Home Improvement: The Patio Is *Almost* Complete!

Jul 9

I was anxiously awaiting this specific time on this specific day. Why? Because by now I would have dropped my son off at his first ever sleep-away camp – meaning my jitters would be long gone. (But not my sad-missing-him heart) I’m excited about him getting away with buddies for a week of amazing new experiences, but you know how the drill goes. I’m going to worry and miss him until he is safely back in his own bed next weekend. Now that drop-off is behind me though, I’m breathing easier. I was also excited about this afternoon because I knew I’d have a free couple hours to write a blog post. This time was written in my planner – in ink – and was looking forward to it all week. This little blog is a piece of therapy for me.


So…major progress has been made with the back patio! When I last shared an update the rebar was set and we were awaiting the concrete trucks…


Well, get ready for photo overload! The concrete trucks pulled in one early Saturday morning (sorry, neighbors!) and is now set, the brick path is nearly complete and the new outdoor patio table arrived this morning. All of the chairs are here as well, but safely tucked away in the garage until the dust settles. The brickwork is kicking up quite the red dust storm back here.

Anyway, my concrete contractor and his crew just adore me (ha!)…with my big ol camera lens in their space around 8am…but hey, a project like this needs to be documented…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

I know this is just me, but there is nothing more satisfying and exciting than watching the precision of a concrete pour. Everyone has to work quickly and everyone has a job. It’s fascinating to watch!

We began with the trim concrete (on the right) as well as the new enlarged step out from the french doors…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

Then the large patio was poured, smoothed, lined, textured and so on…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

The deeper section you see if where brick will be placed.

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

I got out of their hair for a bit and returned to concrete that was nearly dry…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

The future garden area was also poured…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete


While the new concrete dried (took about 3-4 days) we continued work on the brick path…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

You can see how we bull-nosed the new step out from the french doors. Love it! Am thinking a pretty planter or 2…

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

This brick is taking sooooooo long to finish. Such precision!

New Outdoor Patio Concrete

Almost there. As I type this post, my contractor is here working on the path a bit more…albeit in 100+ degree temps.

New Outdoor Patio Concrete


Bright and early this morning (I’m talking 7am on a Sunday…and a 6:30am “we’ll be there in 30 minutes” phone call), I met the Pottery Barn delivery team with the new table. The top is concrete so it took a team of 4 to roll it in, assemble and get it upright. But wow!…

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

There’s no better table for this patio…

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

( table )

Love love love this table top!…

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

And the chunky legs look beautiful with the redwood trees along this side of the yard…

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

This table was meant to be! I mentioned in my previous update that I scored to table at 40% off and then added my designer discount on top of it. Saved so much money and am grateful this all came together the way it did.


Since I was outside with my camera, figured I’d also update on another project – the front patio…

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

The 2 chairs that sat here previously were totally weathered and worn. I purchased 2 new chairs and look forward to receiving them this coming week. Nothing better than sitting here to watch the kids play…with a glass of wine. Am on the hunt for a little side table to hold that drink. 🙂

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

The flowers in the driveway have been gorgeous and had to share!

New Pottery Barn Outdoor Table

That’s my update, guys! Hope you have enjoyed following the progress and aren’t annoyed with my sickening amount of photos. Just love journaling the adventures around here – amazing that 4 years ago (this month!) the exterior looked like this!…

This house is definitely loved!

Hope you’re having a relaxing weekend! Back soon with more!

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  1. Ed says:

    Wow! You have a big and beautiful looking property! Love the pool also

    • Samantha says:

      Thank you! This house has come a long way in 4 years…but it’s because I found this hidden gem. It was not a well taken care of property. The previous owners let is go and all of the exterior needed some serious attention…including the pool which was shot and sold “as is”. I’ve taken the projects slowly and one at a time to budget them out. But it’s definitely coming together just as I dreamed it would.

      Thank you so much!!!


  2. Julie Russell says:

    Love your property which looks huge and must seem overwhelming. Of course, you’re an organization guru so you have it under control! Can’t wait to see the finished project. I think you live in my hometown and I love looking at your photos that remind me of home. The table is perfect by the way. I recently purchased a patio table at RH but decided against the concrete too in fear it would be too heavy to move. Wish I could have a redo! Cheers!

    • Samantha says:


      Thank you so much! The property does span and can be overwhelming when my schedule is busy. I do my best when I can…but sometimes kids items are strewn about. What can you do! 🙂

      I can’t wait to finish this project as well…so many fun ideas but I need to save some money or budget them out. Love this table!

      What town is your hometown?? Maybe I do live in it! How fun!


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