A Spray of Gold

Mar 21

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front the last 2 weeks because I have a lot going on with home projects, stuff with the kids, and with my new little organization business. Don’t worry (or worry), it shouldn’t be this quiet going forward because I have so many exciting things to share with you guys! Including a spring project brought to you by your favorite two little words = Martha Stewart. Squeeee, yup…I’m working with her team again this spring and couldn’t be more thrilled or grateful.

Anyway, wonder no longer – this girl is always organizing or doing something around here…or other people’s homes now! And I promise that as soon as I can I will be posting something fun to inspire you guys.

Even though I was swamped this week, I still managed to squeeze in a fun, easy, small DIY project here at the house. I have this little bathroom set from Pottery Barn that I have owned for years. I’m talking at least 10-15 years. It was silver and starting to look a bit weathered, but was still in great shape and didn’t want to donate the set. I had the pieces on my new bathroom shelving…

The set included a clock and a small glass jar you see behind the clock…

And a toothbrush holder…

I gave up using the toothbrush holder as an actual toothbrush holder years ago when I bought an electric version. It wouldn’t fit into the holder anymore. Instead it’s been holding my small make up brushes. I also had a cute jar from Target holding bars of soap that had a silver lid…

Since the house is painted in mainly gray tones, I’m looking around and noticing the small things that are getting lost in mix and felt like adding a little pop. Why not use some leftover gold spray paint?! I had some leftover from my crib wall hanging project. I just cleaned up the pieces, taped on the face of the clock and set them out on a drop cloth on my work table in the garage…

 * Yes, that’s a piano. Pay not attention to that. Hopefully it’s leaving soon!

Then I just gave each item a few coats of gold spray paint…

Once they were dry, I brought them back up to the bathroom. For my make-up brushes, I added some dry brown rice from the kitchen pantry into the bottom of the toothbrush holder. That helped to keep the brushes separated and upright…


Was also a good time to toss out any old brushes and clean the keepers…

Then I just placed them all inside the holder and back up on the shelves…







The spray paint just dressed these small items up a little bit more…

I love it!…

I’m a huge SNL fan and of course the entire time I worked on this project, I couldn’t help but think about the way Kristen Wiig parodied the Monex Gold commercial. Anyone remember that? The way she said “gold”….super funny!…

If you have something old around the house that just needs a little re-fresher, consider a little spray of metallic spray paint. Do something fun this weekend to make something old new again!

comments +

  1. Hi there Samantha… Sometimes we are so busy thinking what to buy to make the room/home looks nicer that we totally forgot to renew something… I'm,with my boyfriend, remodeling his old apartment (so we can move) and we are trying to re-use everything we can? since old kitchen cabinets to the bathroom tiles that we will paint… It's a lot of work but I'm so excited to do it!? Thanks for all of your tips… (I'm Portuguese so don't mind if I wrote something wrong…) xoxoxo

  2. So pretty Sam! I've been doing this with a few items using an antique gold. But I love the pop of the color you've used. Really makes a statement. Would love to know what brand/color you used.

  3. I know you've been busy, but I've missed getting your blog posts. They're so inspiring! Can't wait to hear what's been going on, and I love the new look with the spray paint.

  4. Laura Brown says:

    I love this – so cute! Also amazing idea with the rice to hold the makeup brushes up more, might have to use that myself when I finally get around to organising my tiny en-suite 🙂

  5. sucia01 says:

    I love the make up brushes, where are those from?

    Be careful with the gold. Some people get a bit overboard!!

  6. Gold + spray paint = perfect combo! I love the way you styled that shelf it looks beautiful!

  7. Karyn says:

    Tell me more about the shelf please!! 🙂 Is it a DIY or where did you get it?

  8. Karyn says:

    Not sure if this posted twice or what. Where did you get the shelf???

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