Simply Done: The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation

Apr 8

In my professional organizing career, I’ve taken on several spaces in which Elfa was the perfect solution to the problem. But last week, with the help of my local Container Store install team, we knocked out what is certainly The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation in my portfolio.

What made it the ultimate? I can’t believe this before / after, the way the design came together to fit every need, and it drove home how critical vertical space is when it comes to tight spaces. Even odd angles, which you’ll see was an issue in this space too.

No, the above listed is nothing new. But from time to time even my mind is blown by a transformation. And this one is incredible!

You may have noticed my projects lately have been a bit Elfa heavy. This is true because of the recent Elfa sale. So many people contacted me in the final weeks of the sale, therefore I’ve been a busy bee helping oversee the various installs.

And loving every second I might add!

The back of my truck has been looking like this week in and week out…

Samantha Professional Organized Behind Simply Organized

( jacket | tank | pants | shoes )

Again, no complaining here. Except it’s made for some careful driving and slow turn-taking. Ha!

Back to the closet. This sweet family has 2 little girls who share a bedroom and closet. The closet was cluttered, but only because it offered too much hanging space, no drawers and minimal shelving. Mom was doing her best with what was available…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

There appears to be a lot of clothing in here, but there wasn’t. Everything is pretty spread out on those rods…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

The door couldn’t open all the way because there was a shallow set of shelves mounted on the wall behind it.

The ceiling slopes down in the back of the closet as well, so this was going to make it interesting to design…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

Honestly, I wasn’t all that worried about the ceiling. The walls from the floor up to the bottom of the slope were about 75″ high. Plenty of space to design a closet that would incorporate everything they were dreaming of…and more!

After designing a beautiful closet and scheduling install, last week the transformation happened in a matter of 4 hours. Amazing!

First was a quick demo and patch…the ceiling is apparent now…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

Then we painted and waited forever for the walls to dry. It was raining the day of install so the humidity was working against us. We threw a large fan in to help the walls dry as quickly as possible…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

With paint that was a bit tacky (we couldn’t wait – too excited!), we started installing. Within about 45 minutes we had a brand new space no one could recognize!…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

I mean, can you even believe this? Doesn’t look the same at all! Love love love this closet!

Since we wanted to incorporate drawers for both girls, made the most sense to mount those on the left wall. This gave them plenty of room for a bank of 2 drawer sets and a hamper they could easily open. Above it, plenty of shelving for folded clothing or toys from their bedroom floor…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

On the back wall, I tucked a long hang space behind the shelving (on the left), a double hanging rod for regular sized clothing, and on the bottom there’s 2 (and a half) shelves for shoe storage…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

They have so much room now. And notice how the door opens completely? Love that little detail!

Mom wanted to paint the closet the same blue as the girls bedroom walls. Love that crisp baby blue with the Elfa white system over it. So beautiful!…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

As always, Elfa is a great system for kids because it can grow and change with them … as they grow and change.

The before…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

And after…

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

Are you surprised now when I say this is one of my all-time favorites? What a difference! Couldn’t wait to show the girls their new space – they were beyond excited to put their clothing away…just the way they wanted!

Another Elfa closet in the books, with another one to share soon! Hope you’re having a great weekend and tackling some home projects of your own! Can you believe it’s April??

Happy organizing!

The Ultimate Elfa Closet Transformation by Simply Organized

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comments +

  1. Erika Brockmann says:

    LOVE! I’d love to see what it looks like with all of their stuff inside too!

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