My Keyboard Organizer Steals The Show

Apr 19

Tomorrow I have a post scheduled sharing how I finally created an “active client center” using an upright file system I recommend to my clients. A few days ago I shared a sneak peak on Instagram

A photo posted by Samantha (@simplyorganized) on


I’m looking forward to sharing the details, but more than thrilled about finally spending the “me time” on this project to get it done.

However, what I find so funny is that whenever I share an image of my home office, people inevitably forget the main focus and instead ask questions such as…”what is the thing holding your computer?” or “what is the gadget over your keyboard?”. Whether I share an image of my desktop / home office on social media or the blog, the questions come rolling in. So I figured, why not give it the attention it rightly deserves with its very own blog post! And also answer this burning question – ha!

Meet my space bar…

Organized Keyboard on Simply Organized

Yes, that’s it’s actual name – Space Bar. I’ve owned and loved (loved very hard!) this little gem for years. It totally changed my desktop surface game by not only giving me more ports (6 total!) to charge devices, upload photos and tuck my keyboard / trackpad away to open my workspace…it keeps my desk looking tidy and organized.

Organized Keyboard on Simply Organized

If I need the space to work on a client drawing, bill paying or to write a note, all that’s needed is to tuck away my keyboard / trackpad underneath and my entire work surface in front of me is now in the clear.

Organized Keyboard on Simply Organized

I purchased it a few years ago when struggling day after day to get behind my big monitor. As a blogger, I rely heavily on imagery. When it was time to upload images off my camera, I had to move the monitor, along with everything else around it, in order to reach the back ports. While client shopping one day, I found Space Bar at The Container Store. I already was well aware of the product, but didn’t know TCS was carrying it. It can now be found on Amazon and recommend purchasing there because you’ll save a good amount of money…

Organized Keyboard on Simply Organized

Space Bar is essentially a shelf your computer sits on. It safely holds a monitor up to 30 pounds – roughly the size of a 27″ iMac. It has a simple, elegant design and nicely compliments /  blends in with the esthetics of my silver and black iMac…although, it does come in other colors.

Another added benefit is that it helps your neck. I’m not super tall, but tall enough – 5’7″. Looking down at a monitor is a pain in the neck – literally. Having my monitor on a space bar elevates my screen so I’m not looking down.

As I mentioned, this little gadget gets a lot of questions and compliments when I share images of my home office. Rightly so – I love it so much and it keeps my desktop organized, tidy and I love the way it looks in my space.

Organized Keyboard on Simply Organized

There you go, friends! It’s Space Bar!

Happy keyboard organizing everyone!

*some affiliate links were used for your convenience

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  1. Robyn says:

    Oh I love this! I have a drawer that I tuck mine into, but not everybody has that option

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Robyn!

      Yes, I love it too…and have for many years. Every little inch on a desktop matters and this gives you just enough space, while also making it easy to plug in those usb cords. 🙂


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