spring cleaning: the kid’s closets

Apr 23

call me crazy, but i think there is nothing more satisfying than completing a much-needed organizing project. especially when it comes to getting kids organized.Β with the amazing spring weather sticking around for good, it was time to organize our clothing closets.
today, i’m sharing the kid’s closets! later this week, our closet!
before i get started in any closet, i make sure to have a pen and paper handy. if i notice someone is in need of something, i make note of it…
my first closet-cleaning step is a complete search to pull out anything that doesn’t fit, needs to be donated/tossed, can be passed down to little brother or friends, or items that won’t be worn until the next season. this first step helps thin out the closet a bit so i can decide how to put the closet back together.
what we are able to wear now and through the summer is left in the closet. anything too warm, like snow clothing or gloves/hats, gets packed away in small bin. here was the bin of summer clothing i packed away in the fall
after going through the summer bin i found most of the items still fit our 7 year old, or can be passed down to our 5 year old. with the summer bin now cleaned out, i put all of the warm winter clothing inside to be pack away until the fall…
once everything was sorted, i quickly put his closet back together. here is the left side…
the middle…
and the right side…
our 7 year old is the athlete of the family. he has several trophies that are on display in his room, but we were struggling to find a spot to hang his ribbons and medals. i used 3 small adhesive hooks to hang his awards – he loves it! and is hoping to add several more ribbons from this summers swim team…

on the center shelving, i used a few ikea fabric squares (which we have owned for 8+ years!) to organize his socks, underwear, belts, and other misc items. his pants are folded and sitting up higher because we aren’t wearing them as much right now. his shorts are folded and sitting on the lower shelves within reach…

not only is he an athlete, he’s also a cub scout! i have found the easiest way to keep all of his cub scout gear together is by hanging it all on one hanger. the shirt, scarf, belt and scarf slide are grouped together here, which makes getting out of the house to that fun scouting event so much quicker!…

there is a little closet nook where the shelving comes together in a corner of his closet. it’s always a tough spot to hang things so i typically tuck items away that we aren’t using at the moment. right now – it’s those bulky winter coats…

he has 75 hats (why is that?!) so this hanging fabric shelf system works well to keep them all contained…

there is that bin of winter clothing…

and after a successful clothing purge, here are the empty hangers…

moving on to our 5 year old’s closet…
the middle…
the right side…
he had quite a bit of winter clothing to put away – 2 bins full…
finally, with just enough energy remaining, i tackled our daughters dresser and closet. her dresser was packed with both cold and warm weather clothing, in order to accommodate whatever temp mother nature decided on any given day…
once again, her dresser drawers make sense. this drawer sits directly under the changing table so it houses all of the diaper changing needs…

a drawer for socks, tights and bathing suits…


leggings/light pants…

t-shirts and tank-tops…

shorts and skirts…you can see she is low in this area!…

here are the before and after shots of her closet. the left side…
the middle…
and the right side…
having clean closets for the kids is awesome. but even more exciting? the amount of items going out the door – donations, items to be sold on e-bay, and another big stack for our upcoming garage sale. here is just one photo i snapped…
our home lost about 50 pounds this weekend. πŸ™‚

comments +

  1. Jenny says:

    You have definitely inspired me to go organize my kids closets! I am your newest follower from the Networking Blog Hop! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see follow back πŸ™‚
    Modern Modest Beauty

    • hi jenny!

      thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment! i will definitely come by your blog to read and follow along. i need help in the beauty dept – so i am sure you have a lot to offer me in terms of help there! πŸ™‚

      thank you again!!

  2. Angela says:

    Doesn't it feel great to purge? Love spring cleaning!

  3. Christina says:

    I finally got an email with your blog update! I signed up when you first started your blog. But this is the only gone I have gotten, and it was last night.

    • hey!

      that is soooo odd – have no idea why would you suddenly start receiving e-mails. very strange! i haven't changed anything and no one else has reached out to tell me they are having an issue. so sorry about that!!!

      thank you so much for coming by to read and leave a comment!!

      sam πŸ™‚

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