Keeping It Real: My Home Office

Apr 17

You guys sick of hearing about little tweaks made in my home office? Back in August, I shared my first update since move-in. And since, I’ve shared little bits here and there about the office and about my various binders.

So, you guessed it, here I am again with yet another change / update!

I’ll be honest, whenever I make a tweak, it’s for the better. Always. I notice an issue and need to fix it immediately. For example, my home management binder….

Love it and am still using it, don’t fret. But it was getting too heavy and cumbersome. I had so much crammed into it that it was killing my shoulder in my work bag. I was also lugging around my blog notebook and my blog binder…

I needed to sort out the contents a bit so I wasn’t lugging around passwords to every single thing known to man…while I was out in public. Duh.

Another reason for the office tweaks? My little organization business is getting busier and I needed to got on top of that deal. And all of the home projects are piling up again. Several are wrapping up, while others are beginning…but it was all a big jumbled mess. I accidentally (?) paid a property tax bill late. That mistake cost me $500! Ugh! I basically have so much going on day to day – blog, business, kids, home, and more – that I needed to revisit how I was keeping it all contained and organized. When I get that annoyed feeling each time I sit at my desk, I know something needs to give. And when I get annoyed walking to the master bedroom, which is on the opposite wall from the office…

It’s difficult for me to walk past this space in the morning and at night and not be annoyed or frustrated when something needs improving.

Yesterday, I spent just a few hours doing some office tweaking and hope this will do the trick.

Bah – famous last words!

A few months ago (yes, I said months!) I took the dive and bought a few of the Better Binders from Staples. I’ve been hearing about them for a long time…

Yup, grabbed them a few months ago, lined them up all pretty right here….and there they sat. Until yesterday that is!…

And dare I say without sounding like a complete dork – it really is a better binder!

I also scored these beauties on sale at Target a few weeks ago…

12 pretty manilla folders for only $1.28!…

And 3 sets of full adhesive post-it notes for $1.10 each!…


Love a good deal on office supplies!

So let me show you around my newly updated home office…


I’ve chattered enough here on the blog about the Martha Stewart Wall Manager, but I really love this system…

I changed out a cork board on the far right for more file space. Now I have interior home project files / topics…

Exterior home files / topics…

And a spot for business-related items….

Right now I am only able to work with one customer at a time (in real life), so the pink folder contains everything related to that one job. It’s hidden in the back to hide the client’s identity. Recently, I was hired to write about organization for a local mom’s-group monthly newsletter. It’s a huge tri-city group here in the Bay Area and I am thrilled to be on board! But, it’s yet another reason to stay on my organization game because we write 2 months in advance – so this month, I am actually writing for June’s newsletter. And I am now super proud and fired up to share that I’m a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO)….as well as my local SF NAPO chapter. So excited!!! Needed a spot for those papers, as well as local meeting dates and contacts. Excited!!

Nothing really changes here. Have a little spot for pens, pencil sharpener, glue, tape, pins, etc…

On the left side of my computer sit these new pretty binders…

I’ve broken them out into the following; passwords, blog, home and finance. I also have my blog notebook tucked away with this stash. That notebook contains dreams and blog topic ideas. The binder contains the business side of blogging, along with my schedule…

More supplies…

And my home management binder, which contains my cherished calendar for all things everything, sit right here front and center…



Still head over heels for my Crib Springs Turned Pinboard

Below the crib springs, I created a small printing center…

The printer used to sit on the desk, taking up far too much precious space. Now it sits on it’s own little shelf. Below it I have extra printer paper, ink cartridges, and other medium-sized office supplies like my hole punch and paper cutters.

This board, which is an old white board that I painted white, now keeps all of my sponsor, giveaway and affiliate info in order…at least the stuff I need to see in my face day to day…

Below it, I’m still using the 2 rolling drawer carts for things like envelopes, manilla folders, sheet protectors, and more….

My new shredder is also tucked away over here. Don’t forget to enter to win that giveaway this week!…

I also needed a little spot for things like this…

These are upcoming sponsored posts and giveaway info….excited to share! Wait until you see what’s inside that black box. Love it!!!!

The office shelving hasn’t changed that much since move in. The baskets work like a charm to keep it all together…

To be filed, incoming mail, receipts….

Blog reference material, recipes to try, items to scan, photos to file….

And I have a few school / therapy / home inspection report binders tucked away in the desk…


Now, don’t be fooled…all that glitters isn’t gold, my friends. This back wall. It’s killing me!…

It’s at the top of the stairs when you walk up here and it. annoys. me. to. no. end. To see everything here day in and day out? Ugh!

My plan is to have closing cabinets and I need a flat workspace. I want to get creative here and am planning / hoping to find something on Craig’s List or at a local consignment shop or goodwill. Something I can make my own. Clearly, I’ve been spending a lot of money around here and it’s time to think frugal for a while. Eventually, I envision this office space being completely built-out…something that looks custom built, much like the master closet. But until then, I have to do what fits in the budget and what will help calm my organization nerves. And I have the height in here to work with…

I’d love to ditch the rolling drawer carts and get all of that stuff put into drawers and cabinets over here. Along with everything else. Honestly, this isn’t even everything. In the garage I have boxes of photos and scrapbooking stuff and books and completed scrapbooks. Just need somewhere for it all to live and be easily accessed.

Yes, you’ve now seen my dirty little home office secret. And yet another fun project on the to-do list.

But you’ve also seen my newly update office tweaks that are going to help me function more efficiently.

And I hope I’ve helped inspire you to keep updating and re-visiting systems in your home that may not be working for you. No harm in making your life easier! I’m far from perfect…and I’m always happy to make changes and learn from them.

Have a great day!


comments +

  1. Your office looks great! I'm so jealous. When we had our second we had to give up the office to make a nursery. So now my office consists of a small corner in the master bedroom. Oh how I miss an office.

  2. Kallie says:

    You've inspired me to go do something about my organizational systems (not) going on in my office! I think an old buffet would be beautiful and functional at the top of your stairs. It would be pretty when you first come up. You could easily stage the top to be pretty, but inside could be totally functional! With a picture or some such above and maybe even tall baskets underneath? I'm picturing one that is longer with spindly legs. . . . just a thought!

  3. Maureen says:

    Play like a champion today 🙂

  4. Love your honesty in showing the good (MOSTLY GOOD!) and the "bad". You really do make everything "simple" to execute and I feel like even I can get organized. Thanks!

  5. Denene says:

    I love your office! It's so inspiring. I have wanted those leaning shelves for ages. This is inspiring me to actually buy some. I just moved and am slowly building my home office. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Crystal says:

    I love all the Martha Stewart office supplies. I have the same ones and LOVE them. Love your office!!

  7. I wish you could organize my house. I have no work space. It's annoying. Have you thought about looking on craigslist for armoires? (Those tv cabinets) they are so similar in style. A couple of those would look great. And be so inexpensive.

  8. Rachel H says:

    Looking good! Cant wait to see what you find for the back wall. Im sure it will be spectacular

  9. LoriU says:

    Wow I love the desk and printer area, but mostly I am loving that shiny wood floor!!

    Have you seen the website She shows how to build cabinets yourself and I think she even will help you along …

  10. Ruby says:

    You definitely have a lot of patience in organizing, Samantha. It’s not easy to keep a room this organized, especially since it looks like you have a ton of stuff in there. Anyway, it’s wonderful to see your new office space. Somehow I’m jealous and wish that I could keep up my office room like this. You even have a new shredder. It’s really a must to have, in my opinion. It lessens the chance of having so much clutter, and it's very handy when it comes to disposing of confidential document that are not needed anymore. Have a great day!

    Ruby Badcoe @ Williams Data Management

  11. Your blog is amazing. Amazing!
    I've recently become a homeowner and now that I have come off the retail high of making things pretty, I'm quickly becoming better acquainted with Washi tape, spray paint and basically everything Target! I don't usually read blogs from Pinterest links, but let's just say that I've been on your posts for thirty minutes! Great inspiration here, thank you!

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