Simply Done: Boy Closet…Party of One

Aug 3

When it comes to any “kid space” in your home, keeping organization simple and easy is the best way to get business done. Kids are messy and disorganized. Period. They just wanna have fun…and they should. Systems shouldn’t be fussy or difficult for them (or you!) to manage and stay on top of.
Every client I work with is a parent with young children, so I see it all in terms of kid messes. This little guy (age 6) is not only super handsome and sweet, but he’s a Lego dude through and through. First up though, we handled his closet…


Remember, no judgements allowed on Simply Organized!

Did I mention there’s also a closet I haven’t loved working in? I always see that beautifully organized end vision and this is exactly what I had in mind…


We also sorted out some books on a shelf (not shown in this post) that was a bit overcrowded. With the closet neat and tidy, and old clothing purged, there was plenty of room on a shelf for some books. We kept them low and within reach. We also added a shelf up top for bedding that belongs in this room. Amazing how much additional space we created. This bedding needed a home and it made the most sense to be in here…

And as you saw on the other side of the closet. the entire bottom is wide open! Love!

In the drawers? I did my double fold (aka folding in 4th’s) with his long and short sleeve shirts…

Other drawers contain socks and PJ’s.

Since his big hobby is Lego’s, we stuck to what has been working for him and mom/dad…

Long before hiring me, Mom invested in rolling underbed storage bins. There’s 4 of them under the bed and they’ve been working well for the little guy. If he wants to play or build, all he needs to do is roll out a bin and he’s set. The bins are shallow, which means they aren’t too deep / require digging…and items aren’t able to be found within a reasonable amount of time. This system may not work for everyone, but it works for this family so I wasn’t about to upset the apple cart…

I’ve been working with this sweet family for a couple months now and we have slowly collected all of the Lego’s around the house. As we find some, we know exactly where they belong…in these bins…under this bed.

Wondering what my xl truck looks like after a long session of organizing?…

My local Goodwill and Hazardous Waste Disposal location loves me. 😉

I’m sure many of you are starting to think about back to school clothes shopping. Be sure to take a look through your child’s closet before making that trip. You’ll be amazed what’s hiding in there that may still fit…and equally amazed to find out what they have outgrown (boo! so sad!). Either way, get the school year started off right with a neat and organized closet!

Happy August everyone! Can you even believe this?!

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