Live 1-on-1 Video Organizing Sessions!

Dec 18

No need to waste time with a long, sappy intro…but I do think it’s important to share how much joy this little business and blog brings to my life. I mean, I’ve said it in here about 2.7 billion times already, but it’s worth repeating. Especially as we close out the end of our most successful year to date! Can’t wait to write that year-end wrap up. Too many incredible projects, opportunities, lessons and more. There are very few things in this world that make me happy on a deep level and one of those things is helping families tackle their toughest organizing dilemmas.

For a long time I’ve wished I could help families that aren’t local. I’ve tried travel organizing but it’s brutal, if I’m being honest. I need all MY tools and feel out of sorts when not popping into stores that personally know me (and my craziness – true!). Sharing on social is close but doesn’t quite cut it.

I had been dreaming of one day offering online video sessions but the idea of locating the right technology?….ugh. And all the issues that go along with it…plus the costs involved? I already pay so much as a small business owner. The idea of having more expenses does not appeal to this non-spender.

Anyway, leave it to a personal friend and the fact I live in the land of tech to have the answer arrive directly in my lap!

My friend, Jeff, created the most incredible 1-on-1 video chat platform where YOU can connect live with celebrities, athletes and more. We are so very proud of him! He owns a few local restaurants (which are incredible too), but he had this idea come to mind and chased it down. Now…it’s real! And it’s taking off! They just signed Joe Montana to join the team as well…amazing!!!

Jeff had another crazy idea – he wondered if it might work for a professional organizer like me to connect with clients via this platform. His office is 2 seconds from my house so I popped in a few weeks ago to experience the technology first hand – very cool!!! We did a test run where Jeff was on the other end of the call…I told him he was a lost cause. Totally incapable of getting organized. I’m kidding, of course.

Not going to lie – this is a test. I have no idea how thrown I might be helping you get organized from a distance…and the clients need to be motivated to tackle the game plan themselves…but it’s worth a shot.

By the way, if you’re looking for an awesome last minute gift idea…look no further than his site!

To the point now…

In January I am offering 2 days of 2 different types of sessions. If you would like a quick 20 minute consultation with me, I am offering 12 sessions on January 10. If you want a longer, in-depth session where we dig into your space for 45 minutes, I am offering 4 of those sessions on January 17.

All you need to do is schedule your day / session with me and then join me on your laptop, mobile device or tablet – could not be easier! And when we are done with our session, you will immediately receive a video copy of our chat! We will have fun and would love to help you, or your lucky gift recipient! This would be a great gift for your loved one struggling to get organized!

I made this little video last week to share with the IG community…

If you’re interested in purchasing a session, you can find the landing page here!

Really excited to test this out on the Vidsig platform!!

Back soon guys!



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Bay Area, California