DIY Free-Standing Homework Station

Aug 23

But whether or not you have a desk with lots of storage space, you can still easily organize a great homework station for your kiddos – a free-standing version. As long as everything is in one place, easy to find/see and grab…you’re helping set your children up for successful homework habits in the coming school year.

Who knows, maybe they’ll even want to sit down after a long day at school to do even more homework. Ha! Wishful thinking, right? Nevertheless, making it look fun and giving them those creative tools….it’s a step in the right direction toward homework happiness.

As we get our home back to school ready (boys go back on Monday!), I organized a very simple free-standing homework station….

And it didn’t cost much! All I did was gather up homework supplies that were scattered throughout the house (office, kitchen, bedrooms) and group them together on this shelf that used to be in the garage…


Top shelf:
* My DIY art caddy containing glue, a glue stick, erasers, scissors, a ruler, and dot markers
* A 4-compartment organizer containing post-it notes, post-it flags and tape
* A $1 basket from Target holding plain white paper
* 2 $1 tins from Target holding regular and colored pencils
* Oversized wall post-it notes
* A weekly calendar to track assignments due each week
* A pencil sharper





Middle Shelf:
* Dictionary
* World Atlas
* US Atlas
* Compartment organizer full of colored pens and highlighters
* 3 $1 magazine files from Target containing lots of fun, colorful paper





Bottom shelf:
* Basket containing oversized colorful, patterned papers
* 2 paper cutters
* hole punch



Once we know about additional school supplies, I can adjust the station as needed to make sure everything the kids need for homework is right here.

I love it!…


Did your kids head back to school this week? If so, I hope you had an easy transition. I’m looking forward to getting back to some sort our routine…which will give me a little more time for projecting and blogging – yay!

comments +

  1. Carrie says:

    I love this idea. I am currently in process of making one for my daughter. Where did you get the oversized calendar? It is super cute!

  2. Sarah Koves says:

    It is so pretty! My girls have two drawers in our dining room and bucket on the little one's table that store their stuff. Of course, as a teacher, I always have school supplies scattered around.
    Kovescence of the Mind

  3. Seher says:

    I love how colorful and eye-catching it is! Are your kids enjoying it?
    I've been following you on Instagram for a while but just came on your blog through the IHeartOrganizing Link Party. It's funny how similar our blogs are, lol

    Seher | Organizational Blogger

    • hi! thank you for stopping by! i'll be off to see your blog once i'm done with this comment! i love to connect with fellow organization bloggers / gals. yes! the kids are enjoying it so far – we just went back to school this week, so we'll see how it's working once the real homework load starts coming home. 😉

  4. Natalie Land says:

    It looks so pretty. One day I'd love to set up something like this for the kids.

  5. Monique says:

    Thanks for the post! How wide is the shelf

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