Well, hello strangers! No, I have not yet again disappeared…I’ve been desperately trying to blog but have been dealing with technical issues. Who knew such a thing could bring this girl to tears?
Long story short, no – you weren’t seeing things when you saw a post last week and then see it magically disappear. I shared this very blog post last week and hours later it was gone. Bottom line, I’ve been dealing with web host issues. My host had a server hack thing and the site was down for several days or getting into it was spotty at best. A few of you (thank you!) reached out letting me know something was up and many of you were seeing a bizarre error message when you came to the site. I’m sorry! And thank you for letting me know! I have been booked solid and not at my computer much so I had no idea some of you weren’t seeing anything. I have no issue with my previous web host and feel awful for what they’re dealing with, but I couldn’t handle the wait any longer. Sadly, I think they are still dealing with the issue. So to move the process along and get me back to blogging and give new clients a way to contact me, I changed hosts. Of course, this took a couple days … and took me losing a few things on the site that left me in tears. But what can you do? Fact is, I’m back in the game now and have so many fun projects to share with you guys!
A couple weeks ago I organized an amazing pantry for the sweetest family of 6. They have a stunning home and my mommy client is truly the modern day Mary Poppins. No idea how she manages it all with 4 kiddos. They have a gorgeous, spacious kitchen so this pantry acts as a storage space for overflow non-perishables and larger appliances that don’t need to take up everyday cabinet space…
No, the pantry wasn’t *that* bad, but she was frustrated with the lack of organization and ease of getting to things. There was also a lot on the floor. My apologies for some of the cell phone quality images – those were from my initial consult.
I tend to treat a pantry of this size the same way I would a garage – by creating zones. And a little more order. But first, everything must come out…
And after cleaning, back in we go…
With the exception of the heavy bottles of alcohol and her heavy kitchen aid mixer, nothing is on the floor…which allows her to fully walk into the space without obstacles…
Not everything needs to be out of its packaging and in a clear container. Baskets are a perfect way to create order yet still keep things pretty…
And not everything needs a label…
I re-used quite a bit of her containment and brought in just a few things. The canned food risers always make a big impact…
She immediately left to make a costco run to fill them all out. Ha! – Love to inspire!
You guys, thanks again for your patience with my web issues. There is a lot to share so you can expect quite a few blog posts coming through for a while. I’m backlogged and need to share all of my client before and afters. Also, I’ve slowed my client schedule down a bit to focus on my first couple Command Adhesive projects. Very very excited to share that I’m a blog ambassador for them this year…can’t wait to dig into those projects and share some simple, inspiring organization ideas using their products!
Back soon!
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