Back To School Organization Week with Avery + A Giveaway!

Aug 4

I don’t believe there is another company out there who understands back to school organization better than Avery! It goes without saying that Avery is a well known office supply company…but their back to school organization products and creative, personalized ideas bring them to the next level.

Avery’s lovely people sent me the biggest box of back to school organization treats and challenged me to use it / share my ideas with all of you. I couldn’t wait to dig in…

More importantly, I couldn’t wait to share a great giveaway with you! More on that in a minute though.

As you see in the above image, I couldn’t possibly use all of these beautiful Avery products in one blog post. I was so inspired as I sat here drooling taking it all in, that I’ve decided to share a week of back to school organization ideas…using various Avery products. I’m kicking off the week with this great giveaway and then stay connected all week as I share my simple ideas for getting your home and kiddos back to school ready – with Avery!

Here’s a sneak peek of a couple projects you’ll be seeing this week. You know I love a good compartment organizer….

Oh my Lord, the colors and organization!…

I also have a DIY free-standing homework station to share…

As well as a homework station set up on a permanent desk. And more! I’m hoping to inspire you this week, and in the coming weeks throughout August, that no matter what your space – you can get it organized and back to school ready!
And there is no better company than Avery to get you well on your way to being organized for school this coming year. Avery offers a huge variety of office supplies you’re familiar with like binders
and more, but they also go the extra mile to help you customize their products for your business, events, parties and holidays! Avery has an amazing template system that gives the exact look you want and allows you to be as creative as you wish! The template system easy to use too – just create and print!…
Let Avery inspire you with the fun, creative and easy ideas on their Pinterest page! Check out just a few I spied and fell in love with…
I love the creative ideas shared, but I really love their organization board (shocking, I know!)…
I don’t want to share too many inspiration photos made possible by Avery, because later this week I’ll have a huge Avery inspiration post for you guys. But this gives you just a glimpse!
Avery wants you to be organized for back to school this year, so I’m sharing some of my stash with one lucky reader…

In this giveaway there is 2 Avery Durable 1″ binders (standard size), 1 Avery 1″ binder (small), and 2 inserts for the small binder – filler paper and plastic dividers…


Not only that! You’re also going to win a $50 MasterCard gift card so that you can really kick-start back to school organization in your hood, buying the items you need!
As always, entry into the giveaway is super easy. No need to jump through hoops. You can enter one way, or every way to up your chances of winning. Winner will be contacted by me at the end of the giveaway period and I will personally ship the items to you!
Good luck and I’m looking forward to a fun week of simple, easy back to school organization ideas!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Joy Krupka says:

    We homeschool, so I would use the gift card to purchase a few more organization supplies to finish off our school room!

  2. Unknown says:

    I love Avery for organizing.

  3. Trina O'Neil says:

    I would it use it to get completely organized and scheduled. Right now my biggest challenge is time management and I am always looking for ways to be better at it. I have been wanting to get the arc system but it is a big pricey. Avery has alot of great products that I think would be a better more interchangable fit for me. I would certainly use the money to get my desk more organized considering right now it looks like a disaster zone.

  4. Ashley says:

    We still need new shoes for back to school!

  5. Alison says:

    My son needs notebooks, pens, markers and a calculator for back to school!

  6. I would LOVE to get organized before school starts. Each boy can have a binder for the year. I can keep all their papers organized!

  7. Paola Romero says:

    I have to buy a new backpack, clothing and some supplies my son needs.

  8. Pamster says:

    If I won, I would check with my kids' teachers to see what additional classroom supplies they could use. I might also add some cuteness to my mobile office supplies (I travel for work).

  9. SalBug says:

    Although I'm pretty organized and have most everything, I'm sure something will come up at the last minute!

  10. amanda says:

    i haven't been in school for years but school supplies make me so happy!! i just buy excess office supplies now 🙂

  11. Michelle J. says:

    We need pretty much everything (I just had a baby), so I would get fall clothes and school supplies for my kids.

  12. Amy Johnson says:

    My kids started school last week, but they can always use more supplies and clothing!

  13. Jessica says:

    I can't wait to see all the organizing posts you have for us this month! That homework station looks great!

  14. Anna Pry says:

    we need books and clothes, it would probably be spent on clothes

  15. MelissaG says:

    Great stuff. I would use for home office!

  16. muriel says:

    We are trying to organize our office and could use some supplies.

  17. Leash says:

    I work at a university where I oversee a dorm & I love to organize!

  18. Melissa says:

    We still need some new clothes and a backpack here.
    I'd use the gift card toward additional clothes during the year.

  19. VAS says:

    On school supplies

  20. Lisa says:

    I always enjoy your ideas and look forward to your blog later this week.

  21. Kasia Mizak says:

    I'm just starting organizing my home and life, Avery will be very helpful with this 🙂

  22. Amber says:

    We need lots of binders, folders, and pencils along with anything else I may need to organize it all!!

  23. Michelle says:

    As a homeschool Mom the $50.00 gift card would go a long way in purchasing back to school and organizational supplies! Thanks for a chance to win!! 🙂

  24. to buy jump drives……these are expensive and I have 3 to buy for

  25. Oksana Tuz says:

    We love Avery… Seems like each time I need something organized I always trust them. It would help us finish up buying all the supplies we still need to get back to school.

  26. SweetKeight says:

    My addiction to school supplies thanks you for this timely post! 🙂

  27. maryla says:

    We need lots of binders, folders, and pencils along with desk and chair..and books

  28. Holly E says:

    I need lots of notebooks, paper, and pens. I would use the money for other supplies or clothes for school.

  29. Sarah Koves says:

    Super Excited! Love organization.

  30. ~^~Amber~^~ says:

    My two babes could sure use this for school!! And they desperately need some clothing items. Thanks so much for this!

  31. Kari says:

    We need pens, pencils, and paper.

  32. We need paper, binders, tabs, and you and Avery are a blessing. Thank you for offering this!!

  33. x10danielle says:

    Hello! I would use the prize to begin creating a homework station for my kids. My oldest is starting Kindergarden this year and has recently developed an interest in binders and other misc. school supplies. This would be a perfect surprise for him.
    Thank you!!!

  34. Kim says:

    My son isn't school age yet, but I could always use some extra funds to re-organize our entry area as we start a year of new church activities. 🙂

  35. I need a new backpack for my daughter and some clothes- the $50 would be very helpful 😀

  36. My son is entering 2nd grade…can you believe it?! I recently discovered at check-in that he is required to have a $15 planner (ordered through the school) that will be used as a form of communicating with his teacher as well as planning and organizing assignments. I was totally shocked because for one it was not in the budget and two I didn't have a planner in 2nd Grade. So with this giveaway, I would definitely be able to use it towards the items that he needs that were actually listed on the supply list and the binders can be used for the one he needs at school and the one I need for couponing! Such an awesome way to bring in the school year!

  37. With the prize money I would buy school supplies from their required school supply list – I have 3 school-age children so this will come in handy. And maybe something for me too as I LOVE school supplies!

  38. Leslie B. says:

    My stepson needs a new backpack!

  39. Annie says:

    I would update the school/home office area of our house. I really love all of your ideas….so helpful!

  40. sandyhills x says:

    Would have to say that I would need binders and a backpack . – shaunie

  41. dawn keenan says:

    I always need the normal, but I always run out of glue sticks, paper and post it notes.

  42. dawn keenan says:

    Oh, adding on…the $50 would go towards buying those extra things for my classroom.

  43. I plan to give the products to my daughter's teacher — who always desperately needs supplies due to lack of funds. I'm the room mom and I always pitch in where I can!

  44. We need a new binder and it must be RED! He also needs some new jeans with that $50.
    CINDY B on rafflecopter

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