Martha Stewart back to routine week kick-off + a giveaway!

Aug 18

Happy Sunday! and surprise…I’m here a day early to kick-off a full week of “back to routine” organization here at my house! After living in and out of boxes (and suitcases!) for the last few weeks, I couldn’t wait to dig into my office, get it organized, and get my kids geared up for a new school year.

Thankfully, my friends at Martha Stewart are in the same frame of mind as me and the timing of this blog opportunity couldn’t have been better. Yup, my sweet friends at Martha Stewart shipped me the ultimate box of candy…




 Forget about flowers or chocolate. Even my favorite cup of coffee. But send me a box full of Martha Stewart organization supplies? I’m in love with you. deep in love. There is no quicker way to this girl’s heart.
Like many of you, Martha is in back to routine mode. and no one does school, office or home organization better than her! the challenge for me was turning this box of candy into something amazing to share with all of you. Because the volume of product was big, I decided to break it out into a full week of organization eye candy. My office is almost done, just a few finishing touches remain. But you can look forward to seeing the following this coming week…And much, much more!…

Can’t wait to start sharing my organization projects with you tomorrow! Here’s a sneak peak of my desk and shelving…


Keep in mind, these spaces will change a bit over the week as I finish projects and share them here on the blog. But in the meantime, let’s kick off Martha Stewart back to routine week with a fun giveaway, shall we?…

My friends at Martha Stewart are offering one lucky reader a $50 staples gift card, where you can shop for Martha’s office products and make your organization dreams come true! But since I’m a giver, and love my readers, I’m going to share some of the items she sent me. Isn’t that what friends do? We share…

Since I already own “the best of Martha Stewart Living organizing” special publication, I’m giving away the extra copy. As you can see, my copy is very loved. Lots of dog-eared pages here…

I’ll personally be shipping all of these to one lucky reader:

* The Best of Martha Stewart Living Organizing
* Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery Message Board
* Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery Shagreen Pocket
*Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery Permanent File Folder Labels
The $50 Staples gift card will be shipped from my friends at Martha’s offices.
The giveaway entry will be open all week, just follow the easy entry guidelines inside the gadget below. Good luck and I’ll see you here tomorrow to talk all about my desktop organization!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

comments +

  1. beautiful collection, love your blogs, by the way you have a beautiful new home, loved how you went and made Martha stewart your line quickly as possible. to the happy move and organizing.

  2. Not much getting back to routine here…expecting a baby any day now.

  3. diana says:

    setting up a command center in mudroom
    having everyone use google calendar so I know what everyone is doing
    the martha stewart staples solutions are awesome and come in great colors!!!

  4. Shelli says:

    Your office is lovely! I can't wait to see this week's posts!

  5. muriel says:

    We're figuring out a new routine with our 2nd child (she's 2 weeks old).

  6. d says:

    We are trying to organize our home-we just moved,too.

  7. MelissaG says:

    Working on getting into a school routine in our new home. Working on my command center in th mud room, and would love Simply Organized and Martha's help!!

  8. I am working on a command center in the kitchen as you head towards our back door. I'm also working on my Craft room for my home based business through a challenge from A Gift of the Home
    I love reading your blog!

  9. JA says:

    Cleaning out closets, drawers and shelves and reorganizing!

  10. I am soooo excited for this!!! I NEED to get organized. I am a little organized and I KNOW routine will help, I just can't get myself to do it. I can't wait to see your tips!

  11. I NEED routine bad! I am somewhat organized but I am having a hard time getting back in to it since we got back from vacation. Kids start school in TWO weeks and I need it bad! Looking forward to your posts!

  12. really.truly says:

    We just moved from one state to another….still trying to get organized! It's a daily passion 🙂

  13. ilona t says:

    im sending the kids back to school!

  14. ilona t says:

    sending the kids back to school for some routine!

  15. Karen H says:

    My kids are grown now, so I'm not 'getting back into routine," per se. I just need to get better organized, period! 🙂

  16. APE says:

    We are getting up early again (school hours), and we have the "launch pad" area set up in the dining room for everything that needs to be out the door with the kids. Thank you for the giveaway!

  17. APE says:

    Ugh, bad lightning storm! Trying for the 3rd time. Anyway–quickly, before my Internet gets knocked out and I lose my comments!! We have a launch pad in the dining room for the out-the-door stuff for the bus stop, and we've turned our alarm clocks back on for early-morning school time.

  18. To get back into routine i am making many lists and schedules, and buying lots of books and school supplies!

  19. yummysavings says:

    I love the Martha Stewart line! I have purchased small binder, business card inserts, labels…and lately have been eyeing the dry erase stick on panels. So cute and functional!

  20. Rachel says:

    We have a new baby at our house, so we are getting into a new routine one day at a time. Starting with laundry!

  21. justasiam says:

    I have my alarm clock ready for use once again…back to school hours!

  22. Betsy Brock says:

    what a beautiful way to get organized! Thanks for the chance! xo

  23. justasiam says:

    I am once again going to be putting on my alarm clock to get to work (at a school) on time!!

  24. Jennifer says:

    We are a family in a state of flux – one leaving for college, one returning home, a parent undergoing cancer treatment – we need a way to stay organized that works better than post-it notes on the mirror! Thanks for the chance!

  25. Jennifer says:

    We are a family in a state of flux with one child leaving for college, one coming home, and a travelling dad and a mom taking care of an aging mother with cancer…..need a better system than post-its on the mirror. Thanks for the chance!

  26. MMJ says:

    Your office looks great!

  27. Maggie Hagan says:

    We've just recently moved so I feel like I have to kick my organization into overdrive! We're slowly getting into a routine here with our puppy and expecting a new puppy any day now!

  28. Melissa says:

    Once the kids get back to school, I'm planning to reorganize and label my files. Shredder, here I come! I'd love to start fresh with pretty file folders and labels 😉

  29. Love Martha Stewart's line. Love the color and love summer. I don't want back to school to start! But, being organized is a perfect way to do it! 🙂

  30. Martine says:

    Starting new calendars and posting new routines to start fresh with the school year.

  31. My daughter isn't old enough for school, but I'm working on a fall clean out of her toys and clothes. Nothing makes me happier than a tidy closet and toy room!

  32. Melissa W says:

    Getting ready to start school again, which means I can clean and organize without the older one questioning everything I throw out! Love the Martha Stewart collection!

  33. PB says:

    My husband made me a new office desk and we bought an Alex unit so I have almost the entire office in the dinning room as I bring back things one by one.

  34. I fell in love with the Martha Stewart organizational line the moment I laid eyes on it! So excited about this giveaway! Eeeeek!

  35. Unknown says:

    I'm heading back to school tomorrow and have got to get organized at home. I've carved out a little space in a guest bedroom and anything to help me get organized in this little space would be so appreciated! Especially something so pretty!

  36. Jessica says:

    To get back to routine, I've been buying notebooks, pens, textbooks and other things I'll need for the new semester (I'm in college) a little bit at a time over the last few weeks. First day is the 28th. Sad to see summer break end but also excited to finish school. This will be my last year! 😀

  37. Kara says:

    I've been cleaning out kids' closets and desk drawers! Trying to get them organized so hopefully they'll stay that way throughout the school year! I've also been trying to organize my desk, calendar and meals to make things run smoothly once school starts on Wednesday! Great giveaway!

  38. rebecca says:

    I'm meal planning!

  39. Andrea Kay says:

    There is a lot of school shopping and organizing going on at my house. We are getting homework boxes in order and folders for all of the paperwork that is soon to be heading my way.

  40. It's so great to see you getting settled in and with new goodies!

  41. Jules says:

    I'm so excited to see what you do in your new home. Best of luck in unpacking those boxes!

  42. Emily C says:

    I'm getting all the kids clothes put together and all ready a week before time. So I have each kid pick out what they want to wear Mon-Fri and then its put into there closest with the day under it hope it makes our morning faster!

  43. Colleen says:

    Getting ready to tackle a potential move on top of starting back to school and I'm a hot mess! Martha please help!!

  44. Jungmi57 says:

    Trying to get into a new routine & schedule with our soon to be kindergartner! Recently moved into our new house so am trying to figure out a command center in our kitchen and organizing our mudroom/laundry room to have more efficient mornings!

  45. sarah says:

    Cleaning out closets for our big move too!

  46. Amanda A says:

    I'm working at tackling a room at a time

  47. Hula Girl77 says:

    Love the Martha Stewart products and love your blog!

  48. No kids here so no need to get back into the swing of things, but being that it's Sunday we're trying to get back into the routine of another work week!

  49. Liz says:

    Looks so helpful for organizing my family 🙂

  50. My kids are already in their third week of school so I spent some time fine-tuning their routines. Its especially important that its clear what needs to get done and by whom because I start back to school this week!

  51. Christina m says:

    Getting things back to routine by trying to get up at the time we'll need to get up for school!

  52. Staci says:

    Like you, we just moved. So we're still trying to find a system to help us get back into a routine! These look like they'd be an amazing help!

  53. Love your blogs!! All of the things that you are giving away would actually help me because I'm returning to school myself this Fall at age 27 and am so excited!!

  54. Lisa says:

    This would surely help us get organized as my preschoolers enter the new school year!

  55. Cathy H. says:

    Beautiful office area! Being from Arkansas, I love the sign beside your computer! Awesome give-a-way that would be so helpful to me!

  56. kellyr78 says:

    I am getting my kid's up earlier in the morning and getting their supplies ready for school.

  57. I'm so excited to see what you do in your new house! Love Martha's line at staples 🙂

  58. Kristi Perry says:

    Love Love Martha Stewart! And I Love your blog! Thank you for inspiring me to stay organized. I have to stay organized having 4 boys. Fingers crossed on this lovely giveaway!!

  59. I have spent most of the summer getting organzied. I would love to have this Martha Stewart give away to keep on keeping on with my methods!

  60. Michelle says:

    My baby is headed off to preschool this year. First kid in school and I am already overwhelmed with paperwork. I need something to help organize so we can stay on top of everything!

  61. Ellen Ross says:

    to start back up ill start a brand new to do list 🙂

  62. Dawn says:

    Oh….VEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYY excited!!!!! Please send the magazine that you have dogeared 😉

  63. Can't wait to see everything you've done. I'm very impressed with how quickly everything is coming together at your new home.

  64. I am actually getting back to the "basics" – Routines, organizing etc. Having twins (2 years)and a 5 year old (all boys!!) is BUSY and SUPER HECTIC!! This would be super helpful! stop by –

  65. I am actually getting back to "basics"!! Organizing, routines etc! With Twin 2 year olds and a 5 year old (all boys) this would be super helpful! Stop by for a visit!

  66. Melissa says:

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway. Back to school organizing in full effect around here!

  67. Emily says:

    I would love to win. Thank you!

  68. VAS says:

    Getting back to a "bed-time"

  69. Colleen says:

    You must have loved opening that package!! great giveaway!

  70. Allyson says:

    I totally cleaned out all of my email inboxes, and set up a brand new flag & checklist system to help me stay on top of what I have to do at work and at home! I love it so far, it's working great 🙂

  71. trying to get all of our bills and business needs back in order!!!

  72. Kim says:

    My little one isn't school age yet, but I'm getting back to routine by setting up bags for our different activities (Bible Study, Moms Group, etc), so I can just grab and go on our way to the car

  73. I am revamping my home management binder and included a section for my kids school schedule and phone numbers. I love Martha Stewart for staples, but i love office supplies period 🙂

  74. sara says:

    love it sam! So helpful!

  75. Beatriz says:

    To get back to routine I´m trying really hard to gather all my self-control together… It is not going very well, especially because I might be changing homes in the end of this semester… but I NEED help getting back together!

  76. Love your organized office. Someday I have to get to setting up my home office.

  77. Can't wait to follow the progress on setting up your new house. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity – love Marth Stewart!!

  78. Kelly says:

    As a full-time working mom with 4 kids, this would be a lifesaver! My husband is a stay-at-home dad and he's great, but could use help with the organizational aspects of his job. We're prepping for back-to-school for our 3rd grader, 2nd grader, and Kindergarten students with a 5 month old along for the ride. I have to say I also ADORE the colors of Martha's lines – they match my home decor perfectly!

  79. I am meal planning and organizing our home office.

  80. We're "aspiring" to be more organized this week by setting up a family command center and reorganizing a few other spaces before my son starts school next week.

  81. JC says:

    We got back to school shopping done and start routine with kids to get ready.

  82. Laur says:

    I am constantly organizing something in my home. Just about everyday I do something different with my desk area. I would LOVE these Martha Stewart products to make it look much cleaner and uniformed!

  83. renee says:

    My oldest is starting kindergarten in 2 weeks. I've been telling my husband we need a command center for all of the papers, schedules, etc. that we will need to keep track of!!

  84. First year we need to develop a school routine. My triplets are starting Kindergarten!

  85. Jill Whalen says:

    Getting "back into the routine" by completing our before bed routine to prep for the morning, including an earlier bedtime for the DD4 (and myself!), as well as doing better with meal planning. Would love that Staples gift card to revamp the kitchen command center!

  86. paigeshannon says:

    What great products – these would come in handy as my son starts college and my daughter is still in the hospital (today marks a year). The hospital is an hour away and I stay during the week and then home on the weekends. The planner and other things would be great to take to the hospital and make a little "office" space to get everything organized!

  87. This set would liven up my little work center!

  88. Joan says:

    Love the aqua color of the martha stewart accessories!

  89. Unknown says:

    These are PERFECT for my new office area. Just the perfect color! I'm headed out to Staples right away!

  90. JessiAnn says:

    I love your newly organized desk! It makes me happy! 😀

  91. Bethany says:

    Am loving that signature Martha blue-would look great in my mostly white office! Thanks for all your tips & ideas-your moving info totally inspired me as my hubs & I are moving in a couple of months.

  92. Liz says:

    Your office is beautiful! I am so inspired by what you have done in such a short time since you have moved in.

  93. RobinM says:

    I am trying to create a new routine that works better this year. It is hard to create a routine when I work full time 8-5 and my son is with Grandma and both like to sleep in and my son is in afternoon pre-school. I am trying to get them both up and going earlier this year to create an earlier bed time and better routine for my son….keeping my fingers crossed that Grandma will get on board. 🙂

  94. Amy Johnson says:

    Love this stuff! I just organized our homeschool room, but there's always room for more organizing!

  95. Crystal says:

    Since I homeschool my daughter, I'm finishing my lesson plans. We already bought all our curriculum and school supplies. I would love to get Martha Stewarts office supplies. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

  96. Christine says:

    We're trying to stay on top of things with a big chalkboard calendar in our mudroom. Hope it will work!

  97. Kallie says:

    Ooooooooooooohhhh!!!!! I heart Avery's Martha Stewart office supplies!! Would love these – thanks for the awesome give away!

  98. Pat Frank says:

    I need all the organization help I can get so this set seems like it can be a workhorse and finally get me organized! I love Staples and can spend hours perusing each and every aisle – it is my Happy Zone! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Pat F.
    Las Vegas

  99. Oksana Tuz says:

    I'm working on getting everyone back to routine with school already started and the extra hands that is needed at home to help out. Chore charts and schedules so everyone would know what's going on when. Would love Martha Stewart collection to help me out in this process.

  100. Ginger says:

    The Martha Stewart office supplies are so pretty! And they come in that lovely shade of turquoise! They would look amazing in my office.

  101. LOVE all the organization with this line. The colors are wonderful!!!

  102. I love, love, love Martha Stewart products. I am in the process of making a new calendar/menu board for easier access to all recipes available to cook.

  103. Tiffany says:

    Love your blog and all of MS's products

  104. Michele Day says:

    We have cleaned out closets and filled backpacks. I am now getting ready to make some sort of home command center so these gifts would come in handy!

  105. TSnyder says:

    As a homeschooling family with a husband that travels significantly for work – being organized is the only thing that saves my sanity. However, lately something just seems to be off and I've been looking for a new method for everything except our calendars. I personally LOVE the Moleskine Task Master weekly planner in conjunction with Google Calendars to keep everything straight for appointments & such. These items + gift cards would be a great kick in the pants to get my act back in gear for everything else.

    Thanks for hosting…

  106. Michelle J. says:

    We have stations ready for lunches, schoolwork, etc.

  107. Flossie says:

    So pretty! Our desk area is a MESS! Thanks for the give away!

  108. rachel says:

    Making lists so I can stay focused and get stuff done!!

  109. Birdy says:

    Working on painting/organizing our new family/homeschool room. All of these products would match our new color scheme soooo well!! Help me get organized, PLEASE! 😉

  110. Haley says:

    I just moved to another state and boy do I have a ton of things to organize! Martha help a girl out!

  111. This sure would help get me better organized. Thanks

  112. Olivia says:

    To get back into routine I am creating a home management binder and a mock schedule for my son and my work at home time so I'm more efficient!

  113. Kitty Helton says:

    I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this binder and I especially love the calendar layout. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  114. Ali Jean says:

    Moved after Hurricane Sandy and we're in the process of renovating one house while living in another so I need as much routine and organization as I can possible get!

  115. Hayden says:

    I am cleaning the closets out, purging toys, clutter, etc to get ready for back to school 🙂 I love your blog and your new home is beautiful!

  116. Mary Watkins says:

    This giveaway makes me so excited. I recently moved and have 3 kids in school. The amount of paperwork we are accumulating is overwhelming. I was thrilled to see how you organize for your kids as well as for yourself. I will be using this blog post as my inspiration for my office re-do. I already utilize some Martha products but I'm ready to put this system to use and get this clutter under control.

  117. Nikole says:

    I LOVE her collection with Staples! I have some of the file folders and am slowly collecting more of the "set". Organization is so much more fun when using beautiful tools!

  118. me, rachel says:

    Haha we're making a new routine! I'm nesting like crazy, getting ready for my little one this fall!

  119. trekmom says:

    Love your blog AND Martha Stewart. With 4 kids in three different schools, I could use some organizational help!

  120. I love all the MS products and I love your blog!

  121. just set up a new office and command center. This MS collection will be perfect!

  122. Jenney says:

    I am working on finally organizing all of the boxes in my basement and setting up a new filing system for paperwork

  123. emily martin says:

    My getting back into the routine pattern is starting with a jumbo glass of water first thing in the morning, and lots of it throughout the day to stave off dehydration and fatigue… so I can do what I need to do!

  124. I don't have any kids, but I love having a routine! It's the only way I can stay organized and on top of things. Lists are made, laundry is done, everything is clean, clothes are set out for the week, and lunches are made!

  125. we have started back on our nightime routine for school, as school starts for us next tuesday, This would help me out so much with my business.

  126. Ugh, not even wanting to think about back to school! Ours doesn't start until Sept. 3rd. But I'm starting by getting supplies and de-cluttering the downstairs!

  127. I would LOVE to win any of these! Thanks for sharing!

  128. lauren w. says:

    My routine has been shaken up because I'm back to work after two years in grad school! Would love those products for my new office!

  129. This is perfect … with 2 kids off to school and another 2 at home I could use all the help I can get with keeping it organized.

  130. Ronda Petrin says:

    Love the organizers, perfect color for my home!

  131. We started a new chore chart for the kids

  132. T says:

    I'm customizing/updating my (Martha Stewart, actually) planner and it is already making a huge difference.

    That is such an elegant desk btw. Looking forward to seeing more.

  133. The Neumanns says:

    I am going to be especially careful to keep the paper beast under control with all the new start of school papers.

  134. C. Brawley says:

    Trying to reorganize our office and entry way for the upcoming school year. Love the Martha Stewart line at Staples. I already have a few of her products in our office.

  135. getting the kitchen organized to make it simple to cook.

  136. Doreen says:

    Can you see me drooling over your post? Love Martha's office line.

  137. Amy says:

    I love what you've done with your office! Functional but beautiful as well!

  138. You can never have enough Martha Stewart in your home. I love what you are doing with your new home!

  139. Love me some Martha and I love how your office is coming together. All the little details add up!

  140. Nadia says:

    I loooove your blog!!! Of course, I am trying to imitate you in setting up my new office, but it won't even compare!!!

  141. Jessica O says:

    I'm getting our home management binder back under control and organized!

  142. ld says:

    I'm getting back into routine by finally starting a home management binder! #Newlywed over here 🙂 (Also just snagged a TON of Martha Stewart tupperware to start organizing in the kitchen too.)

  143. I love you office! It would make me work too. I am getting my bill payment system in order as well as collecting ideas for the upcoming school year lunches!

  144. Gorgeous! Thank you so much for this giveaway; I would be very excited to win. 🙂

  145. Alana M says:

    I'm in the process of trying to get my house organized and turning a bedroom closet into an office… I really wish I had a beautiful room like you have!!

  146. Adam's Mommy says:

    My 2.5 year old just moved to a new class in daycare and I'm finally back to work after 4 months off due to having to have 2 eye surgeries. I've been cooking for the week on Sunday and managing to do at least 1 load of laundry a day to get back into the swing of things. Hoping to get more organized so I can enjoy a few hours in the evening to relax.

  147. Laura Henri says:

    Love your office, Sam! 🙂 I would just sit down and sigh a happy sigh every time I was in there!

  148. Karen C says:

    I'm waking up with an alarm again, Ugh!

  149. nikki says:

    What an amazing giveaway! So thankful I found your blog through Pinterest. Your office is inspiring- beautiful colors and smart storage. I'll be catching up on your past posts now!

  150. Leash says:

    Trying to get things in order after a hectic month as I work at a university

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