Color Me Confused

Jun 13

Color me crazy would be more fitting.

This paint topic has me on the brink of being committed. Yes, I realize there are bigger issues in the world. And I’m exaggerating. but paint isn’t an easy topic. Thank you to those that have given me support and empathized or offered your paint colors too. So helpful!
After sharing my last round of colors (still love them all, by the way), I headed to our local Sherwin-Williams to grab a few more samples that were on my list….
Again, can’t express enough how different these colors look once you buy the sample and see it in person…As opposed to seeing it on a paint chip or in a photo online.
Here are the 5 samples I tried this go ’round…
*Softer tan, mountain air, sleepy blue, shoji white, and accessible beige.
Funny enough, softer tan was the trim color in our old house. Seeing it on this board makes it look very tan…
But have a look at it in the old house. This was my daughter’s room.The trim and door is painted softer tan…
Looks like a light cream to me. So different!
And if you can believe this, the family that bought our old house….They painted the entire inside of the house softer tan. Yes, my heart sorta broke into a billion pieces when they told me. They even painted all the kitchen cabinets softer tan. My black and cream glazed cabinets are no more…

quick side-note: I’ve gotten to know them a bit. That’s the beauty of living in a small town – where everyone knows everyone. Sweet family and so happy they love the house as much as I did. They’ve even invited me to come see the difference inside. My heart isn’t ready for that yet, but before the move I will definitely head over to check it out. Maybe they will let me take some photos to share in here. And they warmed my heart when they told me “how organized I was”. And in the next breath asked if  I could come over to help them get some spaces organized. How weird would that be? Of course, they don’t even have to ask twice. I’d love to help them. 

Anyway, I’m sorta interested in seeing softer tan painted throughout a home. Might finally help me make this agonizing decision.
Moving on, I’m considering these 2 blue colors for the boys rooms….

Love the blues here, but I worry it may be too much blue when you factor in their navy beds….
Or maybe I can paint the beds???See how my brain works.

Finally, there are these 2 gems…
I read about shoji white over the last couple years and loved it, but accessible beige popped up in the sherwin-williams store. It was in the HGTV paint color section. It has less of an orangey undertone then the other light tans and greige’s I’ve shared. It really is….Well….An “accessible” beige. Sorry, had to say it! 🙂
Here’s a couple shots of shoji white in a home…
 I appears most people use shoji white as their trim. As in this bathroom. The wall color is wool skein, but the trim is shoji…

really love this color combo as well. And since I’m trying to brighten the home interior, am leaning toward these lighter white shades now for the main living areas of the house instead of a greige. But if I  go with this shade of white throughout the house, I can make the bedrooms fun with a little more color.
Do I sound like a nut case?Good. Because this is exactly what I think of myself regarding paint these days! So you just re-affirmed my fears.

One last note, I finally decided to cave and accept the offer from our painter to meet with his “colorist”. He refers crazy people like me to a color professional that helps choose your perfect paint colors. At first I was worried about meeting with her because I envisioned a hefty $500+ bill for her time. But in fact, she only charges $100 for 1 hour. After speaking with her, and sharing my current paint color ideas, she said we shouldn’t need more than 1 hour together. So, I’m going for it. I think paying her $100 to confirm colors I like, when she’s the expert, and I’m living halfway across the country when the walls are painted…..Sorta gives me some peace of mind.
Hope you’re having a great week everyone!

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  1. I painted my mom's cave in Accessible Beige and in my room it reminds me of beach sand. I do like it though.

  2. Carol M says:

    I used a colorist to help me with paint colors a couple years ago when I was tasked with transforming our entire house from "builder's white". I was not confident to pick colors on my own and it was totally worth the nominal fee. You won't be sorry. Good Luck!

  3. tinab158 says:

    I would totally use a colorist to choose paint colors, especially for an entire home. My choice would be Maria Killam…she is, without a doubt, The Bomb of the colorist world. Here's a link to her blog, I have learned so much from her about paint, undertones, etc.

  4. Becky says:

    I just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for posting this! I found your blog from google as I was researching paint colors for my new kitchen cabinets. (We are just about to start a remodel) You are so smart to test colors out on larger swatches! Thanks a million,


  5. Fran Donavant says:

    What color did you end up with. We’re considering Softer Tan.
    Thank you

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