My “Just 3 Things” FREE Printable & How To Grab One!

May 24

Would you be surprised to know besides running my organization business and blogging part-time that I have a bigger plans in the works? Clearly I have too much energy and require little sleep. #ha As if I don’t have enough going on. You’ll see and hear more about one of my projects this summer / early fall during its launch. I’m really excited and can’t wait to share the details! Hint: It’s going to help hundreds of you that have asked the same question…month after month…year after year. What’s giving me that motivational push to move forward on the project is the help and inspiration from a few blog friends…and TIME MANAGEMENT skills.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about time management and increased productivity. I’m swallowing my own words, friends. With my already jam-packed schedule, effective time management is the only way this project will launch later this summer. Especially with my 3 kids home from school for 8+ weeks. I’ve talked with clients countless times about how “all or nothing” thinking isn’t realistic. I’ve had to give myself that same pep talk on the days I consider going away for a month to get the entire project knocked out. That is so not realistic. And so anti-Sam. I love taking each day as it comes. Each step…one in front of the next. And I want the end result to be a quality product you will love! Time management, meet your new best friend for the next several months = me!

A few back-end blog updates have been going on…nothing you’d notice, but it was a huge step for me as I tackled the tech side of the change almost entirely myself. Just one hair-pulling episode that involved contacting my Web Designer, Lesley. She helped with what she said “only took seconds” to remedy. She’s a Godsend, I tell you! What did I do? I moved from Madmimi to ConvertKit for my blog post delivery via e-mail.

While some of you love reading Simply Organized on a feedreader, like BlogLovin, many of you enjoy having posts delivered straight to your inbox. I have to admit, I’ve personally enjoyed opting-in to this feature for many blogs I read. I have a BlogLovin account and the app too, but when you sign-up for e-mail delivery, the blogger frequently sends you special incentives, freebies or you become an insider. Some even have a weekly newsletter where they wrap up their entire week into one simple share…instead of receiving many e-mails throughout the week. I love that because I love a clean inbox. Madmimi was a great starter service for me when the site / blog moved to WordPress, but soon found I was ready for an upgrade. I’d been hearing the ConvertKit love songs from many-a blogger…so I too made the jump. (If you are thinking about starting a blog or already have an existing blog, I highly recommend ConvertKit! It’s amazing! You can find more about their service by clicking here.)

And couldn’t be more happy with their service so far…or the future possibilities.

If you haven’t signed up to receive Simply Organized posts conveniently delivered to your inbox, it’s a great time to join your fellow readers. For a limited time when you sign-up I’m offering a FREE download of Time Management Tips for Successful Productivity and a FREE printable I use with my organization clients: Just 3 Things. It’s a daily to-do list that gets them started on the path to better, more successful (and stress-free) productivity. I’d be honored to have you share my blog with your friends and family too! Who doesn’t benefit from organization tips?

If you’d like to join and receive the freebie, sign up below or on the little pop up (that should have shown up after visiting my site)! It’s easy,  you will never receive spam and can unsubscribe (without hurting my feelings) at any time.

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  1. Vicky Siegel says:

    Sign me up!

  2. Gaynor says:

    I found a spot to sign up on the right hand side but nothing at the bottom of your post. I am viewing your post on bloglovin’, I don’t know if that makes a difference

    • Samantha says:

      That might make a difference… try popping over to the actual site to see if the pop up appears. And be sure to let me know!

      • Gaynor says:

        I am still having trouble finding the pop up, I used the sign up on the right hand side but haven’t received anything yet. I would love to be on your list, I love reading your blog.

  3. Colleen says:

    Hi, I’d like to sign up, but there was no pop-up. Thanks, Sam! Love your blog!

  4. Andrea says:

    I am already signed up to receive your blog, which I love, but I would love to have the download of time management tips and the free printable you are offering!

  5. Marilyn says:

    Hi Sam, I’m already signed up. Is there a way for me to get that, too? Thanks!

  6. Kriss says:

    I don’t see anywhere to sign up and no pop ups, would love to join too 🙂

  7. Winnie says:

    No pop-up !
    Please email me your wonderful list !

  8. Cindy Magee says:

    Hi! Sign me up! 🙂

    PS I didn’t see a pop up but on the lower part of the side bar there is a form that says “never miss a post” Is that the same thing?

    • Samantha says:


      I imported you manually – let me know if you received a confirmation or the PDF. If not, I will e-mail it to you directly!

      Thank you for joining me!


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Bay Area, California