Create More Closet Space with These All-New Hangers + A Giveaway!

Mar 7

When it comes to closet organization, typically my clients struggle with having too much clothing in a small space. Yes, in rare cases it’s too much clothing in a large space. More often than not, however, we’re working with a small amount of real estate and too much clothing. Obviously, our first order of business is purging, then I’m left to put everything away. Over the years, I’ve learned tips and tricks for making the most of any space. Sometimes these tricks include a product, sometimes not. We’re all familiar with slim-line hangers that give us more “width” space in a closet. These allow us to have a bit more clothing because the hanger isn’t as bulky as the standard design. But I recently discovered a hanger that not only gives you more room width-wise…this company literally revolutionized the hanger to give you more space length-wise too!


And this photo explains it all…

It also begs the question, “Why didn’t I think of that?!”. Right?

Meet Higher Hangers, your new space-saving hanger…

Higher Hangers are a new product, now on Kickstarter! I was not surprised to learn they are already at 130% of goal and have 350 backers. The hangers are available for preorder till March 31st, with limited availability of up to 50% off.

They work by lowering the hanger hook, which raises clothing higher, closer to the closet rod, creating new space underneath. The design maximizes efficiency while retaining function with all styles of clothing, including collared shirts.

Look in any closet and you’ll see a huge gap between the clothing and the rod. Case and point = see all the space between the rod and where the shirts begin?…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

That’s a solid 5″ of wasted space. For decades, we’ve been living with a standard hanger design…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Leave it to a college student living in the dorms to come up with this genius space-saving idea!…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Nothing gets smaller than a dorm room. Higher Hangers safely hang your clothing while minimizing the amount of wasted space. This results in a completely new, versatile hanger design that’s directly replaceable with what’s in your closet today. So simple! And you guys know I’m all about simple organization ideas and solutions.

An average master closet measures about 8′ wide with an upper and lower clothing rod. Regardless of closet size, Higher Hangers create more than 10% of new useful closet space. How? By raising your clothing up by 4-5″ per row. Here’s a side x side example…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Last week I tried Higher Hangers in a closet and was blown away by the results. We not only created more space above this top clothing rod…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

I was also able to keep the clothing on the top rod from getting tangled in the clothing on the bottom rod…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

And I was able to create space on the bottom of the closet for additional storage! Before…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!


Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Something as simple as hanger design and we’ve solved 2 problems and added much-needed space!

Higher Hangers are slimline velvet hangers, so not to worry – you’re still saving space width-wise in your closet. What you’ll gain is also more space length-wise! Here’s the same shirt on a standard hanger…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

You can see it touching the bottom rod, too…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Now on a Higher Hanger…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Not touching that bottom rod or getting snagged by the lower hangers anymore!…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

After the top row of hangers was changed out…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

And now the bottom row as well…

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

As a professional organizer, I’m stunned with the amount of space I was able to create. No need to renovate the closet, it’s as simple as purchasing the correct hanger.

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

This weekend I searched through my list of clients with small closets and sent them an e-mail about this product because I know they will benefit. Remember this closet I organized last summer?…

Her closets were a custom build-out but the rods are too close together. I did my very best in her space but these hangers will be a game changer!

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

All you need to create more closet space is to replace your hangers with Higher Hangers. They’re available in 2 premium styles: black velvet coated (non-slip) slimline and clean luxurious white HDF wood, both with chrome metal hooks…

I love the non-slip velvet hanger because it works perfectly for dresses, pants, spaghetti strap tops or anything that tends to fall off a plastic hanger. Even collared shirts and jackets hang perfectly on this hanger.

Remember, if you can’t wait and want to pre-order now – you can do so here on the Kickstarter page!

Create more space in your closet with Higher Hangers!

Drew is the genius behind this new hanger and one of the nicest guys around! He contacted me to share a giveaway with one very lucky Simply Organized reader! Thanks to Drew, one of you is going to win 50 Higher Hangers (a $75 value). We’ve made entry into the giveaway simple – and as always, there’s lot of ways to enter to up your chances of winning. Good luck everyone and spread the word about this great, space-creating product!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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comments +

  1. Sally says:

    I have a small closet, and make the most of my vertical space. These would be so helpful!

  2. KV says:

    This would help me make more space in the lower parts of my closet.

  3. Sandy says:

    Great idea

  4. Kelly says:

    Vacuuming in the closet will be easier too! Excited about these!

  5. Rana says:

    This will keep my clothes from touching the floor which I find so annoying. It looks so messy to me.

  6. Vic says:

    These would be great for my closet.

  7. Stefani says:

    Too many clothes in my closet and I’m horrible at purging my clutter! These hangers would be a perfect quick fix 😉

  8. Nadine says:

    I have huggable hangers and I love them for the non slippage but these would be great as well since I share a closet with my husband and we are at maximum capacity. When do they think these will hit actual stores?

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Nadine!

      These would definitely be a better fit for your shared closet! Let me check with Drew about that question! Maybe he can pop in here to answer and comment too! 🙂


    • Nadine,

      They’re available for pre-order right now on Kickstarter as Sam mentioned. After that, we’re hoping for direct-to-customer sales via our website Retail distribution is quite a complex process and we’re hoping to work directly with customers to get things off the ground and running well before taking on the challenge of mass retail distribution.



  9. Anna H says:

    Game changer is right! This would be great in my small closet. Only have one upper rack now but this would allow enough room for two!

  10. Carol D says:

    We looking to re-do our closet this summer. I knew I’d need new hangers – these will be perfect.

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Carol!

      Yes, these will be perfect! They are now going to be my suggested hanger for clients because they really do give you more room – and length-wise space is so important!


  11. Samantha I did this last week and having a well organized closet is so liberating…I love these hangers and I would love to get them. thank you for posting…Millie.

  12. April says:

    I share a small closet with my husband right now and we have all the bulky plastic hangers. This would help us out a lot!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi April!

      Yes, these would definitely improve your closet situation! You’d gain space both ways – width and length. 🙂


    • April,

      This could definitely help! I always recommend the wood for mens shirts (non-slip is actually kind of a hassle for our shirts) but the velvet are perfect for pants and a lot of women’s tops (unless they’re sleeved like a men’s top).

      I’m trying to make a wood version that also has a pant bar on the bottom so they could be more versatile, but the manufacturing process for that is showing to be quite complex and significantly more expensive. Hoping to come up with a cost-effective solution, but it’s still in the works.

      Thanks for the kind words!


  13. Maria says:

    These will be perfect for my kids’ closets (9 and 11 years old)! Clothes are currently dragging on the bottom rods and floor, and my daughter’s wide-neck tops are constantly falling off hangers. Can’t wait to use these and thanks for sharing!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Maria!

      Sounds like these would in fact be perfect for your situation! You’re welcome – it’s my pleasure to share great solutions that really solve a problem!


  14. Joanne Garris says:

    One of my biggest challenges is the clothing on the top rack getting tangled in the hangers on the bottom rack. These hangers seem to solve that problem!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Joanne!

      Yes, that was my issue too! The issue is easily solved if you have a closet with adjustable rods, but not everyone has that luxury. So Higher Hangers are a perfect solution for those who need the help….especially when their clothing is getting tangled.


  15. Christy Greer says:

    These hangers are awesome! I have put off buying the velvet hangers…I must have been waiting for Higher Hangers.

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Christy!!

      YES, the universe was working on your behalf! This is why you were waiting!

      Seriously, this product should be in every closet – just makes too much sense!


    • Christy,

      Thanks for backing our campaign! Please take some before and after pics and be sure to tag Sam and Higher Hangers if you post them on social media! We love to see everyone’s before/afters and comments!

  16. Marilyn says:

    Hi Samantha. These new hangers would certainly solve a problem I have with stuff from the top row getting tangled in the bottom row. Great idea!

  17. Jill says:

    I have a dresser under my clothes and some of the shirts/skirts are about 3-4 inches too long. Perfect@!

    • Samantha says:

      Yes! Sounds like these hangers would be perfect for your situation! Good luck in the giveaway, but don’t forget – you can always pre-order some now 🙂


  18. Devon says:

    I’ve been on a “simplify EVERYTHING” kick lately – these hangers would make my closet a much cleaner, happier space!

  19. JoAnne says:

    Hi Sam,
    I love your organizing style and ideas! Thanks for sharing these incredible hangers – and you’re right. It seems so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t think of it 😉

  20. latanya says:

    I have clothes that slip off the hanger or some hangers that have multiple items on them to save space.

  21. Genius! Anything that gives me more room for shoes is a big win in my book. 🙂

  22. Vaishali says:

    My closet is small and dark wtith almost no space left for shoes and my Indian outfits

  23. Shawnda says:

    Wow! Thanks for letting us know about these! I’m finally ready to buy matching hangers, and these definitely make the most sense!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Shawnda,

      Yes, they do make the most sense! They make the most of every possible inch, while still treating your clothing nicely.

      You’re welcome!
      Sam 🙂

  24. Stacey says:

    This hanger is genius! I need them for my tiny space that has a rack that everything hits the floor. I can’t believe the difference it makes!

  25. Robyn says:

    I think every closet can use these hangers no matter the size! I need to get some of these!

  26. Michelle Wilson says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes. All of the above problems are mine and these would be fantastic. I have about 200 of the velvet hangars so can’t afford to buy all new, but maybe one side? Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  27. Rebecca says:

    Great idea!! My top row is always tangled in the bottom row. Thanks for the heads up!

  28. Pat F. says:

    What a super cool hanger that certainly has been brought into the next century! I have a small closet and need all the help I can get for my clothing and this certainly looks like a wonderful idea! Congrats to the designer and thank you for bringing this to our attention. Thank you also for the opportunity to win, Sam!

  29. Trish says:


  30. Angela Saver says:

    I follow you on Instagram as Angelasnoozy which is different than my username on the Rafflecopter giveaway form, but there is no box to leave my username for Instagram.

  31. Angela Saver says:

    I could so use these hangers as my top row in the closet always hangs down over the bottom row of clothes & the bottom row clothes hang too low onto the floor. These hangers would definitely help me get my closet organized & give me more room. I know I’d be able to find things much easier too!

  32. Michelle I says:

    These are brilliant! I share a tiny closet with my husband, these would be a huge upgrade from our bulky wooden Ikea hangers!

  33. Victoria says:

    My closet is a lot like the lady’s featured in the post, and the rods are just too close together. The bottom 2-4 inches of clothing on the top is always flopped over the next rack and it’s just so ugly. I think these would solve the problem. What a great idea!

  34. Cheryl says:

    I would love to have the extra space these hangers will free up!! Such a great idea!!

  35. Jennifer says:

    I’ll be leaving for college in a couple months and these hangers would be great for tight living and storage space in the dorms.

  36. Jamie says:

    I need these SO badly! LOVE!!!

  37. Jasmin Davis says:

    Hi Samanfha,

    It’s been a few months since your initial review, I was wonderful if you still liked your higher hangers as much. We desperately need the vertical space but it’s also kind of expensive. Still think velvet verus wood?

    Thank you!

    • Samantha says:


      I have to admit honestly that since I work in all sorts of closets, I’ve seen flocked (velvet) hangers work very well and I’ve also seen clients not like them at all. It’s really a matter of preference when it comes to the flocked / velvet hangers. However, Higher Hangers definitely work to give you more vertical space – yes. So that alone is worth the investment if you are really limited on space. I haven’t seen what his pricing is – how much are they now? When I worked with him / his company for the review he was still in the early stages of getting the product going. Would be interested to know how much and where to find.

      Sam 🙂

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