Simply Done: Beautiful Birch & Gold Master Closet

Nov 19

Nothing gets us more fired up than unpacking busy families in their new homes. And this busy family of 6 is seriously the sweetest.

Without sharing too much, this was not a dream build of a new home by any stretch. After a painful 6 years of building issues along with moving from rental to rental until they could finally take occupancy…they were finally able to move in. Although they moved into a home without gas for a few weeks, they made the best of it. Too many issues to list here but once they were in – I was MORE THAN HAPPY to help in this small way to get them unpacked, organized and as settled as we could in several spaces. This family was more than ready for some peace and calm.

We first focused on the kitchen and then a few closets…but also helped with the downstairs storage area, a medicine cabinet, the garage and little spaces here and there.

Such a fun time!

The first 2 days were spent locating kitchen boxes from around the house and sorting through them in a nearby space. With all the moving and unpacking…and then finally having everything moved here to its final destination, there was a lot of disorder. But nothing to worry about…that’s why I’m here. It’s why I love this job and the families who contact us for help.

Trust me when I say there is always a method to my game plan. May not seem that way when you walk in to a sight like this…

But you need to trust me and the process. Mom was able to see everything and make decisions before it was put away in her beautiful new kitchen. We definitely wanted to focus on all the new good energy!

A dog always makes time on the job all the more better. How cute is this face?! You may have spied her above…but this face…kills me!…

She was our own little therapy on the job.

Anyway, you first need to see it all and decide what is staying before we get you organized.

And the after is well worth it!…

After the kitchen was unpacked, next in line was their master closet…

From the moment I saw this closet, I couldn’t wait to help her get unpacked and organized. It’s stunning…

Unfortunately, this space also didn’t come without serious issues and challenges. But I’m still hopeful we can get them resolved with the closet company. More on that below.

Most importantly and beyond the edits that need to happen, getting them out of boxes and organized was our main mission. In 1 day, our team did just that. We sorted, purged, color categorized, space planned and moved items from drawer to drawer until it all made sense.

The after is everything…

Since we were working with a few glass cabinet doors, I wanted to focus on the contents being pretty and colorful. Her wide variety of handbags, sweaters and workout clothes were the perfect fit for these…

The center island was still awaiting a countertop, but you’d never know. The birchwood is so pretty…

I love her style. Made organizing her closet so much fun!…

From one boot girl to another…love her boots…

I knew I loved this guy from the moment I met him…but this shirt sealed the deal…

Doesn’t take much to yank these heartstrings. GO Giants!

His side…

A few issues can be seen here – this first one needs an additional hanging rod on the right…

We’re dealing with a corner, which is always a pain point no matter if it’s a closet or kitchen. But after unpacking / organizing we definitely saw the need for a 3rd hanging rod.

The other issue is where the corner meets that section…

You can clearly see the wasted space. I’m determined to make it come together…even if it requires bringing in extra wood I cut myself to DIY the answer. I don’t think it’s complicated and can see the vision…just need to get it done. Would be great to give her additional shelves for more shoe and boot space.

Regardless of the issues, which can be resolved…this is a beautiful closet and we had the best time helping them get settled and organized. Breathing in a lot of new energy – calm, pretty and organized.


We only needed a few simple products in this closet – hangers. If you are interested in the hangers I chose, you can find them here:

Black Hangers

Skirt Hangers

Purse Hangers

Hope you’re having a good week guys – it’s a busy one over here!

Back soon with more!



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