25 Days of Elf On The Shelf! v.2013

Dec 2

Our beloved elf, Freddie, returned from the North Pole this weekend! The kids were worried he may not find his way to the new California house, but I reminded them Santa knows exactly where every child lives. And the memo was surely received by the elves too.

We discovered him chillin’ in a bath of large marshmallows. He came bearing a few gifts, mini-donuts, a coloring book, chocolate rolls, a change of clothes…and a new friend!…

He also brought along a letter from Santa which explains that he is still watching and reminding the kids what the Elf is here to do. You can find the Santa Claus letterhead right here from Erin at Vale Designs. She’s awesome!…

I know, I know – some of you may be shaking your head about this new tradition. I too held off for a long time. Our elf only arrived 2 years ago and I was surprised how much fun the kids had with him around. Last year Freddie had 25 days of fun in our house. I shared a weekly recap of his antics last year that was very popular. This year I’ll again share what he is up to. No telling what he might end up doing in California. I’m worried about the pool. Especially because this year he arrived with company…a “lady friend”.

To get in the Christmas and Elf on the Shelf spirit, here are some ideas I shared last year. Link to all 25 days is below….










Days 1 – 9 here
Days 10 – 16 here
Days 17 – 25 here

If at the end of the day you’re a tired mommy (like me) and you’re looking for new inspiration, hope some of my ideas will help. Help me too and share yours! Or try taking a look at this adorably organized Elf schedule from my friend Steph over at A Little Moore

She’s genius! Another example of how planning and organizing can save you the stress! Thanks, Steph!

For more Elf on the Shelf inspiration, check out my pinterest board full of cute ideas!

Let the fun begin!

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