Protect Your Summer Photos with Picture Keeper + A Giveaway!

May 19

Hard to believe the school year is almost over and summer vacation will soon be upon us. There is certainly going to be a lot of picture taking over here as we participate in end of the year school and baseball parties…and get started with swim team and fun summer activities. So, there is no better time to think about getting a little organized in the photo department.

If you have a digital camera, it’s likely you’ve been uploading photos to your computer. But maybe (like me) you don’t have time to print, organize or get them into a cute scrapbook. Why? Because life is busy. So the big question is…until you’re ready to print those photos, are you protecting them with regular computer backups?

We’ve all heard horror stories from friends or family that they suddenly had a hard drive crash…losing all of their photos in the process. Or maybe *shudder* you personally experienced a hard drive crash. If you aren’t already using a back-up drive, you should absolutely consider doing that. But if you are looking for a super easy, awesome alternative…I have just the product (and giveaway!) for you this week!

Have you heard of Picture Keeper? Picture Keeper is the simplest automatic picture backup device you can use to protect your priceless photos. What’s even better is that it’s not a software program. No need to install something new on your computer. You simply plug the Picture Keeper device into your computer, it automatically locates all of your photos and saves them. That’s it!

Yup, just plug it in, click start and Picture Keeper does all the work for you! You can even use it in a digital photo frame, LCD TV, photo kiosk, or simply store it away for safe keeping.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll recall I shared this product with you last fall, along with a giveaway. My friends at Picture Keeper are back to share another generous giveaway with you because they’ve added a little gift to their product selection…

The Little Gift is a starter size Picture Keeper with 4GB capacity, which will keep up to 4,000 pictures safe. The Little Gift was designed for sharing with friends and family with the idea to help you “start protecting your memories”. It is perfect for giving to moms and teachers at the end of the school year!

For a short time, The Little Gift is available as a single unit ($29.99) or as a special Four Pack for only $50 (regularly $119.99!).

And Picture Keeper comes in 3 additional sizes to fit the needs of any digital photo collection. The PK 8…

The PK8 holds up to 8,000* photos and is $59.99.
* estimate – based on an average size of 1MB per picture.

The PK 16…

The PK16 holds up to 16,000* photos and costs $99.99.
* estimate – based on an average size of 1MB per picture.

And, for all you pros out there, the PK Pro…

The PK Pro holds up to 250,000* photos and is $189.99.
* estimate

How easy is it to use Picture Keeper? All you do is plug it in to your computer…

Then this window will pop up on your desktop…

Once you start the backup process, you’ll see Picture Keeper working hard to locate your photos…

With the photos located, it’s time to back them up…

As the Picture Keeper is backing up your photos, you’ll also see how much time is remaining and how many duplicate photos were skipped. Once the backup is complete, the Picture Keeper details how much space is remaining and how many photos are on the device…

That was easy! When you’re done, just eject the device and store away in a safe place until next time.

The Picture Keeper difference:

* Skips duplicate photos

* No software to install, wires to connect, passwords to remember, or monthly fees

* Use on multiple computers; PC and Mac compatible

* Once one Picture Keeper fills, just use another and the second will continue where the first left off. Amazing!

* Works well with all photo organizing softwares like Kodak Easy Share

* Easily use with your digital photo frame, favorite print kiosk or keep in a fireproof safe

I’m telling you guys, there is nothing as easy as this product. And there’s nothing better than having peace of mind knowing your photos are backed up and protected.

For the remainder of the month of May, you can buy the Picture Keeper products at a discount too! Just click on the image below to start shopping!…

Or you can enter for a chance to win a PK4 that my friends at Picture Keeper are giving away to TWO lucky readers! Yay! Just follow the easy giveaway entry below and good luck!…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* Picture Keeper has agreed to giveaway 2 PK4 devices. I was not paid in cash for this posting. 
I was sent a product for review and all opinions are my own. 

comments +

  1. LoriU says:

    I would love this. I worry all.the.time. about losing my treasured photos!!

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