Organized Bathroom Closet

Mar 11

Was seriously struggling with how to title this post. First inkling was “organized overflow bathroom closet”, but that just doesn’t sound very appealing. Ha! This closet contains quite a few items that may not necessarily live together in someone else’s home, but sure are playing nicely together in this house…

Organized Bathroom Closet

So let’s just call this an organized bathroom closet.

Forget about the blog post title – look at that closet! Ack, I’m in love! And all it took was a few simple, inexpensive products.

Earlier this week I shared how I’m doing some home tidying of my own. This house needs it in a bad way. Not only do we need some serious deep cleaning, but the kids are outgrowing their wardrobes…or have worn what they own into the ground. A couple days ago I shared how I tidied the kid’s bathroom (see here) and that before I accomplished that I had to first re-organize this closet. This closet is directly outside their bathroom, so it made sense to keep items here that they aren’t using daily. Things like all the extra towels. Previously, those were on the shelving in their bathroom. But since setting up the shelving this way…

…they had to go. Anyway, it’s moved and here it is in all its new organized glory, along with some items from the kitchen. Told you, it’s a lot of randoms. Yay, cheers to more open space in my tiny kitchen!…

Organized Bathroom Closet

Starting on the bottom…

Organized Bathroom Closet

I’ve been SO good about not going to Target, but earlier this week I had to pop in for something and found this amazing basket

Organized Bathroom Closet

18 rolls of toilet paper never looked so good! On the shelf above, I created a space for paper towels, cottonelle and facial tissue

Organized Bathroom Closet

The next shelf has neatly folded bath and hand towels, as well as washcloths. There’s a spot in the corner for the daily items used to wipe down the sink and toilet. Finally, I made room for my paper products. They were previously in a kitchen drawer, which is valuable real estate to me. Since I don’t entertain very often, made sense for those to move…

Organized Bathroom Closet

Organized Bathroom Closet

The black wire basket holds the remaining paper products. The 2 handled baskets hold cookie cutters and overflow napkins from the kitchen. Tucked behind the black basket are a few vases I rarely use…

Organized Bathroom Closet

Organized Bathroom Closet

I keep the kid’s medicine, extra dental items and hair / skin care in this closet as well. Just gathered each into categories…some into clear pantry bins

Organized Bathroom Closet

Organized Bathroom Closet

Organized Bathroom Closet

(In case you were wondering, Original Sprout is the haircare of choice around here for me kids. The kid’s hairdresser introduced me to this brand a couple years ago and I never looked back.)

Up top is a smaller shelf that’s not easily accessible because of its height. I put 2 oversized quilts that were taking up too much room in the very tiny linen closet…

Organized Bathroom Closet

That’s it! As I said, it’s a mish-mash of items but they really do work out nicely here. Totally in love with this basket though…

Organized Bathroom Closet

If you are too, and are curious about the other products used in this space, you can shop the post right here!…

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Back soon with a very organized garage wall – this is one not to miss!

Some affiliate links were used in this post for your convenience.

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  1. Christine says:

    Love love love this! I have a very similar closet in my bathroom with the most random stuff. And it’s a mess. It’s always so hard to find things. This has given me so much inspiration!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Christine!

      SO happy to hear this little post inspired you! Love that…and it’s why I blog over here – to inspire and help!

      Thank you again and happy organizing!


  2. Tracy says:

    Your closet is wonderful. It has inspired me to redo mine as well. I do have one off the topic question. You obviously like original sprout hair products. do you use them on your own hair?

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Tracy!

      Thank you!! It’s been so nice to have the space so neat and tidy. Now I know why my clients hire me – ha!

      Those products are used on my children’s hair and I do love their stuff! Very good and smells awesome!


  3. Lisa says:

    It’s gorgeous! Do you mind sharing what kind of wood (?) you used for the shelves? Did you paint and seal them? Thanks!

    • Samantha says:

      Thank you, Lisa!

      The wood was already here in the home. It’s nothing fancy…I believe it could possibly be plywood, to be honest. And it’s just painted a simple, plain white. Wish I had those answers for you!

  4. Becky says:

    Very inspiring! thank you for sharing!!!

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