Featured On: Avon’s Beauty For A Purpose

Apr 21

Sometimes writing a blog and sharing on social media can offer up some serious “pinch me” moments. I’ve been grateful for each opportunity that comes along from simply writing, working and following my passion. If you’ve been debating whether or not to start a blog, by the way – please do. If you’re feeling the pull or urge, listen to that voice, start writing, be you and see where the road leads. It’s a beautiful path, even the valleys offer incredible lessons.

A few weeks ago, a writer for Avon’s Beauty For A Purpose reached out to me and literally stopped me in my tracks. Avon? Wants to interview me about organization tips? Mind blown. Of course I accepted…after picking myself up off the floor! While speaking to the writer in a phone interview was amazing in and of itself, I absolutely love what Avon is doing month after month during this series. It’s called Beauty For A Purpose and 2016 is the year of a more empowered self. Each month they tackle a new goal for a more savvy, successful and empowered year.

Who better to create this thoughtful year-long series than Avon – the gold standard in women’s beauty and empowerment!

Avon's Beauty For A Purpose

You can see in the above calendar they’ve already talked about organizing, love and growth. The month of April is a time to focus on refreshing. What better time to interview a couple organizers than during a time of spring cleaning and renewal. Or should I say “reclaim”…as in reclaiming some of your hard-earned spaces!

Avon's Beauty For A Purpose April Refresh

You can read the Refresh article right here where I was interviewed alongside Cristin of Simplified Bee.

The topic of empowerment and positivity is a big one for me this year, so this interview, article and series resonates. I’ve had the pleasure of receiving several e-mails from new and hopeful professional organizers looking for a mentor. And as you guys well know I work with a lot of mom’s, young women and seasoned women who need to feel empowered in their spaces. I’m all about embracing, helping and empowering them…and being positive / uplifting. Avon is about building up a woman’s spirit and that is something we can stand behind. I certainly do!

Enjoy the article and thank you so much for reading my little blog!

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