How To E-mail Efficiently

Dec 7

A few days ago I stumbled upon this video and found myself immediately running (well, my fingers ran) to my overflowing inbox for a quick 30 minute clean up. You guys, inbox zero is possible. I’ve talked about e-mail before, but my mission in 2017, if nothing else, is to bail you out of e-mail jail.

Matter of fact, I have several digital organization solutions and ideas coming your way as well as book reviews (this is the one you’re going to hear about quite a bit in the coming weeks! #obsessed). I’m even partnering with my digital organization heroes at Evernote in the New Year with something so amazingly fun that I can barely stop thinking about it.

Anyway, this video had me at “don’t answer e-mails as they come in”. That is a sure way to get stuck in your inbox all day and suddenly find yourself wondering how 3 hours just flew by…yet you feel as though you accomplished nothing. Is there any worse feeling??


While not all tips you hear online resonate, this one may help some you. And I aim to reach each one of you guys!

The tip I loved is how he breaks down an e-mail into four parts and suggests what you can essentially remove altogether. The four parts are the subject line, greeting, body and sign-off. You can watch the short 3 minute video to see his suggestions for editing which ultimately shrinks your e-mail time because you’re getting to the point of why you’re e-mailing in the first place…and then getting out of there. He also wrote a great article if you prefer reading instead of watching.

I am in total agreement that e-mails should be 3 sentences or less. If you’ve never tried that, give it a shot! You may be surprised that all the additional fluff and overthinking you’ve invested wasn’t necessary.

It’s been a while since I posted due to a heavy November travel schedule and a major loss in my family. If you’ve been following on Instagram or Facebook you know that my beloved Grandmother passed away. I’ll be back soon with a little post about her and what else is going on around here! Sorry to disappear for a while…have missed you!

Back soon guys!

how to e-mail efficiently

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comments +

  1. Ellie says:

    Thanks for the advice! Loved the video and want to hear more about your recommended books and tips. I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Anna says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother, she must have been a wonderful woman and now is in a better place. My prayers go out to you. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Anna,

      Thank you so much! She was a TRULY AMAZING woman and I hope to one day be the awesome grandmother and best friend she was to me and my siblings…and our collective 9 great-grandchildren. She is in a better place, I believe that. But still miss her being here.

      Thank you again for your sweet words!


  3. We recently lost my grandmother as well–prayers for your family (and mine!) to have a happy holiday season celebrating their lives even as we miss them.

    XO, Jaclyn

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