How To Keep Your Home Clean and Organized in Just 10 Minutes A Day!

Mar 24

Along my 5+ year blogging journey, I’ve been fortunate to develop incredible friendships with fellow bloggers. I’m talking *real* friendships. As in the kind that meet-up in person, talk on the phone, text, travel with and even exchange Christmas cards. And if you can believe it, many of them are within my very own blog niche.

You may think bloggers are cut-throat when it comes to being protective of their craft within a specific topic. Sure, some of them are and they aren’t my friends. But what I am so happy about in this crazy online world is that the vast majority know that in order to be successful, you can’t behave that way. Instead, we need to collaborate and support one another.

I have been a part of the most amazing group of organization bloggers for several years now. We even have our own private FB group where we can chat about nearly anything. These friendships mean everything to me and it’s super special!

Simply Clean

A couple of my friends are so beyond talented that it makes me sick…with excitement – not envy. You may recall my friend Toni of A Bowl Full of Lemons wrote the most amazing organization book….and featured one of my spaces in it. Seriously?! Too kind of her! And her book is brilliant!

Well, yet another very very talented friend has not only 1, but now 2 books and I just had to share her newest release with you. This book couldn’t have been released at a better time, as well. Just in time for Spring Cleaning! I’ve been dying to share that my friend, Becky Rapinchuk, of Clean Mama, has released a new book called Simply Clean!

As you figure, she had me at the title…

Simply Clean Book by Becky of Clean Mama

Then she had me at the beautiful, calm colors and layout…

Simply Clean Book by Becky of Clean Mama

Who is Becky?

If you haven’t been following Becky on her blog or social media, I’m sorry to inform you, but you have been living under a rock! Becky has been writing her blog, creating printables, and has been contributing all over the magazine and online world for years and years. She’s the go-to blogger for everything organic cleaning and more! She literally even wrote the book about cleaning organically.

Her new book, Simply Clean, is FULL of quick cleaning tips you can implement right away. If you’re like me and enjoy organizing more than cleaning, you need this book! It comes with a simple and accessible cleaning guide with a proven step-by-step schedule. You’ll be able to tidy a home in just ten minutes a day. What?! THIS is the kind of book that will be taking a front-and-center location in my house! Trust me.

Simply Clean Book by Becky of Clean Mama

Grab This Book Now!

Friends, Becky totally gets it! We don’t have the time, skills, or homemaking habits to maintain a constantly clean and decluttered living space. I’m talking about myself too – yes, a professional organizer is here to tell you my house is never in perfect shape. After organizing for everyone else all week long, the last thing I want to do is clean and organize my own home. But Becky motivates me to get it done because she has truly made the method easy and doable. Just one focus a day for a small amount of time ensures your house is going to be and stay cleaner.

What’s In It?

In Simply Clean, Becky will help you effortlessly keep a tidy house and build habits to become a neat person—no matter how messy you may naturally be! You’re not going to believe everything this amazing book has included! Things like:

  • A 7-Day Simply Clean Kick Start and the 28-Day Simply Clean Challenge. This is going to turn cleaning from a chore into an effortless habit (I need this!)
  • A designated catch-up day! You’ll never have to worry or stress when life gets in the way of cleaning.
  • Step-by-step tutorials for speed cleaning hard-to-clean spaces
  • Dozens of recipes for organic, environmentally conscious cleaning supplies
  • Many of Becky’s famous checklists, schedules, and habit trackers

Simply Clean Book by Becky of Clean Mama

No matter how big your home or busy your schedule, the Simply Clean method can be customized to fit your life. It’s really possible! In just ten minutes a day, you can create a cleaner, happier home.

Becky is PASSIONATE about cleaning. Nobody out there is going to give you better tips and tutorials. Simply Clean was released earlier this week on Tuesday, March 21st. So proud of her – and really excited to see what she’s up to next!

Simply Clean Book by Becky of Clean Mama

If you have spring cleaning on the mind, this is the perfect time to grab a copy of your own! She will have you addicted to her simple method and you’ll be living in a cleaner home, with less stress!

Proud of you, Becky! And thank you for sending me a copy!

Happy cleaning everyone!

comments +

  1. donna chamberlain says:

    I guess I just came out from under the rock. My friend has been tell me about this site for a while and I am now on board. I love a clean orderly home. I don’t only love it I need it. Recently I don’t have the strength or energy to keep it as clean and orderly as I need. So I guess I need this site and perhaps book also.
    I love all the clean lines of the products. I just don’t know where to start so here I go.. wish me luck ….

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