Spray Painted Office Supplies

Oct 15

Being the organizer that I am, I love to plan and know things in advance. So I am loving on our 2nd and 4th grade teacher’s this year. Every Friday a homework packet for the following week comes home with the boys. We keep the packet until the following Friday when their work is turned in. If you’re a busy mom like me and have weeknight obligations or the kids have after school activities, it’s a great option to get started on homework over the weekend.

The boys do homework with me upstairs in my home office and previously I’ve shared my hanging wall organizer where their schoolwork and school papers go. But it wasn’t looking too hot lately…

It was literally overflowing…

My goal is to keep each of their homework packets, along with additional school papers that come home during the week, clipped together and easy to grab. So I turned to an open spot here in the corner of my office…

The white board has been underutilized…

Time to get to work and start pulling your weight around here Mr. White Board.

To tackle this minor organization issue, I added 2 command adhesive hooks…

And grabbed my old, unattractive collection of binder clips…

Is it just me or is it ridiculous to pay $4.99 for 6 pretty, patterned binder clips?…

Good, I was hoping my age wasn’t catching up with me and I was turning into a grumpy old lady that complains about the cost of everything.

I’m sure many of you have those *officey* looking binder clips around your house. But there’s no reason they have to continue looking buttoned-up and business-like. Oh no. Why not grab a can of spray paint and give them a makeover. You choose the color and it’s all “how you doin’?” from there.

I laid out my collection on a drop cloth…

I even included the small tin they had been living in. They weren’t going to be in the tin anymore, but I figured why not…

A few light coats of spray paint on one side…


Then when it’s dry (we’re talking minutes here!) simply flip them over to spray the other side…

When the other side was dry, I opened the clip hooks to make sure the inside had a good coating too…


Looking pretty glam now…

And it was so easy. I’m storing them away right here…


And the homework packets? New happy place…


Think of the fabulous color options you can come up with to spray your own binder clips. You can even add a little washi tape and a label to make them even prettier. Endless options that won’t cost you $4.99 for 6.

Go spray paint something and have a great day!

(I linked up with iheart organizing)

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comments +

  1. super useful tips ^_^

  2. Mom Wald says:

    The first step is admitting you are a spray paint addict… I am! Thanks for yet another item I can make better in minutes.

  3. that is so clever. although I no longer have all the school paperwork to deal with, there is no shortage of loose papers around here to organize. love the tip, can't wait to figure out how to transform some clips into my rustique style 😉

  4. ALINE HADDAD says:

    Saw this on your instagram page… Absolutely love it, such a great idea. Oh by the way I love the organised desk 🙂

  5. Meg says:

    Love, love, love it! And I'm in total agreement. $4.99 for 6? Psht. No way.

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