Simply Done: A Stunning Corner Pantry & More

Jun 23

I survived. And then some.

Am happy to let you know I not only made it to the other side of the move out … but our move in is my complete dream come true. The house? Yes, it’s stunning, warm, beautiful and you will be blown away. But that’s not what I’m referring to. I know all too well a home is just a home….it’s who lives there, the soul and energy you bring into it, and the memories you make. My dream came true long before this move…can’t wait to share it all. In time.

Still getting settled and it’s going to take a while to get the house / spaces organized. I love pacing it out as you know. Really excited about each space and everything there is to share. We are going to have the best time around this blog!! First project for sure is updated wallpaper / lighting in the new office.

I owe several posts about what occurred over the last several weeks and am looking forward to sharing. But until then, I had to share this beautiful kitchen I had the pleasure of working in. Of course, just before I packed myself to move. Much like that last minute trip to Zion, this project shouldn’t have been on my schedule. However, I knew it was just the home to lift my spirits.

She called me at her wits end with their corner pantry. Before heading into summer, she wanted the space dialed in. And I completed it in the nick of time…the day I was there working was the last day of school!

As you can imagine, she was thrilled to come home to a totally organized pantry…and more! Keep scrolling…but not too quickly or you’ll miss the details behind this pretty pantry.

Her pantry is situated in a far corner of the kitchen. When they demo’d and re-built their home, they carved out this small space for a pantry. The double doors make it appear as if it’s cabinets because they blend in with the surrounding cabinets / design, but opening the doors reveals a space you can step into.

All we needed were some of my new (and old) favorites to get this pantry summer-ready!

( bamboo dividers | white wire baskets | shelf risers | turntables | white plastic bins )

I shared another corner pantry a few weeks ago and went for a similar look here…because I am totally obsessed with it! I love the crisp appearance with a designated spot for everything…

( cereal container | floor basket )

So thrilled with how beautifully it turned out!

A secondary pain point for her = a few kitchen cabinets. First up was getting this baking center tidied…

On a weekly basis she makes pancakes and bakes with her children. She already had the bones in place, but I added a few extra containers and labels to round it out…

( clear handled containers | baking containers | turntable )

On the other side of the stove, we re-organized their most loved oils, vinegars, spices and supplements…

We also organized a much more efficient coffee center for this sweet family of 4. And let’s be honest, mom is going to need the caffeine at her fingertips for the long summer ahead…

All she needs to do is open a drawer to get her morning kick-start…and afternoon boost…

( drawer organizers )

This was just the project I needed pre-move. Designing her spaces made room for a little escape time leading up to the stress of packing and moving. And it turned out exactly as I envisioned…all while offering more space and a ton of organization.


Hope you enjoyed a peek into this project. If you are interested in any of the products, you can find the links throughout the post or find it on the “shop the feed” page on the website.

Look forward to getting back in here! I started organizing the new office this weekend and spaces / cabinets / drawers are slowly coming together. Can’t wait to share the office and MUCH MORE with you. I feel so incredibly grateful and fortunate and my story is proof that taking the high road is ALWAYS the right way to live. I can’t believe how incredibly blessed I am. The kids too. We are excited about our next chapter!

Back soon guys!



*some affiliate links were used for your convenience. you pay nothing more for clicking through any links anywhere on this website. thank you so much for supporting this blog so that i can continue delivering awesome content!

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comments +

  1. Goran says:

    This is great! Well done, and thank you for the inspiration and ideas.
    Best wishes from Croatia!

  2. Maggie says:

    That looks amazing!
    I can’t wait till we get to the stage of organizing our home (we’re still working on making it suitable to actually move in). I’m anxious to see your new home and get some ideas for mine 😉
    Glad to hear things are working out for you and your children.

  3. Christina says:

    Very nice Sam! Only YOU would see organization as a stress reliever. LOL Hope you’re doing well my friend! Can’t WAIT to see your new home!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi friend!

      Haha – this is true!!! Yes, we are doing really well – thank you! Can’t wait to share the new house with you guys – dream come true!


  4. mary says:

    I have to admit that I keep logging on to see how the move went/how you are doing! Glad to hear that you are coming out on the other side! Sometimes the most rewarding outcomes come from the toughest journeys! Love your blog! Both the professional and personal side of it!

    • Samantha says:

      Awe, thank you SO much! Means the world to hear that! Am so happy to share with you guys – and feel fortunate to have the best readers on the planet – so positive and love the supportive community we have here!


  5. gee dodds says:

    So happy at how chirpy you’re sounding – well done you! ????

    • Samantha says:

      Hi friend!!

      Thank you! I am actually a lot better than I thought I would be. I had been so down for so long – just anticipating the move out was going to be painful. But I think I must have done enough crying on the front end and started grieving long before the move out…because I do feel pretty good. I am surprised by it!

      Thank you so much for your sweet comments!!!


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