New VLOG: My Favorite (Frequently Forgotten) Cleaning Tips

May 9

Hey everyone! Lucky you (ha! not!)….I have a new vlog up on my YouTube channel!

For this little video blog, I’ve partnered with Mr. Clean and Double Duty Divas to share some of my favorite cleaning tips and tricks. I threw in a few organization ideas too…because I would always rather be organizing than cleaning.

Did you know that about me?

Well, now you do!

Wouldn’t you rather not be cleaning too? Especially this coming weekend – all you mommies out there, I’m sure you don’t want to be cleaning on Mother’s Day, right?! Wouldn’t it be great to have a #cleanfreeweekend?

Oh, and if you’ve seen some of my previous vlog’s, you’ll be happy to know I’ve chosen “super easy” as the words said way too much! Ugh! Told you guys….I’m better behind the camera, not in front of it!

In this video I’m sharing some of my favorite quick and easy cleaning tips. But these are tips you may not be aware of and/or tasks you’ve forgotten to complete during your spring cleaning regime. If you have any quick cleaning tips to share, please comment below for all of us to see and enjoy! No one likes to clean, so anytime I find out an easier way to get cleaning jobs done, I’m all over it!

Enjoy this little video!…

I hope you have a clean free, Mother’s Day weekend everyone!

If you’d like to catch up with Mr. Clean, check out these great links!…

This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Mr. Clean. I was provided the featured product free along with a gift card to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

comments +

  1. I love your vlogs. My favorite cleaning tip is for the bathroom. I deep clean the bathroom 3 times a week. In between, I grab Windex Multi Surface and a couple of micro fiber rags and go over all the surfaces. I can't sleep unless I know everything is clean. It's quick for in between cleanings and it makes me happy. Plus, the new Windex Multi Surface is a disinfectant and it smells really good. I am also a crazy Clorax wipe user on door knobs and telephones.

  2. Carol says:

    Great video, Sam! Over the last year or so, I have used several of your cleaning tips — washer, dryer, coffee maker, etc., and they always work just as you say they will. I have a tip that just kind of happened by accident, mainly because I have back-issues, and that is to use the edge of my mop to clean my baseboards whenever I mop the floor. It's probably not doing a super-thorough job but they look fine from a standing position. And, seriously, anyone getting down too close to my baseboards (unless it's a little person) to check for dirt is just not welcome in my home!
    Thanks for the tips. I really enjoy much of your organizing ideas, too! Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Tiffany says:

    My best trick has been to create a cleaning schedule. Entry, office, front room, dining room on Monday, bathrooms on Tuesday, kitchen on Wed, etc. Does life get in the way and I miss a day? Of course! But then at least I know how long it's been since I've cleaned that area. I either squeeze it into another day or shrug my shoulders and make sure I hit it the next week. Before, if I missed deep cleaning something, it was far easier to let it go and then I would have no idea how long it'd been since I cleaned it. I also love your laundry tip of doing it all the way through. It's counter-intuitive, but if I'm overwhelmed by laundry, I stop doing it until I get all the way through. Somehow it's easier to just have a stack of dirty to work through than to have a dirty pile, a pile to fold, a pile to put away… 🙂

  4. Love the video, you should do more!! Love all the tips that you shared, too.
    Another thing I have found to help to keep the towels from smelling bad is not using fabric softener. It doesn't fully wash out, so after it dries and sits, it tends to give that yucky smell!
    Love your blog!

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