Simply Done: Simply Organized Vitamins and Supplements

Apr 10

Organic, holistic living isn’t just a trending topic. It’s one we all know is important for a healthy lifestyle and the trend is here to stay. Nowadays you can find a supplement to support nearly any and everything. But even I was surprised what’s available these days when one of my clients revealed to me her hidden cabinet treasure. Well, her husband revealed it and nudged me to offer some of my organization supplements, if you will. Whatever the case, I couldn’t wait to share how I simply organized these vitamins and supplements.

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

This was just one cabinet of many, which are tucked under the kitchen island and behind the counter stools. Each and every day they were pushing aside those stools to rummage through bins, baskets and hacked Amazon boxes full of vitamins and supplements. As soon as I caught a glimpse, I knew exactly how to solve this issue.

First up was pulling out everything. I mean, everything…

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

I promise, this was actually organized on the countertop in a way that made sense to us. It only looks overwhelming…but it’s all under control!…

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

Once all was sorted, combined and purged, I quickly got to work putting them away and labeling for ease of finding. The categories you’ll see were chosen by them and in a way that made sense to their lives. Feel free to adapt this idea to your own preference.

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

( shallow divided bin | deep bin | short bin | labels )

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

( shallow divided bin | deep bin | labels )

This precious couple is older in age, so these labels made all the difference. I used my label maker to add a label on top of these removable labels from OXO. Just gave them a pop in the label to help them easily see what everything is. As opposed to just sticking my standard clear label onto the clear bin…which would make it more difficult to see for them.

Again, do what works for you. #doyouboo

If you have a lot of vitamins and supplements, this is the most efficient way to organize. All they need to do is grab the bin by the handle and slide it back in place. Easy.

And I have to admit, I love how much nicer it looks under these cabinets for them! If you’d like to shop this post, you can do so right here!…

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Happy organizing everyone!

Organized Vitamins and Supplements by Simply Organized

affiliate links were used for your convenience. you pay nothing more by clicking anything on my site…anywhere. i promise!

comments +

  1. Nicole says:

    yes it looks great, very organized and clean.
    I’m from Germany and I’m pretty much sure (physician’s assistant) , that no one needs extra vitamins and supplements unless the doctor prescribes it for what you need it. With lack of knowledge is made a lot of money; here too. If you go in the sun for ten minutes each day you have enough vitamin D for the day. The other vitamins you ingest by your food…

    A friendly hello from Germany

    • Kelly Femister says:

      Not necessarily. As I sure you’re aware being that you’re a physicians assistant there situations when people may have certain diseases or conditions that may cause their bodies to not have proper levels. Certain medications may cause depletions of important vitamins, minerals and amino acids. There are also situations when people have poor diets or restrictions. Here in America, doctors rarely discuss with patients the problems that occur while patients are taking the script they write. In fact they barely spend 5 minutes with a patient. Because insurance company pay doctors a very small part of their fee, doctors need to overbook appointments so they can make enough money to cover all the costs associated with their business. Sadly integrative and complimentary medicine are rarely covered by most insurances. Americans health care system is a disaster.. it causes people to become their own doctor..and that another problem all together..
      I digress… fantastic site….many great suggestions!

  2. Where do I find the plastic bins please. Looks fantastic!! Dawn

  3. leah says:

    may I ask where you got your wood shelf brackets? I really like the look

  4. Cat Fairy says:

    This is fantastic. I’m going to give it a whirl right now. Thank you! And, what was Nicole even doing here if she didn’t want to arrange her supplements? Eesh. Thanks again!

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