Simple School Paper & Homework Command Center

Mar 3

Do you have school papers, school schedules, homework tools, hot lunch menus, and even more school papers just randomly stacked and thrown about on your kitchen counter?

No? That’s just me?

Oh boy.

Well, I can happily say that was me. But not anymore, friends!

Last week I went from this…

To this…

I had the perfect spot for a school & homework command center inside a few kitchen cabinets….

In August, before school started, I set up a school paper area in the office upstairs. But I’d been noticing we actually needed those papers living downstairs. Things like the hot lunch menu, which I would be checking out in the morning when deciding whether to make lunches or not. And homework tools, which we need at the kitchen table where the boys do homework.

You know the drill.

I created this little command center using the Martha Stewart Wall Manager system. Instead of hammering nails into the cabinet doors, I easily hung the system using Command Adhesive Strips…

Just hung the component backings first…


Then played around with the components until I had it just right…

Calendar up top…

A spot for pencils, pens, dry erase supplies (for the calendar above), little drawers for smaller homework needs and box top collection…

File holder holds pre-school and first grade papers…

File holder holds third grade papers…

The system has a thin profile, which works great inside cabinets!…

You’d never know something so organized, useful and pretty was hiding away behind these cabinets…

Happy to have my counter space back because I don’t have enough of it AND I really want to buy some bar stools. Happy to say I can do that now. No more papers to be found here…


Here’s a sneak peek at the stool I’m considering

Oh, and in case you missed it…I made a little video sharing how I installed this in my kitchen. You can see it here!…

Have a great day!!

(I linked up with iheartorganizing)


comments +

  1. This is a great idea (of course!). I need to copy this 🙂

  2. renee says:

    I love love love this idea! I have wanted to do a command center, but I love that you are hiding it behind a cabinet door!! What is the depth of the inboxes? I tried to google, but they only give the height & width (12×8). I have a pantry door that this would be perfect for, but I'm not sure it would clear the shelves. Thanks for this awesome idea!! Love your site!!

  3. Hi Samantha! I'm like you where I don't like putting nails everywhere so command strips work perfect for a lot of things, also makes it much easier to move things around. Love the idea of putting everything inside the cabinets!
    – Maggie @ Polka Dots in the Country

  4. Wow! I've never seen these products before. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the tip about using command strips to attach it to the surface of the wall/cabinet. I've been trying to figure out how to create a landing zone for my husband inside our entry closet. This might just do the trick!

  5. Lindsey says:

    Could you share the links to the products please?

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