Simply Done: A Gorgeous Home Office

Mar 2

And it’s a gorgeous home office for a gorgeous girl!

An aspect of my business I love is my clients are not one-timer’s. When I work with someone it’s generally over several appointments. Sometimes we’re doing a total home turnover…other times it’s a smaller focused job in one space. No matter what, we work together a minimum of 2 appointments. This, combined with the fact we work together so intimately in their home or office, gives me the opportunity to get to know each one really well…and fall in love. I know, I should be more careful throwing my heart around like this. #kidding In all seriousness, I adore every person I work with and feel incredibly lucky to be contacted by the loveliest of people. All the time.

This client in particular, though – she’s a special one! If you’re a friend of mine on Instagram, you may see an occasional music video I throw together using before and after images coupled with my love of music. Many times the music selection includes hip hop with artists like Beyonce and Jay-Z. I love their music, what can I say. She feels me completely on this love and double-downed by sharing she’s been to many-a Jay-Z concert. #saywhat And then randomly sends me clips of videos she’s taken at his concert.

I’m telling you, I have the best job in the World! Her little videos always arrive at the perfect moment too.

We’ve been working together over the last several months and the final space to work on was her home office. (I know, I’m crying when I think about the fact we’re done working together) She works from home and had invested in all the right pieces for her space, it was just lacking in organization systems. She also needed some focused purging time. Her call for help came in the form of a hilarious text with these images attached…

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

Remember, we don’t judge in here. This sweetheart not only works from home but has a toddler home with her as well. Also, this was not that bad. If I’ve learned anything in this job it’s that we are our own worst critics. This space wasn’t that bad! All we needed was a good sort / purge…and a few little products to help simplify.

Her call came in at the perfect time too – The Container Store’s office sale had just started the day before. And is still going on, in case you guys want to jump on any of the products I’ll be sharing. After a quick peek at the photos, I stopped at my local TCS to grab a few things and was there to help!

Starting with the desk

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

Desks and desktops can quickly get cluttered. It’s a good idea to have systems / solutions that work for you as well as cater to the type of stuff you need for your work…and then dedicate 1-2 days a month when you sort, clean and put away again. If you have good systems and solutions, a clean-up shouldn’t take very long. I’m talking 30-60 minutes…if you have filing to get done.

The after, thanks to these Poppin drawer organizers! Still not quite sure how these worked out so well in her Pottery Barn Desk!…

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

So bright, clean and pretty in here!…

gorgeous home office

She even has a little couch in here for her husband to hang out with her while she’s working…

gorgeous home office

If you don’t have the need for a desk with hanging files or you don’t want a desk with hanging file space, this is a great option….

gorgeous home office

It’s also a great solution for people that have a habit of “piling”. An upright system like this keeps your “piles on vertical”, if you will. And you have to admit, it looks a whole lot nicer.

In the corner of the office is a great bookcase. She eventually would like to paint this to match the rest of the office. In the meantime we simply sorted out the books and added a few of my go-to baskets to contain overflow office supplies…

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

gorgeous home office

From this…

gorgeous home office

To this…

gorgeous home office

And it was a 4-5 hour appointment. When you dedicate time and focus, amazing how impactful the transformation can be!

If you’d like to shop this post for the products I used, you can find all of the organization solutions here in this slideshow. Simply click the product to be taken to the website. Don’t forget, the container store office sale is still going on and this is the time to buy! Office supplies can be really costly! Whenever I can schedule an office organization project during their sale, I do it!…

If you’re interested in her office collection, those can be found here…

A beautiful and organized home office for a very special girl! So grateful I was able to help her make this home office happy ever after a reality!

Happy office organizing everyone!

(Sharing on Thrifty Decor Chick)

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comments +

  1. Samantha I did the same thing last week. Its amazing how quickly that room gets so messy. Its a never ending task for me. Your office looks lovely.

    • Samantha says:

      Good for you, Millie!! Doesn’t it feel amazing? This isn’t my office – it belongs to my lucky client. It’s so pretty and calm now!


  2. Ruby says:

    Great ideas! This is definitely one of the last rooms in our home that gets attention, and it shows. We’ve been working on setting up some new cabinets so this has inspired me to finish the project and get it done. Thanks!

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Bay Area, California