It’s Here! Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook Can Be Yours NOW!

Mar 8

It’s here! The Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook has just been released and it’s your time to shine!

So let’s back up…

I was a total bundle of nerves when I first started my blog. How was I going to grow my site and make sure people actually read what I had to say? Was I going to be able to put myself “out there” enough and how was I ever going to learn what all these big league bloggers knew?

It’s really hard to believe that I started this blog more than 5 years ago! What is more shocking is how much I’ve learned along the way, good and bad. The only reason I started this blog was because of the encouragement of a friend to get this thing going. The rest, as they say, is history. I want to do that now for you!

Over the years, I realized fear holds people back from blogging and I didn’t want that fear to take over for me.

I’m so thankful that I pushed through my nervousness and moved forward. I’ve gained an incredible creative outlet that has allowed my business to grow and shine and I’ve found “my people”! It’s so great to have been able to have a positive impact on those who are passionate about the same things that I am. And yes… I’ve been able to make money doing it. How crazy is that?!

Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook

But, I didn’t have to do it alone. My gal pal Abby, over at Just a Girl and Her Blog, is a full time blogger and has really nailed it when it comes to helping people start and grow their blogs.

Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook

Even better? The third version of the eBook/course Building a Framework:The Ultimate Blogging Handbook has just been released, which is specifically geared toward helping new bloggers get started.

Framework will play a major role in helping you grow your blog. It will teach you things like how to set up the technical elements, how to start and grow social media channels, how to drive more traffic to your site, work with brands, grow an email list, and much more!

So again, if you have ever toyed with the idea of starting a blog, this is your time. Building a Framework can help you learn the best practices for all of the major areas of blogging so you can be confident that you are starting out on the right foot from day one.

Why not take the guesswork out of getting started?! Don’t just take my word for it, though:

You can learn more about Building a Framework here!

It’s time to push those fears aside and start that blog you’ve been dreaming of! I can’t wait to see what you create!

Disclosure: If you purchase anything from links in this email or others that I send, I may receive some kind of affiliate commission. However, I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not.

comments +

  1. Finally a book made by a blogger who started their blog without the formal training. Thank you for creating this I can’t wait to read it 🙂

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