How To Organize Paint + Free Labels

May 6

Getting our garage organized while at-home is one of my top priorities. You’ll soon see my efforts in our garage, but with the gift of extra time at home I’ve been decluttering, I demo’d old shelving and started designing a new wall system. There’s going to be a place for everything and seriously can’t wait!

But before getting started, I promised myself to first tackle a pain point I know many will relate to. All that extra paint! And how to organize paint in a way that’s simple to find yet not taking over precious real estate for day-to-day living.

Look for another post soon with answers to why someone may want to do this, paint expiration details, where to dispose of old paint and more. Today our focus is how to organize paint beautifully by transforming your collection from this…

To this…


Only a few things are needed to organize your paint…

Your paint

1 quart paint cans

Paint can opener

Paint stir sticks

Hammer or soft mallet

Rags – in case of spills or drops

My custom labels (download below)

Avery Shipping Labels


These are my favorite 1 quart paint cans. Only $3!…


To begin I sorted through our collection to determine what was good, what colors actually exist in the house, etc. My collection of keeps was narrowed down to only 5 from that entire garage closet! As I sorted through, I kept a running list in my notes app…

Before you begin decanting the paint into the smaller cans, print as many labels as needed. I’ve added 4 per sheet for you. Print the labels on full-sheet adhesive shipping labels. Also make sure all of your supplies are in your work area. Nothing more frustrating than having to walk away during a messy project. Especially when paint is involved and will likely be on your fingers / hands.

Step one: Ensure paint in the old can is thoroughly mixed / shaken

Step two: Pour paint into new 1 quart can

Step three: Gently hammer both paint can lids closed

Step four: Write on the paint can label

Step five: Cut paint can label and adhere to the new can


Not only have I added blank labels for you, I’ve also included a paint inventory sheet. If you prefer keeping your paint in the original can and they appear to be in good shape, instead write down your paint inventory on the bonus sheet I’ve created. You can add it to a household binder or scan to keep a digital copy accessible anytime.

Quite a bit of our paint was 15+ years old and well beyond the keep stage. So instead we now have a full inventory written down with the old paint safely disposed of.


This project will make sense in some situations OR if you just love having everything beautifully organized. For me personally, I prefer a smaller footprint. Most of the paint cans that were left by the previous owner was expired, old and clumpy, paint colors no longer in the house, some cans were bulging (which indicates it’s bad), there were about 15 5 gallon tubs of paint (these are for the pros), or they weren’t full enough to warrant keeping all those large gallon-sized cans.

Again, I’ll share another post soon about reasons why this is a great solution – IF you need to do it. And we’ll touch on other topics regarding all things paint. But as a garage organizing expert, I can’t begin to tell you how much old paint we see taking up incredibly valuable space. In general most of us live in modest homes with small garages. Every inch of space is crucial. This is a great way to streamline your inventory to a smaller footprint AND something more manageable to lug around when doing touch-ups.


Included in this download is paint can labels with writing, paint can labels without writing and the paint inventory sheet! Grab yours here and get started on this project today!


[convertkit form=1373783]


I would LOVE to see your organized paint if you complete this project so make sure to send me an email with photos!

Enjoy guys and hope you’re having a great week!




comments +

  1. Tiffany says:

    Our paint cans have started rusting in the garage for the first time ever! It’s definitely time to go through them and find a better solution – thanks!

  2. sally bobbitt says:

    Hi Sam! I just found this in perfect time to organize our garage paint stash. Are the downloads still available?

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Bay Area, California