inside the drawer…

then, i placed the white organizers inside to configure them they way i wanted….

what is so awesome about the drawer liner? not only is it going to prevent stuff from sticking to or staining the drawer bottoms, but it keeps the organizers from sliding around when you open and close each drawer. we tested it out with the help of 2 year old hands = the organizers didn’t budge! the sticky, rubbery consistency of the liner works wonders!

finally, i loaded up the organizers.

on the left side of my counter…this drawer has make-up, make-up brushes and other beauty tools…

next drawer down has ointments, make-up removers, make-up brush cleaners, body scrubs, and nail supplies…

the bottom drawer has misc lotions/supplies as well as bath supplies…

on the right side of the counter, the top drawer has dental items, my daily face products, and hair brushes…

the next drawer has my hair bands and hair electronics…

and the bottom drawer has my travel toiletry bags and travel size products…

it felt unbelievable opening the drawers this morning while i was getting ready. everything is clean, organized and in its place. i knew exactly where to grab in each of the top drawers, which are the most utilized. it was a great way to start my day – with a visual of clean and simple organization.
have you recently cleaned/re-organized your bathroom drawers? have you found any organization solutions that work great in bathroom drawers? share with us! it’s tough to organize lots of little things, like those found in a bathroom. all you need to do is find the system that works best with your style. and as i shared above, it doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive!
{i linked up this project with Delightful Orderpositively splendid, remodelaholic, i heart organizing}

comments +

  1. Heather says:

    I need to do this in my bathroom! Your master suite is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • hi heather! thank you for stopping by! yes, my bathroom drawers reeeeeally needed it too. i encourage you to do the same. thank you for the sweet compliments on our master suite. thank you!!

  2. claudia b says:

    this is so awesome Sam! I love your master suite, seriously — I think I might give some drawer liner love to some of our bedroom drawers too!

    • hey claudia! how are you doing? thanks for stopping by. i need to head back over your way and follow you! 😉 thank you for the comment and compliment. we are loving the difference that drawer liner made. our little "you know who" has been busy banging the drawers open and closed and everything stays put. 😉

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