At Home: Master Bedroom Floor Mirror

Apr 10

Since moving in June, I’ve been without a full-length mirror. Still have my old favorite which was purchased years ago from Home Goods…

It’s in one of the bedrooms upstairs.

I was in desperate need of a floor mirror because there isn’t a full length mirror in the bathroom or anywhere on the main level of the house, which is where the master bedroom is. Such a simple thing, but it’s kinda nice to see yourself fully dressed before heading off for your day. Since June, I had been trying to get a glimpse of my full self in the choppy bathroom mirrors…haha! You can see there’s a mirror hanging on a mirror. In order to sort of see myself I’d have to stand on the side of the tub (which is where I’m seated in this photo) or stand between the mirror and the center cabinet…

If I really needed to see my full outfit, I’d just run upstairs to take a peek in the old mirror.

Not a big deal obviously. There are worse issues in the world. But a full length mirror is one of those essential bedroom items.


For a long time I was really into this oversized mirror from Anthropologie, but could not stomach the oversized price…

( mirror )

Nearly $1,600 is a little steep. Beautiful, don’t get me wrong but ouch.

In December, during post holiday sales, I spotted this classic design from Pottery Barn…

It was on sale AND I had quite a few reward certificates expiring before the end of the year. It’s a beautiful mirror and I love it, BUT the most important thing to me was the price. I wasn’t willing to spend the big bucks on something like a mirror when I would prefer to spend it on other home improvement projects.

I deliberated over this mirror for several days because of the 2 lines running through the top and bottom. The bottom one was the biggest concern to me. I worried this too would cause us to look choppy or inhibit us from really seeing ourselves “full length”. I am SOOOO happy to report that isn’t the case! And you’ll see more of that below.


After placing the order in December it went on backorder. But this week it finally arrived. And I love it!!

Previously in this spot was a dresser sitting empty. It’s relocated to a guest room to make space for the mirror.

It’s just inside the entry to the master bedroom…

At some point I think something placed near it will help ground it a bit more. Maybe a small table for dropping a wallet or a plant? Not sure. The minimalist in me is also fine with leaving it alone and not adding more to the space…

The mirror is made up of 3 mirrors, which is why there are 2 lines running through the top and bottom…

But you can see here the mirror does not cut off my feet, as I was concerned about…

It’s 78″ high and 36″ wide…a great size. Not too oversized, in my opinion…

Another minor concern was if it would make us look warped….you know how sometimes mirrors can make you look distorted. I think it’s pretty true to form…

Dex agrees…

I’d definitely recommend this floor mirror if you’re in the market for one. It’s on sale again now…

( mirror )

It’s the Berke Oversized Floor Mirror from Pottery Barn.

While I was taking photos of the mirror, thought to share an update about the master bedding and how it’s holding up. I ordered it this summer from Serena & Lily and won’t share all the details / links here…you can read all about that and find sources in this post. But did want to share that it’s holding up VERY well. It’s super easy to clean, stains easily come out of the material and it’s only gotten softer over time. Super cozy.

Love the oversized pillows but don’t really put them on the bed that often. You can see them near the chair in some of the above photos. Still love them and if we are having a party and really want the bed spruced up, I add them. Otherwise, just find it easier to not have them on the bed when making…or climbing in. So in general I just add the lumbar pillow in front of the rest of the pillows…

Really hard to believe it’s Friday. Where did the week go?? I swear, you’d think the days would drag with having to stay home so much but they instead are flying by. I’ve been so focused on big work ideas…a lot of concentration. I’ll look up and all of the sudden it’s 1:30 or 2:30. Feel the same?

Hope you guys are doing well! Back soon with more!



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comments +

  1. Kelsey Townsend says:

    Hi Sam! – Just wanted to tell you how adorable Dexter is! Love his sweet little ears!

  2. Tracy says:

    Beautiful mirror! I always find great items @ PB. I also really like your curtain panels! Would you mind sharing where you purchased them from?

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