I’m Sam, a Certified Professional Organizer® from the Bay Area, California and I’m so glad you’re here! This blog is the heart of what I do. I absolutely love combining beauty with function to create homes that are simply organized, and I want to teach you how. Discover home organization tips for real life and learn how to declutter, design and create an inviting space.
It’s go time!
I considered “Storage Wars” as part of this blog title, but I’m definitely counting this one in the Storage Wins column. If you have a pocket door behind a wall, you can still hang anything…including these beautiful acrylic floating shelves! BEFORE The sweet girl who uses this bathroom is a highly-decorated competitive cheerleader with lots of […]
I see this image and immediately am back in this single moment… Although this image of me taken in my organizing zone was snapped over 14 months ago…I can tell you exactly what I was thinking. What I was focused on. How my heart was feeling that day. This project took place in November 2017. […]