What The Tech? + A Giveaway!

Feb 18

If anyone knows nothing about tech and being completely lost in this blog / wordpress world, look no further than yours truly. I know, call me crazy! Here I’ve been writing a blog for 4 years and even recently made the leap from blogger to wordpress…yet still I’m a lost tech soul? Ummmm, you bet!

All I can say is, thank God for the professionals who speak tech and know what they’re doing. And with passion. Much like the organization world, if someone needs a pro – they call in someone like me, a professional organizer. So naturally, when I needed a tech pro to help make that big jump to my own self-hosted website, I called in a professional too – my new friend, Lesley.

Last summer while attending the Haven Conference, I sat in on Lesley’s presentation on the topic of coding. Back then, I was still on blogger and figured I’d attend the session to gain a couple new tips for my blog. For those that have a blogger site, you know that any new and interesting tips / tricks are always fun. Since many of us are managing the blog back-end on our own, typically learning from fellow bloggers or youtube tutorials, we love to learn and implement new things. Making the jump to a new site was at the top of my priority list – especially since I run a business. Here I was working with clients almost daily, a member of NAPO and totally entrenched in this organization world…but didn’t feel as if I looked professional online. I didn’t feel rushed to get it done because I was overwhelmed with business as it was. But during her session something clicked. It was her ease of explaining code and the way she presented great, useful tips.

After her session, I approached her to find out if she was available for hire. Thankfully, she was! And little did she know she’d become my new best friend…or that she was about to become intimately familiar with deep Sam parts. You know, like my attention to detail and issues with overthinking. Every. Last. Detail. (cough)

She’s an angel, I tell you!

Lesley not only helped guide me through the entire process from branding to the actual site design (literally concept to end result), but she was THE woman behind the scenes building my site and making sure everything was smooth sailing once up and running. Even in the months following, she’s been my go-to girl and super responsive to the silliest of questions. Just can’t say enough about her knowledge and patience! She spent hours e-mailing / speaking to me about issues I was struggling with once I made the move. Her patience was tested often since html, plugins, sliders and framework are a foreign language to me. She’s not only brilliant, but has a knack for explaining topics in a way that makes sense.

At several points during our time working together, I suggested she create video content or a book. To my surprise, she was already onto both!

And guess what? She’s launching it this week!

I couldn’t be more thrilled to help her promote her new e-book after everything we experienced together. I can tell you whole-heartedly that if you’re thinking about starting a blog or already have one, you need this e-book in your toolbox. Period.

Meet What The Tech? by Lesley Clavijo!… What The Tech? e-book

Lesley’s book covers everything you need to know from blog design to blogging platforms to backing up your blog, troubleshooting and more! In this beautiful 280 page e-book, you’ll gain the confidence to start a blog and feel more at ease with those tech frustrations that inevitably pop up. Just recently I had to change web hosts and was grateful to have this book as a resource.

In the book Lesley also shares real-life case studies, including some behind the scenes info about the creation of my own site and branding. Was totally not expecting that and she’s a doll to include Simply Organized in a small way. If you’re a visual learner, the book is full of screenshots showing you exactly what to do and how to do it. Love that!

Lesley’s ultimate goal is to empower you. And she’s done it beautifully. Remember, the more you know – the less money you’re paying someone else to help you! Tech doesn’t come on the cheap, my friends. Here’s what you’ll learn… Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 1.52.06 PM She’s created a variety of options for you to purchase her e-book and have access to fun extras like her 25+ step-by-step video tutorials! Yay for videos!… Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 1.55.13 PM

(click here to purchase the basic package)

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(click here to purchase the advanced package)

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(click here to purchase the master package)

If this alone doesn’t excite you, how about a giveaway?! Lesley is so kind to offer one simply organized reader the opportunity to win a Master Package (a $75 value)! You guys know I keep giveaways simple around here…no hoop jumping allowed. Enter one way or as many as you wish to up your chances. But regardless, if you’re a blogger – this is a must-have tool! Can’t praise this content or writer enough…and again, I’ve been blogging for a long time! This is someone to learn from!

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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comments +

  1. Allison CB says:

    Just understanding all the tech applications that are out there….i just found instagram but it took forever for me to understand the app I needed to repost….silly I know but there doesn’t seem to be a plain simple explanation of how to use some of these apps for those of us technologically challenged!!!

  2. Lesley says:

    Thanks so much for this amazing post you are a sweetie! So glad to call you my friend too!

  3. Lauren M. says:

    I definitely need Lesley’s help! Thanks for having this giveaway. I’ve fallen out of blogging and need to get back into it ASAP! Thanks for the reminder and helpful tips!

  4. Pamela says:

    I can only imagine having to have a professional website to represent yourself and not having help running it. I would probably have nightmares. Sounds like an awesome book!

  5. Pam says:

    Would love to learn more about WordPress & blogging! I am a “learn as you go girl” and the new tech stuff is over my head! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  6. What a great package! Definitely need this in my life!

    Visiting from LorimerLiving.Com

    XO, Jaclyn

  7. Vaishali says:

    Just being overwhelmed with all the information that is out there.

  8. Jen says:

    Sounds amazing and super timely!

  9. Ergo Mama V says:

    Don’t know where to start!

  10. Susan says:

    Despite having blogged for 3 1/2 years, I’m still terrified of anything and everything tech-ish. I so need to win this.

  11. Gillian says:

    My biggest tech frustration is arranging everything in WordPress to look like my theme’s demo. It is much harder than I thought! This book would be a dream!

  12. Bec says:

    All the passwords and accounts to keep track of – there’s so many and one for everything!

  13. brianna says:

    I just started blogging, yesterday. This would be so helpful! WordPress has changed since I was last on it.

  14. Well this is very useful, love this post and the giveaway 🙂

  15. Lee Waters says:

    I love how ORGANIZED this blogger is! What a cool giveaway for people who are considering blogging, but are feeling like they don’t have years to try and catch up on the tech end 😀

    • Samantha says:

      Isn’t she amazing! I am so grateful I met her…but more grateful I am able to share her with all of you! She is a wealth of info and such a sweetheart.


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