Home Office Makeover Giveaway with Shoplet!

Sep 24

August and September is the time of year we tackle those home office spaces. With school back in session and the holidays fast approaching, back-to-school time generally goes hand-in-hand with home office organization. That trend is more than evident in my personal life as I recently shared paper organization ideas / updates happening in my own home office…and my client projects have included homework stations and home office updates as well.

If you’re blessed with a home office, most likely you’re using it for more than just “work”. Office spaces or nooks tend to be the place where children do homework, bills are paid, gifts wrapped, cards written and much more. But is that space working for you? Is your current set up filling the need? Or do you not have an office space at all and have been dreaming of carving out a small corner to create a home office? Dream no more my organizing friends, because I’m more than grateful to share an incredible home office makeover with one very special Simply Organized reader!

And it’s all thanks to Shoplet!…

Shoplet is the number 1 e-tailer of business and office supplies. They’re the largest e-tailer of green and eco-friendly items too. Their inventory includes more than 1 million items, meaning I can spend days on their site…and leading up to this giveaway, I did just that! The inventory is phenomenal! What could I possibly love more than online window shopping for office supplies and office organization? With every order placed on their site, Shoplet plants a tree in the shopper’s honor in an effort to make the world a little bit greener.

Not only do they carry an amazing supply of office products and help make the world greener, but they are incredibly fun to work with AND generous! …

Shoplet is giving away a complete home office makeover! Yes, they are! You read that correctly. And it’s for one of you – my sweet readers! I think I may be more excited than anyone!

The winner will have their choice of 1 out of 3 completely different collections. Each collection features varying design elements and functionality and contain pieces (chair or desk accessories or both) that are eco-friendly and green. Each prize has a retail value between $600-$700.

Let’s talk about the 3 collections the lucky winner will choose from!

Retro Restoration Collection

The Retro Restoration Collection is perfect for vintage enthusiasts. The set includes the Flash Furniture Black Computer DeskBoss Black Micro Fiber ChairLedu Adjustable Desk Lamp and an ILIVE ISB313CW Bluetooth® Desktop Speaker.

Cute Cubby Collection

The Cute Cubby Collection is perfect for a small office space. It includes a Monarch Furniture White Left or Right Corner DeskBoss Mesh Back Task ChairLedu Chalice Table Lamp with Black String Shade, and a 3M Post-it Pop-up Notes Glossy Desk Organizer.

Love Leather Collection

The Love Leather Collection is perfect for the sleek and sophisticated. This set includes a Monarch Furniture Cappuccino Computer Desk with a Storage DrawerHON Volt Mesh Leather Task ChairAll The Rages Inc Elegant Designs Modern Black Leather Table Lamp, and an Artistic Architect Line Supply Caddy

I mean…I don’t know about you, but I love each of these collections. The winner will definitely find something to fit their personal taste / style. Each collection offers great solutions for getting organized, spreading out a bit to get some work done or bills paid, or just to finally have that one little space in the house that is all yours. A place to set your incoming mail. A place to set your laptop to catch up on e-mails or print those digital photos that have been sitting on your computer for years. And let’s not forget each desk comes with a comfortable chair, a great light for any kind of work you’re doing and a fun little extra. My personal favorite is the Post-It Pop Up Note organizer. Ha…I wonder why??…

post it note organizer

Now that you know about the details, I’m sure you’re ready to enter! And of course I keep giveaway entry very simple over here. To enter, simply follow the directions inside the rafflecopter gadget below. Enter as many ways as you wish to up your chances of winning. Feel free to share this giveaway with your friends and family too! There’s details about sharing in the entry gadget below.

This giveaway is for one winner and entry is open for 2 weeks, ending October 8. When the giveaway ends and a winner is chosen, Shoplet will be in touch about shipping your office collection!


I want to send out a genuine thank you for my new friends at Shoplet for reaching out to partner up for this amazing opportunity. You guys, a lot of companies reach and please trust me when I say I’m very picky about who I choose to work with. These giveaways are all about sharing great companies with mission statements in line with my own…and a small way of giving back to you for being a dedicated reader of the blog. Good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

comments +

  1. KV says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  2. Angie says:

    Thanks for this giveaway! I’m currently renovating my office so this would be perfect!

  3. ellen says:

    I love the cute cubby collection!

  4. Debbie says:

    I LOVE your site! You make organizing seems so simple, attainable, doable. This sounds like a fun offer. Which would I choose … Cute Cubby. Off to organize something!

    • Samantha says:

      Awe, thank you so much! What’s amazing to me is that it’s only going to get better when the real, new site launches in a few weeks. Can’t wait! I know, all of the sets are adorable!!! Wish I was eligible to win one too 🙂


  5. Lori says:

    Loving that Leather Collection! But they are all cute!

  6. carol clark says:

    i think this is what id choose

    The Cute Cubby Collection

  7. Samantha says:

    I love all three and could see each one functioning greatly in different spaces in my home…the Love Leather collection is my favorite!!!

  8. Kerri Stewart says:

    I actually like all the collections! However, I LOVE the color of the Love Leather Collection! 😀

  9. Michelle Sutcliffe says:

    Cute Cubby!

  10. Adriana Fuentes says:

    Husband really needs this he needs a large desk to work. Of course, I would benefit as well as Im looking to redecorate. Thanks. Love the leather collection.

  11. Kelley says:

    We just started setting up our home office so this would be perfect for moi! 🙂 xo

  12. I love the Cute Cubby Collection and the Love Leather Collection. I could see the Cute Cubby Collection in my office/craft room and the Love Leather Collection would be perfect for a homework area.

  13. Elizabeth McGlasson says:

    I would love The Love Leather Collection !!! It is me totally. Thanks for the chance!

  14. Sandra Watts says:

    I really like the cute cubby collection!

  15. Beatrice P says:

    I love the Cute Cubby

  16. DP Gus says:

    I would love to win this collection.. i’m actually looking at buying this very set

  17. Carolyn Barnett says:

    The cute cubby collection is my favorite!

  18. Neal Cezat says:

    Love Leather is very nice.

  19. Katherine says:

    Way overdue on decorating my home office. I absoulutely love the Cute Cubby Collection. And the post it note organizer pictured above would be a wise investment.

  20. Erika C. says:

    Hi, I would definitely choose the Cute Cubby Collection, it can’t get any “cuter” than that! Lol!

  21. Rust says:

    I’d choose the Love Leather collection.

  22. KENDRA says:


  23. Becca Z says:

    The Retro Restoration Collection is so me….minimalist, clean lines, and cool tones. The smaller scale of the desk and chair would work well in my condo home office.

  24. Dana Rodriguez says:

    They are all so awesome.Hard to choose but I think the Love Leather Collection would be my choice!

  25. Julie L says:

    I would choose the Retro Restoration Collection! It’s perfect for me!

  26. Kerry Miller says:

    I love the chair in the Retro Restoration Collection!

  27. Trish B says:

    My favorite is the love leather collection! And that amazing color coordinated box of post its! I love post its!

    • Samantha says:

      I know, I have a thing for them and I won’t try to deny it. They are so useful so I load up…and they look so pretty in the compartments. 🙂

      Good luck!!


  28. Lori R says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  29. Terry Clark says:

    Wow, they are all great!

  30. Sheryl says:

    Cute Cubby, so much storage. Thanks!

  31. Anna Pry says:

    The cute cubby would make a great addition to our homeschool space.

  32. CR Williams says:

    I would choose the The Love Leather Collection.

  33. Sharla L says:

    I love the Retro Restoration but also the Love Leather! My office is in a tiny room with very steep pitched ceilings so as cute as the Cubby desk is, it just would not be possible! I so need to update my office – would love to win a collection! Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

    • Samantha says:

      Awe, yes – those two sound like good options then. I am so happy to offer the giveaway to you guys, seriously. I was so excited when they reached out to me this summer. I love to give you the opportunity to have things without strings attached! It’s something small I can do on my end! Wish you luck!!


  34. susan smoaks says:

    i would choose the cute cubby collection

  35. Elena Vo says:

    The Love Leather Collection. It is so elegant. I really like the desk in this collection.

    • Samantha says:

      I like that desk too! I’m so grateful to Shoplet for offering this to you guys. It is really a get set-up…each one! Esp with the little added extras! Good luck!


  36. Maryann D. says:

    I would choose The Cute Cubby Collection for my daughter.

  37. Kendra Nay says:

    Awesome give away. Love the new site.

  38. Alysha M. says:

    I like a mix of designs from all 3 collections actually, but if I had to choose only 1, it’d be the Cute Cubby Collection.

  39. justasiam says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection, although all of the sets are gorgeous. It satisfies that little organization streak in me!!

  40. Coco Knight says:

    I love them all, especially the cute cubby collection

  41. Barb Carlson says:

    I love, love, love the “Love Leather” collection! thanks

  42. Tracey byram says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection

  43. Heather J says:

    I certainly need this…my office space is my repurposed dining room table! I would have a hard time choosing between the Retro Restoration and Cute Cubby collections (although the post-it note holder might tip me over the edge, teehee).

  44. Ericka Coello says:

    I’d definitely choose the cute cubby collection. It gives more room to organize my supplies

  45. Carol Burgess says:

    Loving the leather collection. Thank you for the chance at this AMAZING giveaway!

    • Samantha says:

      Awe, you’re welcome! I could hardly contain my excitement about this as I started working with Shoplet about this back in July. So excited for you guys! Good luck!


  46. Christy Spurlock says:

    I love the cute Chubby Collection. Adorable and doesn’t look to take up a lot of space!

  47. Hayden Davis says:

    I love the cute cubby collection! Very practical for a smaller space and love the storage!

  48. Danielle I says:

    I adore the cute cubby collection! I think having a bookcase as part of the desk would be the perfect solution to my home office needs since I have very limited space.

  49. Leanne Campbell says:

    Cute Cubby is my style! Thanks for the opportunity!

  50. nicole shaffer says:

    The Love Leather Collection

  51. Kerri Quinn says:

    Oh boy, these are so cool. What a way to make a space more inviting!

  52. Nancy Ashmore says:

    I’m torn between the Cute Cubby and the Love Leather – the cubby has great storage, but the leather is so sleek. And ALL of them have much more comfortable-looking chairs than my current one.

  53. Maria says:

    These are all so beautiful but I love the Cute Cubby Collection,.

  54. Susan says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection. Please!

  55. Carmela Capano says:

    Love the Cute Cubby Collection

  56. Trisha B. says:

    All of these sets are just perfect and each have their own unique style. I really love the Leather Collection for the guys in the house and the Cute Cubby Collection is perfect for myself, so I guess it would be a hard choice if I were to be the lucky winner!

  57. kathie fouceh says:

    The cubby collection for sure!!

  58. Jean says:

    The retro one for my husband. Then we would both have great home office setups!

  59. Amanda M says:

    I love all the options! And my husband might be working from home soon so what a treat this would be!

  60. Nataly Carbonell says:

    I would choose the cute chubby collection! ^_^

  61. Mike S. says:

    I’d go with the cute cubby collection because its the cleanest looking and has the best looking chair.

  62. Wendy R. says:

    Thanks! Any one would be great

  63. DailyWoman (Lacey) says:

    I love the Cute Cubby set because of all the extra storage space but I like them all.

  64. I love all of them, but would choose the Retro,.

  65. Elaine Powell says:

    the Cute Cubby collections

  66. Amanda Lindsay Shearouse says:

    I would choose the The Cute Cubby Collection, I love it!! 🙂

  67. Cheryl says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection.

  68. Kirsten says:

    I love the cubby for space but I think it’s too big for what I have . So…Love leather for me!

  69. mary ballerin says:

    RETRO restoration makeover, I’m a MCM girl.

  70. Olga Thomas says:

    I would choose “The Retro Restoration Collection”.

  71. Patricia S says:

    thanks for the giveway I like Cute Cubby collection.

  72. Sara Newell says:

    They’re all great, but I LOVE that cubby desk!

  73. Muriel says:

    I like both the cubby collection and leather collection. It’s hard to choose between them. 🙂

  74. em robin says:

    Love Leather collection is beautiful

  75. Katherine says:

    I love the Cute Cubby COllection

  76. jules m. says:

    the cute cubby collection is my fave.. i love the shelves!

  77. Louly says:

    I love the love leather collection! But I would be happy with any of them.

  78. LeeAnn P. says:

    I really like the Retro Restoration Collection!

  79. latanya says:

    I love cute cubby collection.

  80. cynthia dawson says:

    I would like the cute cubby collecton.

  81. Alisa Dodge says:

    I am designing my office space now and the Cute Cubby Collection matches what I am hoping for in nearly every way!

    Working from home makes me squeal with excitement for anything and everything organization. This clearly fits the mark.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway!

  82. Laura says:

    I love the cute cubby collection! My fingers are crossed! 🙂

  83. Nadine says:

    The cute cubby collection

  84. Kevin says:

    I’m leaning toward the Cute Cubby Collection, that would blend well with most of our house, since we like thing light and airy.

  85. Christy Greer says:

    I can’t decide if I would choose one for myself or my sons…they are all so cute and functional.

  86. nancy reid says:

    I love the cute cubby office. It would be perfect for corner of my living room and afford me the organization I need to have a neat work space. The high back chair looks so comfortable and supportive. Thanks for the opportunity.

  87. Lindsay says:

    I love the cute cubby collection!!! Thank you so much for the awesome opportunity to win!!!

  88. Aliso says:

    I really like the Cubby collection! I’ll be checking out their website very soon.

  89. Isaida says:

    I just loooove your website – it is very inspiring! I have been able to make some changes in my home, but the office is my most challenging space to organize. Hope I win. 😉

    • Samantha says:

      Awe, thank you so much – means the World to me!!! It’s about the get a whole bunch better too when I re-launch it in a few weeks! So excited!!! Thank you and I wish you tons of luck!!!


  90. Kelly Brown says:

    I love the Cute Cubby collection!

  91. Lori A. says:

    I would chose the leather collection so it could work for both my hubby and I.

  92. Ron Miller says:

    Love Leather… and I do!

  93. Theresa M says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  94. Lynette says:

    Any of them would be a huge improvement over what we have going on now!

  95. KenB says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection.

  96. Leela says:

    I would choose the love leather collection.

  97. Ada Miller says:

    They are all really cute but my favorite is the love leather collection. Thanks for the opportunity!


  98. Misti says:

    The Love Leather Collection

  99. Patricia C says:

    If I win I would choose the Love Leather Collection

  100. Catherine says:

    I love the cute cubby collection! I have a small apartment so that would be perfect!

  101. Beth Mason says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection! Thanks!

  102. samantha h says:

    I like the The Cute Cubby Collection and could really use it in my small studio apt!

  103. Jennifer B says:

    I would love the Cute Cubby Collection! We are renters and don’t have much space, so this one would be perfect. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  104. Jeri Jerin says:

    Not sure of spelling but here goes……eanie…meanie…miney…mo….and the winner is….wait for it…I choose…the Love Leather Collection! lol ?

    I found your site today through the ClutterBug Utube channel! I came on over to see what yourr organizational suggestions would be like and you now have anoher follower ?

    What great luck also to have found this great contest! Thank You!


    • Samantha says:

      Awe, this is the best comment ever! Thank you so much! Welcome!!! Yes, you fell upon my blog at the right time for this great giveaway. I’m still finding it hard to believe Shoplet chose Simply Organized for this amazing giveaway…I put them through the ringer to make sure this wasn’t some false deal. Haha!!! Always the skeptic over here – haha!

      I wish you best of luck!


  105. Gabby Keeton says:

    I love each of the collections, but if I were one of the lucky winners, I’d chose the Retro Restoration Collection. It’s simple yet super chic.

  106. kymi a says:

    We have limited space but The Cute Cubby Collection is perfect for my small office space. It be so perfect and will be able to hold everything for my home office and look beautiful! Thank you for a fabulous giveaway.

  107. Abby Smith says:

    I adore the Cute Cubby Collection!! I’m so excited! Whoever wins will be so lucky!! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!!

  108. Marla says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection would be fantastic to organize my home office!

  109. Joy Krupka says:

    I love them all! I think the cute cubby collection would be my pick though. It fits my style well.

  110. If I won I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection. 🙂

  111. Cindy Bernal says:

    I really love the retro restoration collection, it’s really fancy, elegant and simple which makes it soo unique that Ii fall in love with it! <3

  112. Lori says:

    I love the Cute Cubby collection!

  113. Carol says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection

  114. Tara O. says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby collection!

  115. Catherine says:

    The Cute Cubby. I have just the place for it!!!

  116. Adrienne Gordon says:

    I like Love Leather.

  117. Julia says:

    Love all three choices…so hard to choose a favorite! Split between the Cute Cubby Collection and Love Leather Collection.

  118. I will choose the Love Leather Collection

  119. Peggy Johnson says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection

  120. AnnJ says:

    Cute Cubby. It looks like that chair would be the most comfortable.

  121. Kelly D says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection.

  122. Love the Cute Cubby! The storage is a plus!

  123. Gina O says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection. I love the way it maximizes and organizes everything in such a small space. I also like that it is white… complements my decor and is very pretty.

  124. CRBrown says:

    Cute Cubby Collection!

  125. Catherine R says:

    I love the Cubby Collection. So very cute.

  126. ELIZABETH C. says:

    I would definitely choose the leather collection. Very pretty.

  127. Shelly Miller says:

    I love the look of the Love Leather Collection, just my style

  128. Tammy Horn says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection. We are in the process of remodeling my home office, and that would look so cute!

  129. Jennifer Reed says:

    If I won I would absolutely love the Love Leather Collection.

  130. Denise S says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  131. Breanna Pollard says:

    The Retro Restoration!

  132. Steven weber says:

    I would probably choose the Leather Collection.

  133. Kathy Hanley says:

    I like the Cute Cubby Collection because it offers storage and organizing areas.

  134. rickel bart says:

    love leather

  135. Justine Kulp says:

    I don’t have the cash for office furniture, so I could really use this.

  136. marc Woronoff says:


  137. Sharyn B. says:

    I love the Love Leather Collection. It’s just my style!

  138. Jessica Vaughan gengler says:

    I like the leather collection. It could use used for everyone in the house!

  139. Peggy Miller says:

    I love the cute cubby collection!

  140. Brittany says:

    Thank you so much for this chance! The cute cubby collection is my favorite and would fit best with my decor but they are all great!

  141. Tabatha :D says:

    These are so cute I am not sure which one I want. Thank you so much for the giveaway! 😀

  142. Melissa Nix says:

    I would love to have the Cute Cubby Collection!

  143. Morgan Watson says:

    I would choose the cute cubby set! I love that it has lots of stylish ways to store your things and lots of room!

  144. Ruy M. says:

    I would pick The Retro Restoration Collection if I won, I like the simplicity of it.

  145. Luna S says:

    I would select the Cute Cubby because I have a lot of knick knacks and collector items to display!

  146. sue14625 says:

    the Retro Restoration Collection is me i love vintage and need to replace the huge desk taking up half the living room on a zero budget

  147. crystal gibson says:

    I love the cute cubby collection. It is so compact but loaded with work and storage space.

  148. Emily Benzing says:

    cute cubby collection! so unique and cute

  149. Karen D says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection best. Space is so tight, and it looks like that one would solve the problem easiest.

  150. Jennifer M. says:

    The love leather collection is my favorite!

  151. nickie says:

    I would choose the love leather collection.

  152. Jessica Padilla says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection.

  153. Dollie says:

    I would pick the cute cubby collection, mainly because I love the desk attached to the bookcase 🙂

  154. Carly D. says:

    I would love the Cute cubby collection!

  155. Lauren Olivia Wood says:

    I’d like the Retro Restoration office makeover!

  156. Carrie G says:

    Love Leather Collection for sure. Very sleek

  157. Kate says:

    I like cute cubby!

  158. Ashley C says:

    My husband and I share an office space, so I think the Love Leather Collection would fit best in with the feel of the room! We don’t currently have an actual desk in the office, just a table, so this would be great!

  159. Meghan B says:

    Probably the retro collection!

  160. Linda Lansford says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection

  161. Leisl says:

    OOh I really like the Love Leather collection for me!

  162. Marty C. says:

    I like the style of the Retro Restoration Collection!

  163. Paul Gardner says:

    the love leather collection

  164. Mary Beth Elderton says:

    What a choice! I would go for the Love Leather.

  165. Angelica says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection. That desk is adorable!!

  166. Erica O says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby, love it!

  167. Wehaf says:

    I would probably choose the retro restoration set.

  168. tara darity says:

    The Love Leather Collection

  169. Serena Powell says:

    I’d definitely pick the Cute Cubby Collection. It’s absolutely stunning and would go well with the storage systems I have in my room.

  170. Abby Barge says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby collection but I know that my fiancé would also want the Love Leather one. 🙂

  171. Cindy says:

    Great giveaway!

  172. Natalie says:

    If I won I would love the Cute Cubby collection. It pairs perfectly in my home!

  173. Jennifer Heintz says:

    I would select the Love Leather Collection.

  174. Mary says:

    I love the cute cubby! My fall organization project is to get a handle on my home office, and an adorable little nook to work in would really help. I like that it’s small but has space to organize, so I wouldn’t be able to let it get too cluttered.

  175. Ricky H says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby collection. That chair looks comfortable, and the desk/shelf would save space and be functional storage! Thanks for the chance!

  176. WHITNEY says:

    I like the love leather collection

  177. Liberty says:

    I love the cute cubby 🙂

  178. Chastity says:

    The Love Leather collection

  179. Carolyn G says:

    The Cute Cubby collection

  180. anna powell says:

    Love the cubby!

  181. Jessica M. says:

    The cute cubby collection! Very cute. Also love that post it note organizer. I love post-it notes!

  182. Aliah says:

    The retro collection!

  183. Brittney House says:

    I would love the cute cubby collection!!

  184. Emily W. says:

    I loveeeeee the Retro Restoration!! That chair looks so comfy and the desk is perfect for all of my (organized) crafting!

  185. Tram Le says:

    I like the Retro Restoration Collection.

  186. Rio says:

    Man I have been dreaming of a new office lately!

  187. Theresa Jenkins says:

    my daughter’s moving out at the end of the month… all 3 would look nice in MY new office…it would be really hard to choose

  188. Misty w says:

    I would go with the cute cubby.

  189. joshua holmes says:

    i would pick the cute cubbhy collection

  190. BusyWorkingMama says:

    I really like the cute cubby collection. I think it would be a perfect fit for my daughter’s room as it is pretty small.

  191. Monique Rizzo says:

    I love the Cute Cubby collection. So cool. Thank you for the chance.

  192. Brad says:

    I like the Love Leather collection

  193. Richard Hicks says:

    I think I would choose the Love Leather Collection

  194. MJ Moore says:

    I’m a fan of the Cute Cubby Collection- it would hold all my homeschool supplies!

  195. Tammy Evans says:

    I would pick the cute cubbies, it is perfect for my daughter

  196. Rosanne says:

    I like the Cute Cubby Collection

  197. Casandra LaMonaca says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection…very nice!

  198. Darlene Carbajal says:

    I like the love leather collection!

  199. lamees says:

    you are so kind…thank you for this giveaway…
    love the cute Cubby Collection

  200. Audra O'Hara says:

    I would pick the cute cubby collection. I love the bookcase feature on the side and the mesh back chair!

  201. Julie says:

    Cute Cubby 🙂

  202. Shelton Rogerson says:

    I think I’d have to go with the Cubby Collection.

  203. Paul W says:

    I’d pick cute cubby

  204. Jacqulyn Pace says:

    The Cute Cubby collection is amazing!

  205. Danielle says:

    I would choose the love leather collection

  206. kim keithline says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection

  207. Danielle Magee says:

    I would love to win the Cute Cubby Collection for my daughters room, it would be perfect!

  208. Susan Chester says:

    I would choose the gorgeous Love Leather Collection!

  209. Amy says:

    Cute Cubby Collection. Totally my style. We are looking to finish an office in our basement and this is perfect! ?Best of luck to all!

  210. Susan Christy says:

    The Retro Restoration is my favorite.

  211. Rhonda R says:

    I think I would choose the Leather but I also like the Cute Cubbies!

  212. christopher h says:

    probably the Love Leather Collection

  213. Linda H. says:

    I would choose the cubby collection.

  214. Rick J Bryant says:

    Cute Cubby Collection. But all are nice. And the color notes…Great!

  215. Mandala says:

    I would get the Cute Cubby Collection. Thanks!

  216. Summer B. says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection.

  217. Leigh Stulack says:

    I would use the cube cubby collection because it would go with most of my other pieces. Unfortunately, my desk doesn’t match so this would be perfect. I don’t spend as much time there as I need to because it’s not a comfortable space for me right now and isn’t relaxing. After working all day and then coming home to two energetic boys (and lots of homework/paperwork), the last thing I need is a busy, unorganized space! Thanks, Samantha, for this opportunity. And thank you, Shoplet, for the Giveaway! It’s so generous and exciting all at the same time!

  218. Tom Bellamy says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection.

  219. Chase D says:

    Really like the Love Leather collection. It’s got class.

  220. Lula Ruger says:

    I like cute cubby

  221. DJ says:

    I like the Love Leather Collection.

  222. Christina B. says:

    They all have a feature I love but I would have to go with the Cute Cubby Collection. I just Love that one.

  223. I would chose the Cute Cubby collection because it is so cute!

  224. charlene says:

    I like the Retro Restoration Collection

  225. Jana says:

    Definitely the Cute Cubby Collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

  226. Marlene says:

    This is a great giveaway and I would love to win the the Cute Cubby Collection. I also love your Post It organization as I am a teacher and love post its.

    • Samantha says:

      So glad you like the giveaway! So grateful Shoplet contacted me to host it – you guys are the best! And thank you…I love the post-it organization too! 🙂


  227. Emily Morelli says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection is just what I need to update my tiny home office!

  228. Janice says:

    I love the Cute Cubby.

  229. Lorena Keech says:

    Wow, it’s a toss-up between the Cute Cubby and the Love Leather.

  230. Erica B. says:

    I like cute cubby.

  231. Philip Lawrence says:

    The Love Leather Collection is my choice!

  232. Ida Lea says:

    love the retro restoration collection!

  233. Sallee Crummel Glickler says:

    The cute cubby would be my choice…I love the shelf

  234. Josh M says:

    I like the Cute Cubby the most.

  235. Nike Meyer says:

    I love the Cubby Collection 🙂

  236. s riches says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection.

  237. Olga Galarza says:

    I LOVE the color of the Love Leather Collection!

  238. Casey Everidge says:

    i would choose the love leather collection for my son

  239. jenn b says:

    The cute cubby collection, the desk would be perfect in my guest room!

  240. Donna says:

    Love all the collections!!! NICE

  241. sheila ressel says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection.

  242. Birdiebee says:

    I love both of the collections but since I need to choose, I would select the Cute Cubby Collection due to all of the storage.

  243. Rachael G. says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection. I love the cubby style, with lots of shelves to add style.

  244. robyn paris says:

    After going back and forth, finally settling on the cute cubby.

  245. Gennie Lancaster says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection.

  246. Leah says:

    I’d pick the cute cubby collection because I think it would work with some items that we already own.

  247. Heather Hurst says:

    I would love the cute cubby collection — I love white furniture!

  248. Melinda A says:

    As a homeschool mom, the cute cubby collection would be awesome!

  249. Penny Snyder says:

    Love the Cute Cubby Collection!!

  250. Taraneh says:

    Love the cute cubby collection!

  251. Tracy Schumacher says:

    I would pick the Cute Cubby Collection. How Cute. Definitely would love to win this!

  252. MelodyJ says:

    All are nice. Love Leather is my favorite because of the classic styling.

  253. Jennifer Matt says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection. I really love the lamp and the desk in that collection. Truthfully, all the collections are pretty cool.

  254. deana says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection!

  255. Julie says:

    Maybe the The Love Leather Collection, but I don’t know. They’re all so cute.

  256. krirsty balser says:

    The Love Leather Collection is so sharp and sleek I love it

  257. Zach B says:

    This site is so awesome i love all the ideas to spruce up my office space!!!

  258. Jeanna says:

    I like the Cute Cubby Collection!

  259. Michelle J says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection!

  260. Dave L says:

    These are all wonderful, but if I must choose only one, then I choose the Love Leather collection. I am definitely in need of a new desk. The drawers in my current desk are held together with duct tape! Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

  261. richelle bowers says:

    I like the cute cubby collection

  262. Jessica Rose says:

    I would so pick the cute cubby collection!

  263. Pamela says:

    The cubby! I love those cube storage things, they’re so hot right now. All of that stuff looks really sleek and nice. Congrats to whoever wins this!

  264. Brooke R. says:

    I like the cute cubby collection. Love the extra storage!

  265. Brandy c says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection, I like it a lot.

  266. Paula Michele Hafner says:

    I love the Cute Cubby collection the best. It’s cute and practical.

  267. tina reynolds says:

    I love that black desk and chair that is so so cute so in love with it

  268. Charlene S. says:

    Love them all, but I think the Cute Cubby Collection would be the best fit for me 🙂

  269. Jodi J. says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  270. ron frampton says:

    cute cubby collection

  271. stephanie baker says:

    oh my, i love the love leather AND the cute cubby collections. decisions, decisions!

  272. Rebecca C says:

    If I won, I would choose the cute cubby collection. I love it!!

  273. Ashley Busse says:

    I absolutely love the cute cubby collection!

  274. Shannon says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection!

  275. Sarah Cool says:

    I would love the Love Leather collection

  276. Tarsha Cannon says:

    I like the white one.

  277. Katie K says:

    I like the retro restoration collection

  278. Julie Hawkins says:

    I’d pick the cute cubby collection because it is so cute

  279. Mark Marville says:

    I love the Love Leather Collection!

  280. Deb C says:

    I would order from the Cute Cubby collection. The white finish would fit in best.

  281. Tara says:

    I would probably choose the cute cubby collection! It’s hard to decide!

  282. Karen Drake says:

    I love the Cute Cubby Collection.

  283. Jessie T. says:

    Retro Restoration Collection!

  284. The cute cubby is exactly what my home office needs!!

  285. DanV says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection

  286. Mari says:

    I love The Love Leather Collection.

  287. Brandon Sparks says:

    the leather of course

  288. Holly Kennedy says:

    I would choose the cute cubby

  289. Amanda Whitley says:

    i would pick the The Cute Cubby Collection

  290. Julie Harris says:

    Wow so hard to choose, I like all 3 and can see any of these in our home. I think if I had to choose right now it would be the Cute Cubby Collection.

  291. Ella Brooks says:

    Leather collection. Thanks!

  292. Randee says:

    I love Cute Cubby!!

  293. Kate S says:

    I”d have to discuss with the man, but I like the Cute Cubby Collection!

  294. Zoe Y says:

    I would have to go with the cute cubby as it looks very minimalistic and the white would match the rest of the furniture we have already.


  295. Ed says:

    The Love Leather Collection would be my choice.

  296. Ciara B says:

    The Cute Cubby selection

  297. Lori Walker says:

    I think I’d choose the retro set.

  298. jaimeb says:

    I LOVE the cute cubby collection. My daughter loves office supplies as well! She would love to have the collection on her desk, where she does homework and art work. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! !

  299. Heather Duquaine says:

    I would love the Cute Cubby collection!! I would love to win this one 🙂

  300. Marissa C says:

    I like the retro collection!

  301. Carrie Conrad says:

    <3 Love Leather Collection

  302. Stephanie Liske says:

    I like the Cute Cubby Collection.

  303. Elizabeth H. says:

    I really love the Leather Collection!!

  304. Richard Hicks says:

    my instagram ID is gmrich22

  305. Rebecca Peters says:

    So hard to choose!!! I would have to pick the cute cubby!

  306. shawna says:

    I would like Cute Cubie collection.

  307. Kathryn C says:

    I also love them all but I think I would go with the Love Leather set !


  308. Judy Estrin says:

    Love the clean white color look of the cute cubby collection. Home office needs re-do and this win would be a perfect way to start the remodeling project!

  309. I love the cute cubby collection.

  310. Alex W. says:

    The love leather collection!!!

  311. Lisa L says:

    The Cute Cubby collection is my favorite, it is both lovely and practical with all that storage.

  312. liz l says:

    Cute cubby is my pick

  313. kay wolters says:

    cute cubbies….(spelling) but it needs to fit a messy area

  314. eva andrew says:

    I love the cute cubbie desk because of the shelves…thank you for hosting this!

  315. shanta spradlin says:

    I love the cute cubby, it would look great in my office.

  316. Kathy says:

    I like the cute cubby collection.

  317. Jane McGregor says:

    Love Leather Collection please!

  318. Nicole Carter (Weasley) says:

    I would chose the Love Leather collection.

  319. Melissa L. says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

  320. kris m says:

    the cute cubby collection would be perfect for me

  321. Leah Shumack says:

    I would love to have the cute cubby collection!

  322. Tricha says:

    the Love Leather collection please

  323. Barb Stenby says:

    All the collections are awesome but I think I would pick the The Cute Cubby Collection seeing that it has more places to put stuff!

  324. Sheryl says:

    I would pick the Cute Cubby Collection. I can really use the added storage. Love the white.

  325. Buddy Garrett says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection.

  326. krystal wethington says:

    I love the Cute cubby collection. I think its really cute and I need it because we just moved and I havent had a chance to get the office things I need. thanks for the chance.

  327. Doug D. says:

    I would pick the Love Leather collection. It is so stylish and it would fit in well with my decor.

  328. Kathleen Gereg says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection is so compact and would fit perfectly in my
    ‘special corner’. Better said, my hideout!!

  329. Jason P says:

    My home office is so unorganized, this would be a blessing! I love the cute cubby one, it might help out my mess I call an office now. lol

  330. colleen maul says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubie Collection.

  331. Kayla Hall says:

    I like the Cute Cubby collection.

  332. Jack Przybylski says:

    Love the Love Leather Collection

  333. Cheryl Rahkonen says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection because I love that chair.

  334. Laura Micele says:

    I adore the Cute Cubby Collection

  335. Jill Piniotes says:

    The Cute Cubby Collection of course!!

  336. Liz N says:

    I’d choose the Cute Cubby Collection! I have limited space but definitely want to maximize all that I do in it!

  337. Daniel G. says:

    The cute cubby collection

  338. peter gladue says:

    The Love Leather Set for Me!

  339. Regina Marlborough says:

    Cute Cubby. So verstaile.

  340. Danny B says:

    I love the cute cubby collection!

  341. Jared Schmidt says:

    the Love Leather collection is my favorite!

  342. David ODonnell says:

    Cute Cubby Collection

  343. Carrie Conley says:

    Today it would be the Love Leather Collection…

  344. Alaina says:

    I would pick the Cute Cubby collection. It would go well with my furniture.

  345. Becky Moore says:

    I would choose the cute cubby collection 🙂

  346. Vikki Billings says:

    I love the Cute Cubby collection.

  347. Nikki K says:

    I would choose The Cute Cubby Collection if I won. I don’t have a lot of space but I do love shelves and cubbys!!

  348. Lily Kwan says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby Collection.

  349. Missy says:

    I’d choose the cute cubby.

  350. Kelly VanAuken says:

    I would chose the Love Leather collection.

  351. I like the Cute Cubby collection the most of the three choices.

  352. AEKZ2 says:

    I would choose the Love Leather Collection. It would be perfect in my son’s room.

  353. jane jakins says:

    cute cubby collection

  354. Melanie Montgomery says:

    I would choose the Love Leather collection

  355. Candie L says:

    I like the The Cute Cubby Collection. Thank you

  356. Trisha McKee says:

    Oh, the Cute Cubby Collection! I love all of them, but this one stands out as having more organization and character. Love love love it.

  357. Corey Shaffer says:

    Cute cubby.

  358. Eugenia Hall says:

    I think I’d choose the Cute Cubby Collection, it would go great it my workshop.

  359. Jennifer H. says:

    I like the cute cubby!

  360. Bryan E. says:

    Thank You for the giveaway…I think we would go for The Retro Restoration Collection, for our daughter.

  361. John H. says:

    The Cute cubby would be best for us.

  362. heather c says:

    This is a very touch choice! I want to be the romantic, but then again, that won’t go with my office. Let’s say the Retro Restoration Collection! I can be romantic with that, too. lol

  363. Lorina Padgett says:

    I like the Love Leather Collection

  364. Cheryll Shubert says:

    I am so in love with the Cute Cubby Collection! It is just beyond adorable!! Thank you so much for hosting such a generous and amazing giveaway!! It’s simply gorgeous!! xoxoxox

  365. joti says:

    I would choose the Cute Cubby collection

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