VLOG: What’s Inside My Wallet

Mar 11

Been a while since I’ve shared a (vlog) video on my You Tube channel. One of my business goals for 2015 is getting over there more often. However, I wasn’t anticipating the pick up in real-life clients during the start of the New Year. But I promise, whenever I have a quick moment to pop in with a simple organization tip, you can count on me doing that and alerting you about it over here.

Yesterday I met up with a friend and she fell in love with my wallet. This wallet is sooooo not your typical girly wallet. But in all honesty, I’m not that type of girl. I found it at Rite Aid (a local drug store) about 9 months ago. It called my attention because the label said there was a hidden compartment. I’m all about hidden storage so I took a closer look and purchased it.

I’ve been in love ever since.

As I mention in my vlog, my personal opinion is spend your money on a good purse…who cares what the wallet looks like! It’s hidden away in your purse anyway, right?

Enjoy a tour of my wallet in this vlog about what’s inside my wallet!…


comments +

  1. sucia01 says:

    Love your wallet. I will be pillaging my local Rite Aid this evening!

    Something you might want to look into. I heard you mention gift cards. You have a Starbucks Gold card right? You can keep it on your phone that way you don't have to worry about losing the card or forgetting the card. And I make a habit once I'm given one to load it onto my app. Another think you might want to look into is this gyft app where you can load your gift cards that way when you make purchases you always have them (cause how is ever without their phone??). Anyway love the video love you, Go Dodgers. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Girl! ….you're lucky I'm posting this comment with that Dodgers statement – lol! Love you!!!

      No, I don't have a gold card. I usually don't go to Starbucks, I'm a Peet's girl. But people give me starbucks gift cards on occasion so I just keep them there. But that's a great idea and I've seen so many people paying with phones these days – genius!


    • Kelley says:

      Go Dodgers!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xoxo

  2. Seetu says:

    What brand is that wallet? I couldn't see it clearly in the video

  3. Do you have the name brand? Or the store where you bought? Thanks!

    • Hi!

      Yes, I purchased the wallet at my local Rite Aid drugstore, but there isn't a brand listed on the wallet. Anywhere! I'm going to check their website to see if it's online!


  4. Seetu says:

    Found it!!!! After take several screen shots of your video, finally figured out it says "Safe Keeper". Made by Mundi – Jcp sells them. Just search Mundi Safe Keeper wallet ?

  5. yummysavings says:

    I have that wallet! I purchased it at Sears a few years ago. The labeled pockets are the best, and my husband chuckles when I get excited about my organized wallet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. This just inspired me to organize my wallet! Thank you so much Samantha!

  7. Hilary Cook says:

    Check it out! File Master Wallet W/ RFID Blocking Safe Keeper That means it keeps your credit cards safe from those scanners! Amazon wants a fortune for it. http://www.amazon.com/File-Master-Wallet-Blocking-Keeper/dp/B009G5R0YO.

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